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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Ok - Doing some research on this Lois...... Here is a petlovers forum post from 2006 she made the same offer: ""loiseliese PetLovers.Com Member Join Date: Jul 2006 Location: Monroe, La. Posts: 3 Military Macaw for trade I would like to trade my 10yr old Military Macaw for an African grey Peaches doesn't like me she needs a new home her cage and accerossies go with her if interested e mail me (hazel) ko5b@bellsouth.net"" - - -The members on that forum asked the same questions we are and they were appalled also!!
  2. Welcome Kim and Flock!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  3. Yeah, Kaedyn is right. This is very odd.
  4. The others gave great advice. Your Grey wil take care of that feather. :-) I love the "I NEED a scratch"!! :-)
  5. Awww how cute Zazu is. :-) Thanks for sharing that.
  6. Hello Siroxius , The others have gave you many god points to consider. One thing you should know also, is a rescue does not adopt out any parrot for free. They mostly require you to take a class or two, interview you, come out to your home and inspect it and want to see the cage in place you have purchased for it. It is only upon their approval of these things, that they will allow you to adopt any parrot. Also, you did not mention if you have any previous experience with parrots. Taking in an adopted parrot is not easy many times and for the most part are not the bundle of joy and love muffin you mat think they are just from seeing a tv show or your friends grey. Each one is different and some are hell on wheels due to the way they were raised or treated in the past. The other thing rescue look at is the adaptor's ability to financially provide a healthy diet, good living conditions and expensive vet bills for checkups or illnesses. A vet checkup can easily hit $300 and if something is wrong can go over a 1000 in the blink of an eye. You really need to consider carefully if you believe you can actually offer a lifelong home and provide for a parrot as a human child would be treated.
  7. You came to the wrong website looking for a person wanting to just trade their Grey for some other parrot. We dearly love our Greys and would never consider such a thought. These and all different species of parrots many of us own are considered a part of our family and are not for sale or trade!!:angry: :angry: :angry:
  8. I wouldn't risk taking my Grey down to Mexico. But, here is a snippet from the website link below: "Birds: Entry or transit of birds is strictly controlled. Only one or two personally owned pet birds may be brought into the U.S.A.. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal Import Centers that contain quarantine facilities for pet birds are located only at the following special ports: Alaska (transit only); Los Angeles, CA; Miami, FL; Mission, TX (only for abandoned or smuggled birds); New York JFK, NY. Note that the U.S. laws restrict the entry of psittacine birds (parrots, parakeets, cockatoos, etc.) to two pet birds per family per year. All pet birds (with certain exceptions for Canadian-origin birds) must be accompanied by a Health Certificate issued within 30 days prior to entry by the national government veterinary office of the country of export and are subject to a minimum 30 day isolation period at a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) operated quarantine facility. An advance reservation must be obtained from the quarantine facility and a deposit of USD 40.- must be paid prior to import. Full details should be obtained well in advance of travel from a U.S. consulate or directly from the Veterinary Services (VS) - APHIS, (301)734-8364 (main phone number for live animal imports) and (301) 734-4704 (main fax number for live animal import) -U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 4700 River Road, Unit 39; Riverdale, MD 20737, U.S.A.; for birds returning to Hawaii, please call the Airport Animal Quarantine Holding Facility at (808) 837-8092 for importation requirements. Warning: Unauthorized importation of birds can result in seizure. Pet birds originally obtained in the U.S.A. and returning to the U.S.A. with the owner are allowed to re-enter without a USDA import permit. The pet bird may be quarantined in the owner's home for the 30-day quarantine period." http://www.iatatravelcentre.com/page/customrules/US/rules.htm
  9. Awww, thats great David, Congratulations!!! Your BOTH beaming with happiness. :-)
  10. danmcq


    LOL Nikki!! :-) It's good to hear Janfromboone had a similar experience and it did not turn out to be an allergy to her Grey. I do hope it is something different in your house causing the allergy, rather than your Grey. It could be something else in your house causing this also, since we all keep our houses closed up pretty well in the winter and everything becomes magnified and concentrated. Please keep us informed of how this progresses and what you find. :-)
  11. Hello Birdgirl, Yes, the CAGs from the Cameroon region are a larger sized family, as you indicate. Though it is not a separate species, it is a family that is larger. Much like human families that run Tall, big boned etc., yet are still the same species. You will need to contact breeders directly and ask regarding the coloring and weight of the breeding pair. If they are running 500 + grams, the chick s will also be larger CAG's. We do have a breeder in this forum that has such larger Greys named Dave007. I am not certain where you live, but maybe he will chime in or contact you via PM. :-)
  12. Welcome Chris and Schrodinger!! Great adoption choice. It is nice to see she is such a loving Grey that was obviously treated good and well taken care of in the past. The handling you are able to do in those photos is something many Grey owners can not do at that age. It's wonderful seeing her feel loved and content in her new home. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  13. I ditto the others "Hoping Ernie is Fine". Please update us. :-)
  14. Bands are all over pthe place when it comes to the numbers stamped in them. I would be great if they would make a federal or state law for proper numbering and ID. Dayos and just 001 because he was and is still #1. There were 6 greys in 2 different clutches and the bands were simply stamped 001 - 006.
  15. danmcq


    Just a couple of thoughts that might help you Niki. 1. Bath/Mist Nikki more often. 2. Get an air filter/humidifier it will help if the room is fairly closed off. 3. Mist the cage bottom with water before you remove the tray to keep dander from flying around as you walk with it. 4. Make sure you have a vacuum cleaner with a Hepa filter so you are not blowing fine dust into your atmosphere when vacuuming. 5. Give Nikki to Me ;-)
  16. Oh that was wonderful. Your a very good pianist and singer!! So we all got two for the viewing of one. Dorian is quite a character and vocal as well. His volume seems to go up with yours. It seems he does not want to be out done by you or the Piano. :-) Thanks for the morning interlude and smile you brought to my face. :-) Karma to you!!
  17. Dayo makes little panting noises and a distinguishable exhale noise and sometimes a little squeak almost indiscernible. The wings do not drop though and he does it when one of us stop giving him scratches and he wants more. Other times, he just takes the scratches and when you stop, he just starts preening or doing something else.
  18. Great idea Acapella!! Ive got a tripod and now maybe I can desensitize Dayo to the camera by using your idea. :-) Karma to You!! Also, thanks to all the others for you kind comments. Next time the words will be hearable. ;-)
  19. danmcq


    I have never had an issue with allergy due to birds dander. It is possible your having some type of reaction in your throat due to it. If it happens every time your at a bird gathering, it is probably linked to Dander. There would certainly be a lot floating around with several birds there fluffing up and creating an airbourne cloud of it.
  20. The others have given great advice and comments. The Greys do love bling - bling so watch that or you'll have a hoop ripped out. :pinch: You can just try having your Grey on your shoulder and see how it behaves. That is the only way to know for sure. I can say Ive had a few nips on and off over time. Nips come when: 1 - They are VERY excited you just got home. Let them chill a while before you allow them on your shoulder. 2 - When someone or something scares them. Their natural reaction is to nip their mate to get them to Clear the area. 3. When they want your attention and your busy reading and posting on a PC. ;-) 4. When your trying to get them off your shoulder and they do not want to come down. 5. When your eating something and they decide they want some. This can be the most dangerous for a lip bite. Be VERY careful in paying attention to their body weight and if you feel it shifting around towards your face, turn your head away so all they get is the back of your head. Some may do this others won't. It just depends on your Grey. That's just a few. Others will probably have a lot more to offer. :-)
  21. Well first of all CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :-) Boy, that's a tough one, hmmmmm I can't think of what I did to solve that problem when I became pregnant...Oh wait, I'm a Man. ;-) I really do not have any experience with this. But, other s may. I can only think of showing Lilo the growing belly and say baby is coming. Let him see the baby move if you have chances. Act happy and excited etc. That may atleast start some type of mental activity on Lilo's part that something is going on and he will perhaps start trying to figure out what that "Something" is. In regards getting a second bird. That could be good or it could backfire. The god part MAY by someone else to have fun with OR it could be an enemy trying take time from you that has already diminished. This is a tough one and no outcome is guaranteed either way you go. Others will have plenty more good thoughts too :-)
  22. Great story Lisa! That's not just mimicry, it is definitely well thought out and intentionally persisted at until Angie responded which included having to knock to get her attention. The the fun of feeding Angie was the fun activity Kenya was able to take part in. A video of that would be great, but I know how hard and near to impossible that is to do. :-)
  23. Hello Kook, I believe you are making a wise decision to give yourself some time to grieve, some time to consider if you want one or two Greys and some time solidify the plan you already started on with bring your new grey(s) home with a vet visit the first thing to do. I have seen the way shops over there and in other countries keep critters of all types. It is a completely different thought process and way of life. Namely those critters are just for a monetary gain and viewed as nothing but an animal for use as anyone may desire to use it for such as eating, using as health remedies derived from various body parts etc. There is no humane considerations in force to monitor such sales and treatment. It is a different world over there and not really much one can do to change the way it is presently without working from the top political powers downwards that are humane and consider animal life important and cherished. You are no bother at all and I would not expect any less emotions than you have displayed along with the mental thought processes that come with that. We have all been there and know how devastating it is. Please just take care of yourself first and then things will all fall back into place in time. God Bless you!! :-)
  24. Great photos of Rexxie. How's he doing with the book reading? ;-) The book is great in my opinion. I couldn't put it down until I finished it. It is a very well written book of her and alexs life together. anks for posting all those great photos. :-)
  25. Hi Sheila, Charlie did that High Five perfectly. Now you know we all want to see more videos!! :-)
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