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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. OoooooH lets see..... A Keyboard. PC Speaker wire chewed through. Refrigerator door seal chewed holes in it. Fortunately it was old and gave us a good reason to purchase a new one. Lamp shade he bit a hole through. Bit through the strings on one swet of wood slatted blinds and cracked a few...we replaced it. Two remotes are missing a few buttons. Fortunately, the buttons he took were not used. Cell Phone holster chewed to pieces. Phone cord bitten through...hey how come we lost phone and internet????? Duuuaaaahhhhhh after you find the chewed through cord. Smoke detector housing was chewed on and cracked...bought a new one. Chewed through a harness lease, fortunately in the house. A billion toys have been chewed to sawdust. Dress shirt buttons...he loves those things. I must take any shirt with buttons off before allowing dayo on me. Theres a lot more. But, now I'm depressed and must stop to cry over my broken chewed up stuff....
  2. Fresca - As others have said. It sounds like your grey is plucking. You have another post about this as well asking if it's plucking or molting. Dave007 answer it with excellent advice on bathing, misting, humidity etc. I would advise you to take this information seriously or you may well end up with a bare bird, which is a very sad thing to happen. How long has it been since you had an avian vet visit? Besides all the items Dave007 listed as things you need to do for your grey at least 2 or 3 times a week. An illness could also be the underlying cause for plucking.
  3. The others all gave excellent advice. One thing you might try with the nails. We used to use a dremel and it was always a minor struggle to get it done and did stress our grey. My wife was using an emery board on her nails one night while Dayo was sitting on her. I suppose it looks like a large pop-sickly stick to him and he kept try to clamp down on it, rubbed his head on etc. Thats when my wife had an epiphany. Lets see what he does if she tries to file his nails with it. He enjoyed it and still does. Now my wife just files the needle point tips off when they get to puncturing our skin. It's a good experience for both the bird and owners. :-) My Grey has a cement perch as well. It has been in his cage for over 2 years. He really gets on it and thus renders it purpose useless other than for occasionally perching on it. I did find that hanging toys he loves over that cement perch made him stand on it to grab and bang on the toy. But, that was still not enough perch time to keep the nails filed down.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/12/13 17:53
  4. Ipo sounds like a wonderful Grey that has been loved and cared for by a very connected owner. It is GreYt that you two have become friends during this time and that means she could come and visit or hear updates from you if she so desires. I look forward to hearing more as this progresses. :-)
  5. P77 - Thanks for the link. It was an interesting read. :-)
  6. He sounds like a normal Grey entertaining himself. Thats a GreYt flashlight holder you have there. He will turn out very useful when your working in a dark place. Thanks for sharing the video.
  7. Very entertaining Jill. I am shocked Santa was not impressed by the Grey's bright Red tail. :-) I guess the dive bombing and austerity of the Grey just did not sit well with old saint nick. I can't wait to hear what happens next year at that house.
  8. It's GreYt to see a grey actually enjoying a good misting and wanting to become even more drenched. What a cute video. Thanks for sharing it. :-)
  9. Hi Char!! Whisper sounds like a very happy and talkative 2 year old.....Congratulations!! You have been missed! It's totally understandable why your time is limited. But I would sure love to hear of her antics and see some videos when you get a chance. :-) Thanks for the update and I hope to hear from you more often as things get more normalized. :-)
  10. Just time and patience is what it will take. It seems perhaps you were the "Evil Guy" that took him from his flock and then even trying to transfer him to a different home and cage. It sounds like he has all the interactions going on with others that he does not view as a threat any longer. Just stay out of his "Space" and always approach with a "Treat" peace offering to get him to come to you. I know it's hard and you love him to death. But, it is going to take time. :-)
  11. We all know the "Greys" are aliens and that they have been visiting this planet for 1000's of years. These are just the small package they knew would find their way into our hearts and of course our homes. Jill - You can't speak grey yet? I am shocked! :ohmy: No wonder Harvey is getting frustrated. After all, he has learned human. I whistle back at Dayo as well when he contact calls once I walk out of sight. That way he knows I have not left the premises. If I don't answer he does aerial surveillance until he finds me..... sometimes in certain rooms I need to do private business in.
  12. I think there are a lot of things going on in the "Mix". They have proven that carotenoids can play a role in the coloring, as already stated. However, I believe the bulk of the "Red Factor" is genetics. The flock Dayo came from and the other flock he grew up with from different mates all had red factor in varying degrees. Dayo had a few near his rump and all those molted out, except one that came back in red right over his preen gland. The other chicks, with one in particular having at least 50 % of breast feathers red. Also molted out almost all the red on first molt. Selective breeding has been done and resulted in the "Red" African Greys. However, in questioning the breeder what the long term health issues may be in carefully controlling the gene pool would have. He had no definitive answer yet due to them all being fairly young, considering their decades long normal life span. This "Red" stray gene floating around is probably common in both Cags and Tags. However, I agree with Dave. That the two species do not "Mix" in the natural world according to observances of the two species. It may be akin to polar bears breeding with grizzlies. It has only occurred once and that was just in the last few years. Scientists believe that occurred to the lack of food, dwindling polar bear numbers and food supply. Then add one lonely and lost grizzly to t he mix and BAM, it happened. The sad part of this story though. Is a hunter shot and made a trophy out of the only one known to exist, that could have been a bridge between species that would help the polar bears survive the melting ice pack and food shortage. The same MAY happen very rarely in the wild. Who Knows? But, when you have breeders in the mix trying different things to create a "Special" breed. It is hard to know what gene may be floating around in some of the Greys including both Cags and Tags.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/12/11 20:48
  13. GreyWings - Didn't you guys get snow in the gulf coast a few days ago? I'll bet that kind of weather shift did throw them into a tail spin. :-)
  14. GreYt ideas for emergency carriers Julie!! Karma to Greywings for the addition of a smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector . Thanks for posting this. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/12/10 16:12
  15. Congratulations on bring your new baby grey home. The photos are GreYt and he's a fine looking baby Grey. The mental image of you and he spending quality "PC" time is a dear one. It sounds like he has taken quickly to the new home and parront. He is doing eberything a baby grey does. Looking forward to more photos and updates. :-)
  16. Congratulations! How are things going with your new baby grey now? :-)
  17. Congratulations on bringing the new baby home. As others have already said, just take it slow and gentle. Your baby will come around. Do any of the women in the house interact with him at all? If so, does he seem more willing to accept a step-up from them? If so, then leverage that to build on the behaviour and socializing with more people. :-)
  18. Thats good to hear. GreYT photo and nice looking baby grey. Thanks for posting this. :-)
  19. The others have all given GreYt advice and thoughts. The only thing I would add. Is to try and give the idea of moving her to the room your husband is in most the time. Do this and see how it goes after a few weeks. Clipping shouhd be the last alternative and would not chage the present resentment towards your hubby. She would just wait until the opportunity arose and bite him anyway. I have a conure, suspected wild caught. It puts up with me, but loves my wife as does our Grey. There were times when I would come home, Jake the conure would fly straight at the side of my head and start biting. After I knew this was going to happen. I was prepared and just gentley swatted him away BEFORE he got to my head. The behaviour stopped very quickly. Now he will just scream and glare at me when I first walk in. Afterwards, he will take treats from my hand. :-)
  20. Cute photo! Does he cuddle up next to it in his cage? Thanks for sharing the photo. :-)
  21. Congratulations on adopting this grey in need of a good home. Looking forward to hearing how the homecoming went and if you gleaned more information from the groomer. :-)
  22. JillyBeanz wrote: Probably the Pterodactyl mood. Hope not, but I live in the real world...... well most the time.
  23. I haven't. Dayo HATES water. He would be a biting hissing maniac until I got him back inside. :pinch:
  24. Welcome Drew. If your grey was "weaned" before picking him up, he would have no problem eating or drinkin from a bowl. How old is he and was he still being fed formula once or so a day at th breeders? Also, you should ask the breeder what types of food the baby was eating.
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