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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Uh Oh - Now your boys are in trouble ;-) Congratulatiosn Claire!!
  2. Sounds like normal interaction and Yoda communicating his desires to you. Did you by chance change the aspect ratio of your photo before posting or is Yoda the wide-body species of Grey from Samoa. ;-) :laugh: B) Cool photo and a great looking Grey!!
  3. Great question and great answer. Never noticed that yet, but now knowing its not a life threatening scale eating bacteria, we know how to deal with it. :-) Thanks guys.
  4. Great photos of your Grey outdoors Pixie, thanks for sharing them. :-)
  5. Very cool playstand zandische. You have bragging rights. :-) So let it rip!! B)
  6. Welcome Kenny!! Looking forward to hearing more as the baby choses you and seeing phtots. :-)
  7. Welcome Max!! Great photo of your Grey. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing tons of photos. :-)
  8. LOL Judy - Now you have others doign your dirty, very sneaky. ;-) :-) Thats ok Tari, It very well could have confused someone or even resulted in more comments about the Crazy looking guy in the mirror. :-) Which would detract from the subject matter at hand. B)
  9. Oh Carol, my heart goes out to You, Hubby and Bobby. I truly pray that he will make it. If the vet determines that there is no hope, it might be better to take Bobby to his home and family where he is comfortable and with loved ones, rather than a sterile unfamiliar environment where he can be embraced and loved by those whom he loves. I pray though, that this is not the case and that Bobby pulls through.
  10. LOL SpookyHurst - You gotta be crazy to do things we bird owners do. :-) Tari - I removed the "Crazy Guy" photo and just left the very wet Jake. :-)
  11. Yes, it's the "wet" bird contest, right? I just thought it might be nice to see the difference. :-)
  12. Hi Steph, It sounds like his wings are clipped to short to start with. He should be able to flap down at a 45 degree angle and come to a soft landing. Since he can not do this, I would recommend as Dave stated. Place some type of fall cushioning material like a blanket or large towels around the bottom of the Cage inside and out to insure he does not harm himself. It's good to hear he is getting back to normal today and walking to you when on the floor. He probably got his confidence shaken pretty badly from that long fall and crash. He may even have some sore spots from it. Thanks for clarifying the incident and how he is doing. :-)
  13. Here is Jake, my Peach Front Conure after the bath: <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/05/05 14:44
  14. Carol You wrote: "All that is important to me now is that Bobby gets a little stronger so that he can put up a fight against whatever is wrong." That's the most important singular thing to us also. I am certain I speak for us all in saying so. Secondly, you are important to us. It is times like these we all need a support group that understands the impact of something like this to a Grey owner. The good news is, if he is now receiving nutrition intravenously, he is also receiving fluids. They are the one thing, if not available or injested,that means a quick and certain death to any living creature. We are all rooting for you and your Grey!! :-)
  15. Well Sandra, I am sorry to hear it didn't work out after all. But, it's great you recognized that the Eclectus is waiting for it's true owner of destiny. Guess you'll just need to shower all that stored up love and affection for the Eclectus on Merlin. :-) What a great coincidence to have run into one of our own Forum members! I'll bet that was worth the trip in and of itself.
  16. Carol, never feel sorry about relating your Greys problems to us. We are probably the only ones that understand the relationship and loving bond between a Grey and their family. We care about all Greys and Parrots for that matter and most of also own multiple types of critters we love also. Hopefully that strong dose the new vet gave your Grey will address the gut infection also and help him get back to normal soon. I feel so sorry for your Grey and you and hubby. Looking forward to hearing the update when you have another. :-)
  17. That is great progress Naz!! It sounds like she is wanting a closer and more rewarding relationship also and it will just get better from here on out. :-) I am so happy for you both!!
  18. My Breeder is very busy making more space in another Room for all the babies they have now. They have Suns, Jendays, Amazons, Rose breasted Cockatoos and Greys in Eggs and it seems their B&G Macaws are getting in the mood now too. :-) I was speaking with them earlier and this weekend is a little tight time wise for company and chit-chat. Also, Kim and I have been talking about the timing of introducing another member to our Flock. Jake has really been coming a long way from the wild Conure he was a year and six months ago. He will now walk over and kiss my Nose, preen my Hair and chew holes in my shirts and most amusing, he likes to climb down his cage, grab on to my rear jean pockets and go for a ride. :-) He is still very afraid of hands though, but he has made such huge strides in the last month that we are now re-thinking this. I do not want to bring another Conure in that Jake may buddy up with and decide he does not need to continue pursuing a close relationship with me, as he seems to be doing now since he knows Dayo has no interest in befriending him. Jake sits and watches from afar as Dayo gets snacks, scratches and lots of contact with love and Jake wants that so much it is forcing him to go past his fear to get it. I believe Jake is very close to breaking through the threshold of fear to receive the up-close loving. What do you all think?<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/05/04 00:44
  19. Great photos and story of a Dog/Grey relationship Dave!! :-)
  20. That seems normal to me. My Grey if left in the Cage and we leave the room or don't pay attention to him will try his best to call us over, make his little chirps, best whistles, anything to say "I want to be with You". I don't know of any way to stop them from saying they want out or to be with you. Thats how they communicate. :-)
  21. LOl - Cool photo of Dusty getting ready to rip up your framed picture. :-) Thanks for sharing it.
  22. It depends on your Grey. First you must get them used to the way the harness looks and feels. Just have it out where he can see it, once he's ok with that, let him test the texture by beaking it and then get him used to letting you cover his eyes with your hand stroking it over his head, storing and lifting under the wings, lifting one up at a time etc. The video explains and shows all this. The time period, as you can see, depends on your Grey.
  23. I understand your dilemma regarding needing to chose one now, thanks for clarifying that. At 6 to 7 weeks old, the Greys will be pretty much splotched with some down, few feather and the tail will be about 1/4 inch long. You will not be able to tell much at that stage. They should both look and act pretty much the same and choosing one at this stage is basically just chose one. :-) Do check the feet, number of digits etc. to ensure there are no anomalies. See if they are both equally balanced and that their legs are straight and appropriately strong and functional relative for that young age. They will be stumbling, awkward, beaks up and opening wanting food etc. If one seems lethargic, do not pick it. I feel you excitement and it is wonderful that you can visit often and be the "Second" mommy which will help immensely in the bond that will have developed between you before you ever bring your new Grey home. At least he/she will be with a flock member they trust and have you as a crutch, safety blanket and reassurance from you that all is well in the new cage and surroundings. Looking forward to hearing more from you and don't forget to get photos and post them in our Nursery room. :-)
  24. Welcome Tabby!!! If your Breeder keeps the Greys until 13 weeks, they will be fully feathered and perching. Perhaps I am not reading your post correctly. When you say they are arriving May 6th, do you mean coming out of the nest box and you must chose one at that stage? If at all possible, it would be best to visit the clutch as often as you can and let the Grey chose you. Go ahead and put your money down, but do not chose one right off the bat, unless the breeder requires this for some reason. At 13 weeks, the health of the entire clutch should be very obvious and you should look to the breeder to be the expert judge in this. They will all looking pretty much the same and act like a bunch of babies :-) In fact, most the time, you can not tell "Your Grey" from the pothers just by looking, you will need to check the Tag number for absolute certainty. If you do end up bringing your grey home fully unweaned (not recommended). You must ensure your breeder shows you how to spoon feed him, how much formula to give, the correct temp and how often. This is not something to take lightly. Please check the Food Room, it has a great post on feeding baby greys. There is a ton of information here you should familiarize yourself with in preparation of bringing home a Grey and How to setup the Cage, positioning, bird-safing your house etc. Looking forward to hearing more from you and of course, do not hesitate to ask all the questions you desire. :-)
  25. It's good hear hear Cooper is coming along nicely and of how much you love him. That is fantastic progress. Maybe try posting the photo again. :-)
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