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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Oh I am sorry to hear of how attached you have become to the cockatoo and must let him go to a new home. You are such a great person for rescuing all the poor fellows as you do. Just think, where they might be if you did not provide the home, love and looking after them as you do. Unfortunately, this is the heart breaker of rescuing. You do this out of the love in your heart, to help them out and be the bridge to a new and loving home they will blossom in and remain there hopefully for the rest of their lives in happiness and health wise. You have done two good things in this instance, found the cockatoo a great home and made the new owners happy to find a parrot they can love and enjoy. The happiness that will fill their home with the close bond that will take place between the two is something they will both fondly remember you for, the rest or their lives. :-) That's a win-win!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/05/25 14:49
  2. Wastrox, As a continuation from your other post here in training room, regarding all your bay windows and your Grey flying into them. If you cannot bird-safe your windows, then clipping seems like a no brainer to me. Though I prefer to keep my Parrots flighted, I have also made certain that they will not fly into an uncovered window or mirror and break their neck. I g can guarantee you that with dogs and other critters around, it is just a matter of time that your Grey will get spooked and fly as fast as he can through the first available exit from the threat. If that is an apparent open hole in your wall (window), he will fly full speed into it. As others have stated, when getting your Grey clipped, make sure it is done by a Pro that clips so he can gracefully flap down at a 45 degree angle to the floor and land without busting his keel open. Sorry if I sound a little too "in your face", but I do take the safety of our critters very seriously and do not wish to see anyone go through the pain of losing a loved one due to not being informed of serious dangers that exist. :-)
  3. Welcome Tweety!! What a pretty red fronted kakariki you have there. I assume you may be from New Zealand? If not, sorry for the assumption. Grey's are a wonderful addition to anyones family, but in most cases, not a real welcoming bird to species outside their own. Looking forward to hearing more from you in regards your quest to get a a Grey. :-)
  4. Siobha - Oh no, Oisin got your pride too? Now that is an act of such horrendous magnitude in showing lack of love for their Mother and respectfulness, that I can do nothing but grant your request. Welcome as an officer ranking due to your meritorious performance before your family. B)
  5. Those are great photos of your Grey babies. man do those photos bring back wonderful memories of the baby Grey day's. Thanks for posting them. :-)
  6. Shanlung and Carly - Thank you both so much for the depth and wealth of information you have both provided and the great links. Undertaking free-flight is certainly something most should not even think about undertaking, unless they have an experienced professional to oversee, guide and direct the correct steps and processes to ensure safety of both the Bird and the owner. Harness is the only way I will ever take my Parrots outside. As most, I do not have the time, facilities or professionals to ever consider this. You are right in regards the folks over at birdtricks. They are beginners, giving out very dangerous and unprofessional advice. They seem to be making a profit off of begginers, as they themselves are learning at many poeples and others Parrot at the owners expense. Again, thanks for all the Great information. :-)
  7. If the same condition still exists, your Grey needs medical attention. What tests did your vet run? Blood work, stool samples etc.? Is your vet an Avian vet? If not, I would find one ASAP to get your Grey properly treated.
  8. Don't mess with a hormonal females "possible" offs-spring. I learned that as a wee Lad from my Father
  9. Hello wastrox , Clipping is definitely a must in you situation. Flying into windows, mirrors, ceiling fans etc. is a huge danger to any bird and given enough speed, will snap their neck and they will just fall to the floor dead. This happens to young parrots sometimes that are fledging and fly directly into a wall, with too much speed and breaking their neck. They are not experienced enough to know how to put the "Air Brakes" on or bank quickly away before smashing into it. Sorry for being so graphic, but I think the situation lends itself to it. Just ensure the clip is done properly by a professional.
  10. Well Congratulations Raposa!! It's wonderful to hear that Jenna is in love with you, as you are with her. :-) Looking forward to hearing more frequent updates and seeing photos during those "Kodak" moments. Which will occur every 1 or 2 minutes.
  11. LOL Sandra - He loves those verbotens. :-) Yes, he can tell you are laughing when you cover your face, he See's your belly moving. You know how observant these darn Grey's are!!!
  12. Hello Tulip518 and welcome!! You are in a very difficult situation, from what I am reading. Living with your Aunt and family, being considered young and inexperienced by your Aunt is magnifying the issue. I am certain it is frustrating, painful and heart breaking to be treated as the brunt of a joke and inconsiderate attitudes. The others have given expert advice and I can only reinforce the comments of the others and ask that you have your Aunt join this forum so she can talk to others with much more experience than her on Grey behavior and up-bringing. This is a critical time in your Grey's life and will determine how he interacts with others and views the world of humans. It seems you are the wisest at this point in having the sense to search out and find valuable information and advice in relation to your Grey. The Grey is one of the most intelligent Parrots and actually reasons to the point that they display many behaviors you would only expect to see from humans. They analyze every thing in their environment, every sound, every response and then come to conclusions drawn upon the "Cause and Effect" principle. An example of this, is they hear the phone, see you answer it. They put two and two together and pretty soon imitate the phone and expect you to come and get them, as you do the phone. :-) That is just one simplistic example of the Grey's complex and inquisitive personality and mental capabilities, but I think it gets the point across in how your Grey is viewing the present "Cause and Effect" of him biting and your Aunts response. I hope to hear more from you and especially desire to see your Aunt join this Forum. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/05/24 15:20
  13. I am truly sorry for you and Tui, Andrew. Hopefully, your life and Tui's will continue on and at some point be reunited. Words can not be said that have not already been written or spoken. As you have not given up, neither has Tui. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both.
  14. It is unpredictable. If you decide to go forward with getting another Parrot, they must be housed in separate cages and supervised at all times closely when out of their cages together.
  15. Welcome wastrox and cheerio!!! It sounds like you and the new Grey are getting on very well in adjusting to each other. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  16. Welcome Andy!! Thanks for sharing that funny video of your Grey and the belt. :-) Hopefully a way will come through for you and him to be together again. Looking forward to hearing and seeing from from you.
  17. Very cool website. Looking forward to seeing those photos once they are uploaded. :-)
  18. Welcome Joselyn and Gordie!! GreYt to have you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  19. Welcome Lori!! Great to have you here. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos of boudreaux when you get a chance. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/05/23 13:57
  20. Mas - Give the Sitter a "Clip". :evil:
  21. danmcq


    Uh Oh Judy - Now you did it. ;-) B) Siobha - I love your answer to the hair-dresser!! LOL :-)
  22. Yes, I thought teaching our Greys this would be a greYt idea also, after reading this. Duuuaaahh, they can talk!! I can not believe I had not thought of that one. ;-) But, thanks to CNN Japan, we all now have a new aide in helping us better our chances of having our Greys returned, should they ever fly away.
  23. OMG Sameera!! What an ordeal over a bad clip and then the resulting irritation to your Grey. I do hope that surgical removal of feathers resolves the issue and gives some comfort to Zahzu. :-) Aww, the " I want a kiss maw maw" is so touching. I'll bet she feels like a truck ran over her from the after effects of the anesthesia.
  24. Talon - Thanks for the reason and use of the Lacto Plus and vinegar. I and I am certain others will use this this if needed or if our Greys start becoming susceptible to infections. It's does seem Talon has figured out she can get her meds the easy way or the hard. What a VERY smart girl. Must take after her Mommy. :-) It's GreYt to hear things are staring to smooth out and Talon is on the mend. I am also happy I was able to bring a smile to your face. :-)
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