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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Judy - Wheres the love? Talonsis just phoned and said we're good to go B) Roll um now melissa..... <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/05/18 17:32
  2. LOL - Yes Judy 102 degrees...yesterday, today it's going to hit 103 to 104 and then we are supposed to go into a cooling trend by Wednesday and be back to the norm for spring which is 87 to 90. Once summer hits, it will be 105 to 112 through August. Nychsa - A feather project sounds like a great idea. Maybe make a "Dreamcatcher" or somethiing similar. :-)
  3. That is great progress Tycos_mom!! Can't wait to hear how the morning wake-up call went. :-)
  4. Thanks Melissa ;-) I knew you would come through :-) B)
  5. LOL Nychsa, keeping those feathers for the "Feather" fairy? Perhaps Bella will find a few tasty nuts under her pillow in the morning. :-) LoL Judy - No sauce YET B) but, now that you mention it, it is 102 here right, sounds like it's Samuel Adams Red time B)
  6. Welcome Richard!! Nice photos, thanks for sharing them. :-)
  7. Talon wrote: LOL - Promises, Promises ;-) {Feel-good-00020069}
  8. Hi Nyscha!! It's great to see you posting again. :-) I believe all or most the Greys on this Forum are and have been going through a molt beginning back in late February/March. The first molt, which many of us are going through with our baby Greys, is the largest. Resulting in losing all the Down Feathers you have floating all over your house and clouds of them coming from the paper tray when you pull it out (mist before pulling out to avoid this). Then next the larger Feathers start coming out from neck, mid back etc. Then a Tail Feather here and there and then a primary flight feather from one wing and then the other matching feather on the other wing, which keeps flight balanced. It certainly is alarming when you start seeing all those feathers all of a sudden. Dr. Dan's recommendation, is to increase the "Sauce" proportionally, as the feather loss increases to offset the effects it has on your central nervous and mental systems.
  9. Darn it Penny, wheres the love? :laugh: I do hope Talon is progressively getting better each day and is back to normal very soon. Looking forward to hearing the update from you. Talonsis - Did you get my PM regarding how to secretly install a hidden miniature camera? ;-)
  10. Skuffy - There are only 3 ways to have ever sexed a with Grey 100% accuracy: 1) Surgical Sexing 2) DNA testing 3) Two Greys mate, one lays an egg which identifies it as a female and the other is by default a male. The stuff you are mentioning and all other "wives tales" are ..... well...... horse dooky. B)
  11. Jesus Jimmy, you better be sorry!! Now you owe each of us a good photo (about 3000 members) a different photo of your Disney trip. So you better start snapping those photos, you have 3000 to take ;-) Have fun and give us an update when you get back!! :-)
  12. Welcome Sabrina and Kids!!! It's good to hear you and your children enjoy the fun and wonders of owning and interacting with Parrots. :-) Ask all the questions you wish and browse through all the photos, nursery etc. for a good and informative background on Greys and don't forget to check out the Other parrots room also, it has wonderful photos and post of many different species of Parrots that are also wonderful and a joy to have in ones family. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  13. Well, hopefully you can change the settings on your phone to "Silent" mode :-) It's great to have you here!!
  14. Well ajlinva, it's tomorrow!!! :-) Can't wait to hear an update and how you and the new love of your life to be are doing. Oh, don't forget, we require photos immediately for continued membership here ;-) ....... Just kidding, but please do post photos when the dust settles and you have time. :laugh: B)
  15. Welcome Bluemoon!!! It sounds like you have quite a large flock and with the addition of a Grey child you certainly have your hands full. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  16. It's great to hear you purchased the Grey and now have him/her in a loving home that will watch over him as a child of their own. Congratulations on having your first Grey and the beginning of a wonderful life long relationship. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos when you get a chance. :-)
  17. Dayo goes to bed at around 8 - 830 and gets up at 5 - 530 peeping and chirping his little babyish call for his mommy. If we do not remove the cover, he will soon start clangng bells around and bellowing LOUD contact calls, Wolf whistles etc. :-)
  18. Thanks for the update Penny, it is great to hear Talon is responding to the Med's. Does the vet have any reasons for susceptibility to infections? Keep us posted. Now on the lighter side... You wrote " I play peek-a-boo with the towel on both her and I. I then dance and sing with her." I would love to see a video of this. It could be that the "healing" dance you are performing is in reality a "rain-dance" resulting in a slower healing process than you are seeing. Please have your daughter (talonsis) video tape this and we'll all let you know if it is in fact the "Correct" dance after reviewing this ritual.
  19. DNA testing is the only way to truly know the sex of a Grey, barring an egg being laid. DNA testing is only $20, so it's not too terribly expensive. Male Birds also build nest, not just females. It could be your grey just made a nice bed for himself and was very proud of it OR HE could be constructing a "Casbah" to lure you in to as his mate!! :-) B) If you have a chance, it would be cool to see a photo of the nest he built.
  20. Welcome ajlinva!!! It sounds like you are doing all the right things and are putting your homework in on adopting a Grey before bringing him home. That is a great start. :-) The type of interactions you have already had with him, seems to indicate he is well socialized and receptive to meeting and interacting with new people. That is a great attribute for him to have, right off the bat. His Cage is his Home and at this point, a stranger trying to enter and remove him and his reaction in not welcome youinto his safety zone, is not a big deal and somewhat expected. That is something you can overcome with him, through time and patience, if you decide to bring him home. He will first need to become familiar with his new home, surroundings and you before he will really let his "hair" hang down and let the real personality come out in full. Only you can determine if he is right for you and if you have the commitment and patience to overcome anything you may find as time progresses. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/05/16 15:34
  21. Welcome vacationv and Abbey!!! When you say she is you "New" best friend, are you indicating you rescued her and got her from a friend recently? Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos of Abbey when you get a chance. :-)
  22. Welcome Sevi and Edison!!!! It's great that you have decided to become an active member. With the amount of time you have had Edison, I'll bet you have tons to share with us all. Great photo and hopefully you will be able to sneak in a few more when Edison isn't looking. :-)
  23. Ohboy jjcool - It is sad to see such feather plucking activity. There are several topics on this forum regarding regarding feather plucking, possible causes and items that can help, such as Red Palm Oil and misting with 100% Aloe Juice. Here are some links to this topic: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/57890-an-insight-into-plucking.html#58060 http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-welcome-room/55688-plucking.html#56876
  24. Jopalis - I forgot about your greys health issues. Anytime a bird or person has health issues, hot weather, direct sun exposure is never a good idea. Under the umbrella shaded will provide more indirect UVA and UVB in 5 seconds than an indoor lighting setup could provide in 24 hours. Theres just no comparison. So shaded areas are fine. The receive tons of the reflected Full Light spectrum and enjoy "seeing" all of nature in the UVA range. No Bird has sweat glans, healthy birds can take extreme heat and do quite well. They just need the option of moving into a shaded portion of there cage or area you have them in outside. African Greys do not live in "Rain Forests". The Conures, Macaws etc in South America live in the "Rain Forest". Africa is a very HOT dry climate in the zones Greys live in. They do have plenty of trees to shelter in during the peak heat if they get hot though.
  25. You can take them out in direct sun. Just watch them and note if they are over heating. You can tell because they will open there beak a little and keep it that way as they become hot. I normally place my Greys Cage out in the direct sun, he plays for an hour or two, then I roll it so it is 1/2 in the sun and out so he can travel back and forth as he wishes. I live in California too. I take him out mid mornings and bring him in after a few hours depending on the temperature. Here i the San Joaquin Valley, it is already hitting 90 and will soon be in the 1008 to 110 zone. At these higher temps, early morning outside adventures are all they will get. Also, if you are feeding you Grey Red Palm Oil, Foods that contain vitamin D3, calcium etc. The sunlight is not needed purely for Calcium absorption. Hope this helps.
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