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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Looks like BIG fun. Does she like to spend most her time in the bathroom primping herself? :-) Thanks for sharing these funny photos.
  2. Great photo. Bella looks healthy and beautiful. You do too of course, :-) Thanks for sharing the photo.
  3. Nice photo, thanks for sharing it. I don't know how long the one sided relationship will last though. :-)
  4. Most the time I just enter keywords words in the search forum box and hit ENTER. It will normally come back with the thread you are looking for in the list.
  5. Welcome Goku and Archie!!! It's GreYt having you hear and looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  6. Welcome Cocom!!! What a nice introduction. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  7. This is a highly debated topic as you can see from the link Lovemygreys posted. Each person must make that decision based on #1 safety of the bird, #2 the physical health of the bird #3 the confidence and coordination the bird will gain from being flighted or at least allowed to fully fledge. Of course, most the safety issues depends upon the owner to ensure all mirrors, windows are covered and that doors etc. are kept closed or the bird caged when visitors arrive, especially children that do not think as they play and run out doors leaving them open. :-)
  8. Welcome Kath!! Adaya sounds like a joy to your home. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos when you get a chance.
  9. Congratulations on having Oscar home now Ken!! :-)
  10. Welcome flutterby!! George sounds like a wonderful addition to our family. It seems he is already taking to you and the surroundings. Time and patience with your husband offering treats and just talking gently to George from a distance will help improve the trust issue, hopefully. 37 years is a lot of baggage George brings with him. Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  11. Welcome bommersmom!! Nice having you here and looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  12. Wood screws would be the best to use connecting the Main tree trunk itself to the Base and also for all the branches/perches you wish to add. To mount cups and eyelets for toy hanging, a local hardware store will have all-thread in different lengths that you can drill holes through the perch/branch for mounting the cup. Just note the diameter and thread required for the cups or bowl mounting. Please ensure you use stainless steel hardware for anything left protruding out of the wood that your Parrot can chew on. Zinc, nickel and galvanized hardware can poison them if they chew on it constantly.
  13. danmcq


    Sorry to hear of your Mother and your partners issues possibly with the bird dander. The only real solution is to give him a shower/misting at least 3 times a week and use Aloe Juice in a misting bottle to keep him nice and supple. The other helpful suggestion would be to get and air purifier/humidifier for the living room which will keep the humidity up and also filter out any dander. It's nice having you here. Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  14. LOL Carolyn, what did you expect Mika to do when left with such a temptation? ;-) :laugh:
  15. Very Cool Siobha!! What is the festival in celebration for and how long has it been observed there? Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  16. Hahahahahahaha - I love the "Adventures of Jiggy" the Grey Tormentor. :-)
  17. Hello Rozimon and Welcome!! Most people do not give the specific reason the expectation of a newborn is an excuse to dump their Grey. It could be for financial, space for a crib, time needing to be split between the Grey and new baby etc. The reality is, you can spend time with both and the Grey would view the baby as a new flock member. It may become a little jealous over a new arrival though that receives the same level of love and attention as it. But, it will get over it as long as you include it in your schedule. :-) Only you know your financial, work, living room and available time. A Grey will require atleast 2 to 3 hours a day of your undivided out of cage attention to thrive and remain happy. Also, expect to spend between 50 and a 100 a month on food and toys etc. Also consider that a vet visit could easily cost 300 or more depending on the circumstances.
  18. It's GreYt to hear all is well with Lilo. Sorry to hear of the first rough year though. Splitting open the Keel is a serious issue. Thanks for the update!! :-)
  19. Hi Trust - I did purchase some Palm Nuts from an online store in Utah back in November. They only provide them during the winter months. Once received they need to be washed and then frozen. I just take out 2 each day and feed them when I give Dayo his fruit/veggies. He "Picks" at them, but does not love them as do some other Grey owners Parrots do. Palm Nuts are very hard to get here in the USA. Therefore, almost all of us here on the Forum purchase Red Palm Oil off the Internet and mix in a 1/4 teaspoon of it in there daily foods. I normally mix it in with scrambled eggs, in his bean mix or drip it over some of his pellets. I purchase it at Swanson Vitamins Online: http://www.swansonvitamins.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=10001&langId=-1&catalogId=10051&productId=16591&SourceCode=INTL078&CAWELAID=147455886 It provides the Oils, Omega acids and vitamins A and E which they would normally get in the wild by eating the Palm Nuts.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/07/20 14:49
  20. Trustdace wrote: Trust, Pellets do help to ensure your Grey or other parrots are getting the critical vitamins, minerals and a low fat protien source. In the wild, they forage all day long. The first thing they do in the morning is go to the water hole, drink some water, eat some clay/dirt and feed on the surrouning veggies. They also eat Palm Nuts which gives them plenty of oil, fatty acids etc. When an insect or other opportunity provides itself, they eat those too. They of course eat seeds, fruit, nuts and grains as they happen upon them. With that said, I believe M2MM hit the nail on the head. A widely varied diet of Seed, Fruit, Nuts, Veggies and Pellets will keep your Grey happy and healthy. Remember - There are NO pellets in the wild and they live for 60 + years in the wild. But, you are correct, in stating that someone who has a work schedule that lessens the ability to prepare many varieties of small meals/snacks through out the day. May need to rely more heavily on the pelleted solution. To help ensure your Grey is getting all the neccessary protien, fats, vitamins and minerals needed. It sounds like you are trying very hard to keep your Grey in tip-top shape and provide it with a wide variety of eating experiences of different tastes, textures and beak crushing fun on those seeds and nuts. :-) I truly wish more people would give this kind of careful thought and consideration to the pets they own. You are setting a fine example!!
  21. The first molt is the largest they will ever go through. It lasts many months, as you are experiencing. Basically, every feather will be replaced before this first molt is over. The Tail and Wing feathers are the last to molt out.
  22. Caesar looks like he is right at home with you. Congratulations on your new CAG!! :-)
  23. It sounds like a wonderful visit with your baby CAG sweetfx. Your Grey looks very healthy and happy in the photos. Only a few more days now and you will have your new baby home. :-)
  24. Welcome Bryan, Kim and Loki!!! It's nice when you can go and visit your Grey while a baby at the breeders. The photos are fantastic of him. Looking forward to hearing more from you. Also, to be successful at posting photos, you will need to reduce to a width of 500 pixels. :-)
  25. Kitty^3 - I live in California and paid $950 from a breeder. Are you looking a Pet Stores? $2500 would be an outrgeous price to pay. Unless it came with a huge cage and a 1 karat diamond necklace. ;-)
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