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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Your TAG will blossom, irishchicky. The dog barking is cute and there will be a lot more to come over time. :-)
  2. Oh bless his little heart. What an adorable baby grey. :-)
  3. Yes, I agree that breeding to bring out a genetic defect as seen here in mass red coverage is definitely adding a severe weakness in the genetics of those Greys. We see the same thing in dogs that are bred closely related with genetic mutations that weakens the over all health of the animal. But, as has been said, some try to capitalize on it. I personally also think they are ugly and it diminishes the astaire of the breed.
  4. Dave always gives great advice. I echo his comments. I would walk away from that breeder. The possibility of obtaining a bird that will result in huge vet bills, ultimately death at a very young age and the resulting heartache is just not worth it. That breeder needs a thorough clean out and disinfecting and possibly stop all breeding of a pair if it is isolated to them. I am not heartless, but that breeder is responsible for the humane care and all necessary vet visits, treatments etc. to take care of those birds and provide a permanent home for them unless a home wiling to take on that large responsibility and expense comes along that is fully informed of the issues and costs.
  5. Welcome Bowtie and Timmy! It's wonderful you have given him a forever home. Parrots do make noise and as others have stated, ignore the unpleasant noises and reward with a treat for being quite or a good sound or word. Please research wing clipping carefully. Taking flight away from a bird is a very serious handicap to a creature that was meant to fly and is used to it at 6 years old. It could cause a real change in personality for the worse. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos.
  6. The great news, congratulations on Chico's arrival home. Looking forward to hearing how it's going and seeing some photos. :-)
  7. Welcome Pami, Steve & Lola!!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from. :-)
  8. Welcome Rachel!! It's GreYt having you here. Those are to fine looking baby CAGs. Names are a hard one and I recommend just observing the personality and naming after you get a feel for your new Grey. I prefer African names due to that being their heritage. There are several lists on the web of African names and their meanings. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  9. marilyn wrote: That look is of defiance and maturing just as a young child tries. They act or refuse to do something and then at you and let you know they are serious about having some space. It is alarming at first, but you'll learn to deal with it and give your Grey the space it wishes when you do not need him to move or do something that is not an option. He is still your much loved Grey, just maturing. They do not for the most part, remain baby cuddle muffins, just as human young babies age and slow down on it.:-)
  10. Laurie wrote: Laurie, I would follow what you WANT to do in terms of what you will take in terms of classes. I would get a Masters in Education or special education. Then pursue that path. You may also be able to find an avenue into a special eds program as an assist to get some hands on and fill that hole in your heart to help those special children. :-) Always follow your dream or it will never be found. If you wish to use online classes, university of phoenix has an excellent reputation in the business industry and believe me, they are as tough if not more so than sitting in class. Kim pursued special accounting classes to add to her BS in accounting though them. They are VERY pricey though and we are still paying on that student loan taken out at age 45.....
  11. danmcq

    Low Albumin???

    I would rely on your vets analysis. If your Grey had Liver, Kidney or other organ problems, the blood tests would show more than just an issue with the albumin level. It seems you vet has a plan in place for follow up. I am also positive that the vet advised if you seen any change in stools, weight etc. to bring her in sooner.
  12. Kaedyn is spot on. If it is not bleeding, your Grey will deal with it just fine. I would suspect it is more bothersome, than painful. They cannot stand an unruly feather.
  13. Sorry to hear the sad story of a beautiful sentient beings life cut very short and of your wife's grieving. I hope the new Grey brings joy back into your home and especially to your wife. The loss of one of these special Greys is like losing a first born and you will never forget her. She is still very much a part of your lives and lives on in your wonderful memories of her. Looking forward to hearing how the big surprise went and some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  14. Judy's comments are spot on. Welcome Marilyn!! It's GreYt having you here and hopefully we'll be hearing more from you. :-)
  15. Awww, what a cutey. I sure miss those days. Just can't resist those "Chicks". ;-) Thanks for sharing this photo. :-)
  16. Thats GreYt news! It seems the meds are staring to kick in and do their job. :-)
  17. Raposa wrote: I know your right Raposa, there is no doubt I am as I fret over him constantly. Thanks for you words of wisdom. I also appreciate all the others great words of wisdom and good wishes. Day 5 (Yesterday): - Dayo is pretty much himself now. - Vocalizing,whistling etc. very loudly. - Seemed very perky, happy and playing hard again bashing things around, hanging upside down and attacking them, playing catch with a ball with me etc. - Chasing Jake the Conure from Hell all over the place - Eating like a horse - Scared of the Dobies as Hell and I hope it stays that way. He's not a 100% yet, but very close and it feels good to have "Dayo" back again. :-)
  18. Here is just an idea of what you can find on ebay. note this cage price includes shipping. be careful when buying, because the shipping chagers can sometimes be very high. I am uncertain of how large you are looking for, but this cage for example is a good start on your search. :-) http://cgi.ebay.com/Large-Bird-parrot-Cage-OPEN-Top-macaw-cookatoo-conure_W0QQitemZ380091193456QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item380091193456&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1205%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318%7C301%3A0%7C293%3A2%7C294%3A50
  19. Nice photos of Jackson. Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  20. You're right David, you need to avoid getting it in his eyes, nostrils etc.. If the spray bottle is adjustable (which is the type most of us use), crank it down to more of a stream so you can target his back, under belly, inside the wings, breast and lower neck area better.
  21. danmcq

    Weird attitude

    Yes, as Irishchicky said, she is testing her bounds and letting you know she doesn't want to be picked up or moved yet. When she does bite, tell her NO BITE and take her to her cage immediately then walk out of the room for a while. It may take MANY times. Consistency, time and patience.... :-)
  22. Nice setup! Thanks for posting this. :-)
  23. I work in San Jose, but only weekdays. I commute from Visalia. So the possibility of doing something like that there for me is slim. But, if you contact Mickaboo.com a great rescue organization, which is based in San Jose, they would know if anyone is doing such a thing for hook bill owners. There are a few clubs there, but they are for finch, canary etc. small bird owners/clubs.
  24. Hi David, I purchased the 3001P/7001DX Bird-Stand model scale for around 50 bucks. YOu can easily find it online by entering this model number and text. Regarding the baths. Your doing a superb job. I'm uncertain if your using Aloe Juice though, if not it is recommended at 100% strength and drench him completely. A drenching is only required once or twice a week at most. But, if your grey enjoys splashing around in water, let him do so when he wishes. :-)
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