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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. The key is targeting where you want your grey to go Poop. Instead of outside, place him on a T-Stand you may have or other place you wish him to go and give the "Go Poop" command. You should start this with his first morning poop when he needs to go the most urgently. Once he gets this down, he will wait until you take him to where his "Pooping Station" is and go. They will go eventually in their cage. They can only hold it so long. My grey does not like pooping in his cage either. But, if we do not let him out early enough he will go.
  2. danmcq


    Dayo damages tail feathers playing at times. Then they come out sooner or later. One thing I have noted: Birds ARE the professionals in feather preening and care. In most cases, no human intervention is needed. Just sit and worry as most of us do until you see a shiny new one come back in. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/12/04 16:03
  3. danmcq


    Jane gave GreYt advice. One thing you also have working against you, is he is going into the "Terrible Two's". They are trying to exercise their independence and they have learned the surprise bite game during their first 2 years. My grey will sometimes reach for the treat and nail me. When this happens, the best thing to NOT do is yank back your hand and drop the treat. If you do, they just got their reward...BIG FUN surprise bite game. :-) As Jane said, they do love praise and various treats, but it will not stop the surprise bites. You can slow them down and also learn your greys body language, especially his eyes pinning when he's about to bite. But, they are very quick and when you already have your hand right near them, we are not normally fast enough to avoid the bite. Your are doing great in your patience and consistency with how you are working with him. :-) Just keep it up and know that at 2 he is going to be a hand full for possibly the entire next year. The most important thing is, as you are doing. You stay consistent letting him know what is and is not acceptable behaviour with the flock.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/12/04 15:33
  4. I'm of the same mind as Casper. Visit both and see if a connection is made. It is always best if you can let the grey pick you. :-)
  5. Wise observance. :-) I guess it as with all businesses wanting to make money. They don't care about the possible side effects. They just want your money. :-(
  6. All parrots throw food out of bowls. They will do it with their beak and also sometimes pick up a talon full and just toss it. Most often it is food they are not interested in and want it out of the way so they can get to what they want. Sometimes, it is just something to go. :-) The hand taming will come with time and patience as you build trust with your Grey. Give it treats etc. :-)
  7. GreYt iron will Pat! You can't take in every birdy in need of rescue on the planet. :-)
  8. Awwwww, cute bathing pictures on Ana Grey. :-) You are lucky she enjoys a good bath. It is always a "Must Do" in my house with Dayo running around his cge from the evil misting bottle. He is willing to get in a pie pan on his own. But, will only get his breast a little wet, then calls it good.
  9. Yes, those prickely pins all over their body do cause irritation and thus the nipping at times.
  10. danmcq

    Over Eating?

    All parrots chew on food and throw it about all day long. I would estimate 80% of the food you see gone was not eaten. It was chewed on a little and tossed or as pellets are concerned, they break in to smaller pieces and then they grab another whole pellet. At 14 weeks he should be rather plump from all the feedings. They need as much as they can hold when growing at the super accelerated rate compared to humans. They basically go from chick to full grown in about 16 weeks. One thing to note. Your grey at such a young age has not fledged. They will automatically start reducing the amount they eat to lose weight and make flight easier. That is an instinct that all birds go through. As others have said, take a weight after the the first big poop in the morning. This will give you a running average. When they are fledging, they can lose 30 to 50 grams during so. Then they will slowly gain it back over the next months.
  11. Yes.... I was just messing with your head.
  12. danmcq

    Riddles Anyone?

    Stuff the fox in the corn bag...take it across...the go back and get the chicken.
  13. GreYt news on Alfie!! In regards the Cockatiel - She's just trying to sucker it in for a good beaking. 32" wingspan, are you sure she is not a baby condor?
  14. Amen! If you must physically deformed any critter to keep it in your home. Do not get one. Let it go to a home that will honor the critters god given attributes that keep it safe, happy and not handicapped.
  15. Well now the water bowl is certainly innovative!! :-) I have used a scale since the beginning with a wood perch attached to it that stands about 6 inches above the scale. I suppose it just seemed like a natural perch to Dayo, so he stepped up on it from day one.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/12/01 20:33
  16. Great poem and thoughts. This always a time of a year many of us reflect upon life, friends, loved ones, mistakes and successes. I really wish it could be "Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all". But presently it is not. So it is good to think of those that are helping to battle the evil that seeks to take joy and peace away. Putting their lives on the line for our protection and freedom. This is a good thread. Thanks for starting it.
  17. Oh boy, it is much harder to keep a flighted bird off ones shoulder. It will take many dismounts before he decides it's a no win for him. They are as head strong as a mule. It sounds like you have worked out a methodology that is effective in removing him. If possible, it would be quicker understood if you could get your arm up in time for it to be the target, rather than your shoulder. This really boils down to targeting and changing what he is targeting as the stable perch. At least thats the theory. :-) But, try to avoid the flips.
  18. Happy Hatchday kea and a merry Christmas too!! Don't you just hate it when others destroy YOUR toys. :evil: Then they may have bit your foot as well? I think Santa is going to bring you things that will make you forget all about this incident and of course all the love your mommy gives you makes it feel better too. :-)
  19. Loved the videos!! Merry Xmas and tell the dog it can participate too. Sunny just thinks all the presents are for her.... Thanks for sharing these.
  20. What a GreYt way to spend your Birthday. :-) Ecko certainly made out as well from the looks of those photos and the video of him was fun watching him go through his sound effects and words. Thanks for sharing this with us.
  21. Oh God, I have got to stop reading the emails from the forums. I laughed out loud here in my office and am positive the entire company heard it. What a character you have for a Grey. I love it!! Keep the Juno updates coming Dee!!!! You painted a wonderful mental picture of that "going in hot" to the cage and the perfect flip over the arm with a 10.0 landing on the lap beautifully.
  22. katana600 wrote: LOL Dee! I did that just to see if anyone was actually reading the headers. Of course, I do like to get a jab in every once in a while to balance out the man bashing. ;-)
  23. GreYt photo of the Grey Gang. :-) Thanks for sharing this very rare shot.
  24. Mmmmmmmm, sounds GreYt. Look at those closed eyes of total bliss. :-)
  25. Thats wonderful news on the graduation to cage and Camilla already nesting!! :-) Looking for that webcam this morning and it's a no-go. Can't wait to watch the babies learn to perch and climb.
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