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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Dave is spot on as always. If you don't have a cement perch or two in the cage. You should add one. They will help keep the nails trimmed down once you have them initially trimmed and will of course help right now a little. Another side note: If you haven't already had a wellness check performed on your Grey by an Avian Vet, you should have it done. While there, have the nails trimmed. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/11/10 15:11
  2. Welcome CaptainJack!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  3. danmcq

    free fly time

    Wow those two Greys are certainly following the Human Flock example. He's Hen plucked too. Sorry Jamal, I just couldn't resist. B)
  4. Awww, he's fledging still Dee. :-) He will gain coordination, flight skills that will amaze you and learn targeting perching places to an accuracy we could only dream of. How do you think Dayo learned the words "Careful" "Wooooo" and "WhooOooaaaa"? It was from all the times he heard it when he crashed and burned. Can't wait to hear more stories and see tons of photos and videos!!!!
  5. danmcq

    free fly time

    LOL Jamal, well all righty then!! :-) Please stop using the forum faces too. In respect of your cultural custom of not posting "Images". :side:
  6. danmcq

    free fly time

    Hi Jamal - I moved this to the correct area. A few hours of "Free Fly" time is fine. However, since they are flighted, does this mean they are in their cage the other 22 hours? I understand of course, if they may attack your wife or children. Then you would need to keep them caged when they are present.
  7. I can not find any specifications on the spiralux bulb you purchased. Did the box have the percent of UVA and UVB on it? Also, as others said, it is best to direct it downwards to simulate natural light and so it is not shining directly into your birds eyes. At only 20 watts, you can run it for as many hours as you wish each day. I built my own fixtures for use with long tube fluorescents of 36 watts each. So effectively each fixture is a 72 watt output and run them 12 hours every day over each of my cages.
  8. danmcq

    orange foot?

    Hey, you could leveage this to your advantage, fashion wise. Just give your grey items to eat so the Talon will match the color your wearing that day.
  9. Hahahahahahahaha, thanks for sharing the Bite Me Shirt and decal you have for his travel cage. :-) You are definitely prepared!!
  10. Thanks for posting this. We must never forget what our forefathers have done so we can enjoy the freedoms we have today. Also, it is very fitting to recognize those who are serving for that very same reason today on active duty.
  11. Awwwww, congratulations on that endearing first sentence.!!! Thanks for sharing this exciting time with us. :-)
  12. Something is scaring your Grey. Has anything about you changed like, haircut, way your combing it, perhaps wild shirt on, something new in the room etc? That growl indicates they are afraid. The trembling feathers also indicate he is afraid. Your Grey will be fine, once you figure out what it is. :-)
  13. Dayo pants, which almost sounds like a baby human that looking for the breast when its feeding. He only does this for Kim. It is a very endearing sound. Not sure if thats what you are describing or not.
  14. She is spot on as always. :-) Your Grey is a baby in all sense of the word. Coordination, balance and good judgement on distances all come with experience and playing. Actually for the body size, Grey's have proportionally small feet. So, you can not prevent him from doing that, just as you can not prevent a child from falling due to errors in judgement and lack of complete coordination.
  15. Congratulations Dee on Juno's final landing at your home!!!! :-) he is a fine looking Grey and looks like he has plenty to keep him busy in the cage when your not available. Looking forward to hearing and seeing tons more!!!
  16. What a good looking Grey. He seems enthralled with you and the attention. :-) It does appear he is completely blind in that eye. Hopefully the vet will be able to determine exactly what has caused this. Did you have any luck getting a number for the previous owner? It's wonderful you have already picked up on using his intelligence to warn of your hand coming from the blind side. I'm positive he appreciates that deeply as well. Thanks for getting the photo links active again. :-)
  17. Yeeee Haaawwww!!! Round up the wagons!!! :-)
  18. udannefitz wrote: The others have given good advice and comments. You are working with 3 different dynamics here: 1. Your Grey now has a will of his own and is trying to exercise it. 2. You are the favored and thus receive less bites and more compliance. 3. The less favored ones receive more bites and they will become harder due to their less loved status. This will remain true forever, unless he changes favorites. With that established, now you need to deal with this on a case by case basis. What I mean by this, is there are times a step-up MUST happen and there are times you just asking. If it's a must, demand the step-up in a no nonsense voice and body language. If it's a non-required step-up request, change your voice to a normal question. Your Grey will quickly learn the difference in your tone and body language. The less confusing signals you give you Grey, the better. As others said, you must learn your Greys body language, so you know a bite is coming before your hand ever gets that close. If it is a MUST DO step-up, ball your fist, bend in inwards and go forward with the tight back of hand exposed only as you say in a stern voice Step-Up. he will learn he can not bite your hand and will just step-up after a few times of this. Others have mentioned using a perch. This is a good idea, if they will do it. Our Grey will start running or flying the minute he see's a perch coming his way. Only you can determine if your grey will except it or not. Also, as others mentioned. Always praised them for compliance, whether they did so willingly or not once you have them where your going. Or even just for stepping up as you walk along with them. I have found that if I start praising my Grey as I approach, his mood and thinking changes to being much less aggressive. They all love praise and that happy voice and face they see and are familiar with. Hope you have success in getting this issue back under control and at a level that you both understand each other. :-)
  19. There are 2 videos at this site of Greys in the wild. There are also some photos well as you browse around. http://www.arkive.org/african-grey-parrot/psittacus-erithacus/video-00.html Enjoy!!
  20. Shoot, I missed the photos. The links are not working.
  21. Thats good news Judy!! I am certain with the love and care you are providing for Josey, it WILL happen!! :cheer:
  22. bradselig wrote: I hope they can do that for you. I have no doubt that it broke the owners heart to let him go and they probably fret over his future life. I know I do and would in that situation. :-) They will be able to pass on volumes of his life to you that will prove invaluable to you and your Greys future happiness. Praying this happens!!! :-)
  23. That is hilrious.......OY!!!!! Thanks for sharing this with us. :-)
  24. GreYt videos of Bismark. he is certainly a Grey with a GreYt personality. :-) Thanks for sharing these videos with us!!
  25. Welcome and Scooter!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) I hope when the time comes that we must find our Grey a new and qualified "forever home" as we come close to passing on, that they will agree to take him unconditionally and provide all the freedom we have and love. If they won't, we will keep searching until that correct person is found. I have also prepared a journal of his life, that includes how he was raised and what he expects and how he interacts according to the world and people he knows. That Grey is a wonderful bird that has obviously been loved dearly and treated as a family member. You are lucky to have found such a well trained and friendly bird. If you find it in yourself to love him unconditionally. The affected eye would become invisible to you. That grey will get along just fine whether the eye needs treatment or possibly he becomes blind in it. I certainly would recommend taking him to a vet and have it checked out. The earlier something is addressed, the better the outcome. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
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