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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Very cool Cage setup Suffy!! Thanks for posting this. :-)
  2. Hello Jopalis, It seems to be related to the nail trim, since that is when this issue started. Your Grey cannot recover from hanging upside down and right himself on the perch? He should be able to do so that on his own. Are you certain he is not just doing so, knowing you will come, open the cage and interact with him? Greys can live to 70+ years. He is not "old" and feeble. Here are the closest Avian vets I could find near Castaic: http://www.capriplazapetclinic.com/ http://maps.google.com/maps?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLR,GGLR:2005-47,GGLR:en&um=1&q=avian+vet&near=Burbank,+CA&fb=1&view=text&latlng=14961492818169266341 http://www.thewestvalleybirdsociety.com/Avian_Veterinarians.html Please keep us posted. I hope all is well with your much beloved Grey!!
  3. Tari - This is a great post and brings out many questions anyone considering bringing more parrots home should answer to themselves truthfully. I think you should make this a "Sticky" so it will be in view constantly. Perhaps even change the title to "Multiple Birds Syndrome" since some will not recognize the acronym. :-) Siobha - Great thoughts and responses. It is obvious you thought before you leaped. I am also on the same page with Siobha's comments. I want a B&G Macaw, but I know it would require too much Cage space and attention to truly be the owner of a Grey, a Conure and it. Large Cockatoos of course are completely out of the possibilities. Due to their very needful nature in terms of requiring constant attention. I am getting a Jenday Conure. Why? - 1) because they do not require the attention a Grey does 2) they will flock with other species and enjoy it 3) my existing Conure "Jake" is very friendly to other Parrots and the Jenday would be a welcomed flock member he could interact with 4) My existing Conure cannot interact with my Grey at all, though he tries constantly 5) If, for some reason the previous 4 items were not true, I would keep and love the new Conure regardless and divide time as needed. One serious thought for all, whether they own a Parrot or not. It is a huge responsibility and a multi-decade commitment. You do not buy them like clothes and discard them if you decide it wasn't what you wanted after all.
  4. Hi Guys, We went late last Sunday to our Breeders to check out the new babies they have, specifically the Jendays. We will be bringing one home once they are weaned. Here is a photo of Kim touching one of the Jendays. You can also see that there are two Sun Conure babies also. They are all 4 weeks old. We also interacted with a beautiful Rose Breasted Australian Cockatoo and thought I would share this beautiful fellow at 12 weeks old: I hope to get new photos this weekend of the babies. :-)
  5. danmcq


    LOL - Judy!!! Dave - Your Greys have you trained well, they rip , you pet. :-)
  6. Oh, I misunderstood. You definitely need to get some shut eye. Please let us know how Bobby is doing once your up, around and in contact with the vet. We all love these little guys and everyone else's Grey is just as dear to us as our own. So, night, night and sweet dreams to you both. :-)
  7. Hello Carol, If he is not keeping food down, thats one thing. But if he isn't consuming water, that is a very serious problem and can cause death due to dehydration very rapidly. Does your vet know he has stopped drinking water also? That indicates a very sick grey or any critter for that matter if they will not drink water. I hope all is well with Bobby and that he heals quickly. :-)
  8. Welcome Big_Squishy!! It sounds like you have and are really doing your research on CAGs. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  9. Welcome Carol and Bobby!!! Wow, you've had him 11 years, thats a long time. Sorry to hear he is sick, whats his symptoms? Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  10. Its great to hear from you again Bruce!!!! That is one busy job you have in keeping up with guests lodging. Does Mazy ever see and interact with the guests at times or do you keep her in another room? Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  11. Ok all your beautiful Women, thats enough rubbing in!! ;-) How do you figure 60 years? I thought it was enough punishment for us men, when you decided to demonstrate how painful childbirth was, by pulling our bottom lip up over our heads to share the pain with us. :-) I am taking the smart way, took Kim with me, she sees the babies, falls in love with them and the gets the "Brilliant" idea that we must rescue one of them. ;-) B)
  12. danmcq


    Wow Dave - You said "When a certain color towel is seen, that bird knows it's his turn for the lap but that's the only they asiciate the towel with." What a great idea!! Who would have thought of this but you? We should all think of leveraging the intelligence of our Greys in other ways following this example. Dave - You are Brilliant!!! Betty - Thats great news and sounds like you are taking the right path in building trust and changing behaviour. :-)
  13. Hahahahahahaah this is a hilarious thread!! :laugh: Sorry to laugh at your dilemma Siobha, but you half to admit, it has turned into a zoo call here with Zebras, Hyenas, lions, Tigers and Bears all screaming and laughing at the same time. Welcome to the Jungle .... hmmmmmmm, sounds like a song ;-) B)
  14. Wow Sandra, Merlin sounds like he is becoming a real character and blossoming at the same time under your care. I am envious for your new eclectus. Is it a male or female? Can't wait to see the photos and hear how everything works out. :-)
  15. danmcq


    Yes, they will be a danger in the sense that if flighted, he could try to fly right through them and either cripple or kill himself depending on the speed when hitting the mirror. Some Greys may find small toy type mirrors amusing, other will not.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/05/02 14:00
  16. Oh Talon, I'll bet you wince everytime you look at your windows now. :pinch: But, it's good to see the humor that resulted from it. Does Talon now wear a Black Leather jacket with the collar turned up and walk slouched over? B)
  17. Welcome Leah and Yogi!!! Your right, Yogi will be your new child and believe, you will Love him as if you birthed him. :-) Monday is not far off and I am excited and happy for you. We'll look forward to hearing more and seeing photos!!
  18. Hahahahahaha Talon, shhhhhhhhh ........people are reading this. ;-)
  19. Leaving your Grey flighted is the best path to follow, in my opinion. If that has been working well for you. Dave and others have given great reasons and options for doing so. Clipping a previously flighted effects, some more so than others. It depends entirely upon that particular birds personality.
  20. That sounds like great progress yesterday acappella!! They key does seem to be getting him away from his safety zone, the cage. He seems to be quite the obedient boy when he is out of his safe environment and perhaps you should try capitalizing on that as much as possible. :-) Looking forward to hearing more progress reports and adventures outside.
  21. Sorry to hear your Grey is acting ill. Hopefully the tonic will help until you can get her into a vet.
  22. Welcome Calvin!! Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  23. Welcome Gaevren!!! It seems you and hubby have a great sense of humor, we love that!! :-) Looking forward to hearing more updates on your bomb sniffing parrot, once you get him ;-)
  24. Welcome Pammy!!! Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  25. Welcome Di!!! Great to have you here and looking forward to hearing more from you regarding your new baby grey coming home in July. Are you able to visit at the breeders?
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