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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Oh who could resist that sweet thing. I love the "jammys". :-) Jesus, shes the size of your hand!! You'll be able to carry her around in your Coat pocket. :woohoo: Thanks for posting your new addition.!!
  2. LOL Dave!! The insanity will definately be continuing here!! You have a GreYt Xmas, New Year and all those other special days this time of year too. :-)
  3. Dave hit the nail on the head, like always. Our Grey does the same thing. :-)
  4. Well Spooky, knowing you for so long, it was no light dicision, I am am certain. If your Dad was getting mad. It's better to keep the peace and not need to worry about your Dad one day just deciding he is sick and tired of the bird and make you get rid of it. Karma back to you, for making tough dicisions, for the right reasons. :-) I always enjoy your posts. :-)
  5. casper wrote: Mulled Hell, I'm drinking it!! Now in all seriousness, it's great that you are experiencing the full joy of having this time off. Fighting the crowds, pushing and getting pushed around. :angry: Stressing over that item they were out of stock on.:pinch: Then having to figure out how you are going to cook all that stuff, that will take 23 hours...if nothing goes wrong. Then having all the family present and you have to look marvelous, well rested and have you happiest face of all season on.:ohmy: Merry Christmas Caroline!! :-) Ho Ho Ho :side:
  6. judygram wrote: Ah yes, Judy the realist. Always bringing me back to reality. Thanks.....I think. :dry:
  7. Welcome JIll and Oliver!! Nice website, videos and store you have there. :-) Want some Dayo Mugs or T-Shirts? ;-) Just kidding. Looking forward to hearing more from you!! :-)
  8. Ah David, it's good to see the power of the "Grey Force" has finally brought you over to the "Other Side". :-) Happy Holidays to you too!! Now for some videos of Shanti.....we always ask for those too. ;-)
  9. Wow, great creation Carolyn!! Now I have a reason to tell Kim why I go to Starbucks so often.....for bird toy parts of course. ;-) Dayo will have one of these in just a few days. I think I own stock and even have some options coming my way from Starbucks. :-)
  10. Awwww, bless their hearts. Look, their all boxed up to be someones Christmas gift. ;-) Thanks for updating their growth weekly. It is wonderful to watch those babies grow. :-) Karma to you Jen!!
  11. danmcq


    Sheila is correct, either direct sunlight or special Avian lighting is needed for a bird indoors for months at a time. You can find many online stores with various types of Avian lighting options.
  12. Very nice shots of Shanti. Thanks for sharing these! :-)
  13. Hi Angel_Aponte and welcome to the Forum!! Do you know if the eggs are fertile? A heat lamp would be a good idea for those cold nights. It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  14. Oh Judy, I do hope you get power back soon. It's terrible back East right now. I really feel for all of you out there with out power. I am home on vacation until Jan 5th. So while Kim's at work, I'm spoiling Dayo rotten and hoping to win him over as my cuddle muffin. :evil: Oh and of course I am doing a lot of the Christmas shopping which is pretty much done now. Also a few "Honey Do's" and just generally having some much needed downtime and time to myself. I know, it's tough, but somebodies gotta do it. Now, back to some peekaboo games with Dayo flying to try and find where I am :woohoo:
  15. A Frenchman was walking down the street one day and saw another Frenchman with an African Grey on his shoulder. So the Man walked up and asked "Where did you get that from"? The Parrot replied "Right Here, There's MILLIONS of them!!".
  16. Hey Pugwash, how can someone start such a nice seasonal topic and get no karma for it?? Great posts from everyone so far!! You've got some coming your way. :-)
  17. Good thread. :-) I warn relatives and guests. After that, they are on their own. If they get bit, I laugh and say "Told You!!" :evil: I also warn them that if they do not want buttons, sweatshirt zippers, pull strings etc. damaged, then do not egg Dayo on on to get on their arm or shoulder.....Do so at there own risk of an expensive shirt or garment getting damaged.
  18. LOL - Good one Spooky!!! Now we have one for Christmas to post annually. :-)
  19. Kit gave good advice. They should definitely have a roof over their heads so they do not get rained upon. Heat lamps work great in outdoor aviaries where breeding pairs are kept. It gets down into the teens here during the winter a few days and stays at a pretty steady of 32 to 39 in early mornings and highs only in the 40's during nov to February. Birds ranging from Macaws, Greys and Conures do fine in the outdoor aviaries as long as they are roofed, have a good nest to crawl into and\or a heat lamp if the need some additional warmth. They acclimate to the temperature outside as it steadily goes down and up during seasonal changes over weeks and months through all the seasons.
  20. danmcq


    Hi Nims - sorry to hear of Indy's fall. Casper is right, a vet visit will give peace of mind and the holiday season is starting in a few days. It would really be a good idea to place throw rugs or something soft around the cage so he won't hit so hard the next time. :-)
  21. Nice and entertaining Video!! I really likes his body language on the hoop to get it rocking. he is quite a character. :-)
  22. Hi Jennifer, If you don't mind my asking, what online company gave you that kind of poor customer service? Believe me, when word of mouth spreads about an experience such as yours from a NMAED website, people start avoiding that site and they either change their ways or slowly go out of business do to that type of poor service and outright theft. I purchase a lot of toy building stuff from Windycityparrot.com. Ant time they do not have the quantity of an item I order. They email back as soon as they start processing the order and 1) Let me know there's an issue 2) Normally offer something similar, most times better and give an additional small quantity for the inconvenience. Now that is good customer service. :-)
  23. Yes, Dayo would bite me severely. Not many greys or any other Parrots, for that matter will take the kind of play you two get into. You are very fortunate to have a Parrot that does not get so into the play, that they think your hand is also a part of the fun or get a little uncomfortable, become scared and decide to end the play session with a bloody bite. It is great to see people that can have that type of interaction with a Parrot. :-)
  24. It sounds like you have been doing everything you can to encourage her to trust you and your hands. Her taking treats and allowing scratches is a very encouraging sign. I know it is not the level of handling you would like, but right now that all she is allowing. I am uncertain how you have been trying to get her to step up, other than offering your hand in a vertical blade fashion that gives a great bite target they can really inflict a bad wound on. Rather than a towel that may be scaring her and damaging the step up trust. Perhaps you could try having her step up on the back of your hand. Go in with your your fist balled up and bent in towards your wrist so the skin on the back of your hand is drawn very tight. Only offer the tight back area of your hand coming up from below her to step up on. If she tries to bite, she will not be able to get any folds or meat and you will feel nothing. Just keep pushing under her and up slightly so she must step up. After you have successfully performed this a few time, she will know when the tight back of the hand is coming, she may as well just step up and get it over with. You can play it by ear from then on by reading her body language if it is ok to just go in with a vertical bladed hand or the back of it. I hope this helps. It may take more than you would like, but it sounds like she is a joy to have, whether she is a cuddle muffin or not. They are still very interactive and add a great amount of interactivity to the family even without being able to be handled alot and spending the majority of there preferred time in the cage. As long as the cage is where the people and action are. :-)
  25. It's good to hear you got into an Avian vet on a Sunday. Sometimes that is just not available. It is also good to hear that the vet thinks it is an injury rather than a more serious issue such as a Tumor. Thanks for the update and looking foward to hearing how Tonks is doing over the next few days. :-)
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