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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Shannon, Omar and Ozzie!! It sounds like yo uhave a real handful there. Have you owned them since they were babies? Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  2. Wecome Rjhammy and Ash!! I love that photo and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  3. Welcome Dereck! It's great to have you here and looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  4. danmcq


    Uhhhh - Is this the "Musli" you are reffering to? I don't know why you would want to give it to your Greyif so and do not know if it is safe for them either.... ------------------------------------------------------ Uses of Musli ------------------------------------------------------ Dry Safed Musli: A Divya Aushadhi Safed Musli has very good Ayurvedic medicinal use. It is rich source of over 25 alkaloids, vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, steroid, seponins and polysaccharides etc. A number of Health tonics (Sexual tonics) are prepared from Safed Musli. It is essential part of a traditional diet of mothers (after delivery) in the form of Laddoos. Efforts in countries like USA and England are also on to convert it into chips to use it as a nutritious breakfast. Safed Musli is a traditional medicinal plant. Its tubers roots are used in ayurvedic medicines. Roots are used for the preparation of nutritive tonic used in general sexual weakness. There is a vast demand of Safed Musli all over the world. Of late, Pfizer's Viagra has been a sensation all over the world for its aphrodisiac qualities. It has proved to highly useful for people suffering from Erectile Dysfunction. But, as the drug has a chemical base, it has many potential side effects. It is reported to have serious effects on nerves and grave repercussions for cardiac patients. On the other hand, Safed Musli is a safe and effective drug, with similar benefits and without any side-effects. Alive to it, the Gujarat State Forest Development Corporation launched a potency drug by name NAI CHETNA (The Indian Express 1st December 1999) that has been enjoying widespread and increasing acceptance as an alternative to Viagra. Main uses of Safed Musli: For Therapeutic application in Ayurveda, Unani and Allopathy As a Curative for Physical weakness and many illnesses As a Curative for Natal and Post-natal problems As an Aphrodisiac Agent and Vitalizer As an Effective alternative to Viagra As a General Sex tonic As an Immunity-improving drug As a Remedy for Diabetes As a Remedy for Arthritis
  5. :ohmy: Wow, what a joke. ;-) Is your hubby still alive? :evil: :pinch:
  6. Great photos of Casper. Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  7. Wow!! Thats looks like a great jungle-gym that will keep your Grey happily playing all the time. :-) Thanks for posting the photo.
  8. What a beautiful baby TAG, Congratulations!! Looking forward to seeing constant updates with pictures on baby Darwin. They grow so fast you will not believe the difference just one week makes. :-)
  9. Awww, that was a nice video and photos of your new baby Grey Berna. You do know, he/she is the smartest one out of the clutch. Notice how he/she is protecting and hording the formula bottle to himself? not only is it food, but keeps him warm too. That's one very intelligent Grey!! :-) On the replacement boyfriend issue. Just continue to fill your life with those great companion parrots and become a "Mother Berna - Saint and Keeper of Parrots". One is needed in each generation and it seems you've been "Chosen". ;-) Just kidding! :laugh: You can now use your flock to filter out all the "Crap Guys" out there. If your entire flock will not step up or they bite him, kick him to the curb immediately and bring another home for a review by the flock. Once an excepted Man by the flock as a whole is found, that's your Man!! :woohoo:
  10. EdiferiousRex - :ohmy: Did the Macaw come back? Nice story, if it has a happy ending. ;-)
  11. Ok, let me get the old "Trustworthy" Karnak Hat out again....... Yep it is definately a male or a female.... not a morphodite ;-)
  12. Thats good news and the video was great. he certainly did settle right in. :-) Thanks for sharing that. You and Spanky are off to a wonderful time together.
  13. Welcome Shah!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  14. Hi Darth, that was an excellent example showing reasoning and even debating abilities in a Grey. How could you argue or debate that Nicky did not deserve a piece of Apple? :-) Thanks for sharing this unique and interesting conversation Nicky carried on with you sister. I truly hope others share theirs as well. This is really a great thread. Who knows, maybe someone from the scientific community will start following it. ;-)
  15. Dave gave great expert advice as always. One question I have, is did anything change in the last few weeks that upset him or could still be upsetting him? The reason I ask, is it seems he has never plucked for 5 years and now BAM he's plucking like a mad man. Going to the Avian is a very wise decision on your part to insure all is well health wise. Looking forward to any updates you may have on your Grey.
  16. The reason more people have Cags, is mainly due to TAGs not being as available. There are far few breeders of TAGs. One other reason, may be due to the size difference and the bright red tail also. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/02/02 15:53
  17. Welcome Kristina!! It's GreYt to have you here and I hope all works out well with the adoption and your boyfriend does not turn out to be allergic to the Grey. :-) I would hate to see your boyfriend to have to relocate due to it. ;-) Looking forward to hearing how things go.
  18. Welcome Margarett and Dolfe!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  19. Welcome MaceyGrey!! How wonderful that you took this CAG in from a family that was going to just release her. That is almost unbelievable. I can not imagine such an irresponsible owner. But, they exist and thank god somehow you came in contact with them. There is a ton of information on this website. You can find any topic you wish wish to research by simply typing in a few key words in the search Cell on this site. Also, we are more than happy to answer any questions you may have. I'm sure you have a ton of them. :-) It's GreYt having you here and if that grey in your Avatar is Macey, she's one fine looking CAG. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some more photos when you get a chance.
  20. Well, right now from your description of your newly adopted grey and it's present condition. I would not worry about the shyness at this time. First it needs to become comfortable with it's new home, cage and family. It also may have underlying health issues such as maybe something as simple as nutrition and a proper diet which I am certain you are going to provide. Let your Grey settle in for days or weeks and get to where it feels safe first of all. Sit next tot he cage and talk to him/her, read, watch tv, offer treats by hand etc. to build trust and security. As the trust builds, so will the confidence in exploring more. Although you should be aware that most Greys are very cautious of anything new such as toys or anything else that may be introduced in close proximity to them. It will all come together for you and her/him over time. It will just take tons of patience and love in bringing this Grey to a level you and he/she will enjoy each others company, home and family. :-)
  21. danmcq


    Hi cusita03, Your Grey definitely needs to see the vet again ASAP, as others here have said. From the change in condition you are describing, it is definitely a 911 to get a hold of your vet or another facility open on this weekend that has good knowledge of Parrots and how to treat them. Please update us when you get a chance. :-)
  22. danmcq


    Thats good news on the test results Matt. Thanks for posting them. Adding full-spectrum lighting would certainly help with any D3 production and they also assist in maintaining a normalized circadian clock within their system that as with humans has a huge effect on overall health. Molts are actually affected by the hours of Daylight they receive as is hormone production etc. In regards temperature for your Grey. The Congo, as you said is an equatorial region in Africa. The present temperature is 85 with a humidity of 44% today in February! This is just one region more westward towards Cameroon. The link to this weather is http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/64210.html Also, here is a history section maintain on this site which I selected June 2008 for what the normal and record temperatures were : http://www.wunderground.com/history/airport/FZAA/2008/6/1/DailyHistory.html?req_city=NA&req_state=NA&req_statename=NA As you can see, these Greys live in a pretty hot and humid environment in the wild. Now in regards what we provide to our Greys in a human environments. I believe the key is just maintaining a normalized temperature range in the summer and winter in our homes that of course mimic slightly the shifts in temperature outside. For example, in our home the temperature in the summer is maintained between 78 and 82 inside during the day and dropped down to 72 at night for a fairly comfortable sleeping temperature. In the winter, we keep our home at 73 in the day and lower to 68 at night. I am of course certain that this varies from home to home depending on the region of the US people live in. These Parrots are very adaptable and can actually adapt very well to the extreme swings of summer to winter temperatures living outside in Aviaries that go from a high of 100 in summer to a low of freezing in the winter. You wil often find that Breeders have their aviaries outdoors, covered of course but not heated or air conditioned and the Parrots thrive. I do hope you r vet has an answer and treatment soon to get your much loved TAG back to normal. :-)
  23. I am so sorry to hear that Molly is getting off to such a rough start at only 6 months old now, I believe. For such a young baby to start plucking probably is from the irritation of a very bad clip as you and your Vet suspect. Dave as always has given his expert advice through past experience in rehabilitating a severe plucker. I do hope that all the items you have have been given by your vet and Dave to try/do will help out as this long journey begins in getting your baby back to a fully feathered state. Knowing how a grey will pick and preen just one feather that is out of place or perhaps slightly damaged. I can only imagine how they must feel from the irritation caused from a very bad clip. Maybe the aloe misting regularly and toys/chew items to keep your greys mind off the irritating and uncomfortable feeling from those feathers, will help keep her mind off enough of the time to help stop such obsessive behaviour before it becomes a habit hard to break. Becoming flighted, will certainly be a BIG help in stopping this behaviour. But, that will be months off as Dave said. My Best wishes to you and Molly on this daunting task. :-)
  24. LOL Lilosmom - Thats hilarious. It's almost as if he was letting everyone know he was leaving the stage for a second and would return in short order. :-)
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