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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq


    Some Greys and other parrots for that matter will still welcome a hand feeding once a day and may want to continue it as long as you have him or her. It is a nice intimate time you and your parrot have together as an act of love. Why not enjoy it with him? It has nothing to do with not being weaned, which he has been for months. We continued to offer hand feedings in the evening to Dayo until he just got to where he would ignore it, which was at about 6 months old.
  2. Yes, Dayo enjoys trying to torment Jake and let him know that everything in the house is HIS!
  3. Thanks for the update and the brief intro of you and Buster. Having had Buster for 15 years, I have no doubt you have a TON to share about him. WE all love reading about other Greys and also meeting new people that have common interests like the members here. If you have photos, videos or just general comments on his personality, quirks and habits it would be wonderful to to read.
  4. All I can say, is the forbidden fruit is going to be the first thing your grey will try to get to every moment of her breathing life. Once they get a hold of one such forbidden item, good luck as you chase them around trying to get it back. It does not matter if you have the largest arena of chew toys or anything else (Of course they are a must have).
  5. If in doubt, a vet is in first order. How long have you had this grey? It's greyt having you here and I hope to hear updates on this thread and more about you when you get a chance.
  6. Very cute! I can picture it mentally through the detailed description you gave. Each grey is different. I hope yours remains a cuddle muffin forever. It is just so endearing when they do.
  7. Welcome fnadeem27, it's GreYt having you here! :-) That is a normal scratching behavior for greys. It is thought to be connected to foraging as you see them do in the wild and also nest cleaning of poop out of the way. Why don't you go to our introduction room and introduce yourself so all will know we have a new member?
  8. LOL! Yes Dayo says Oops when appropriate and if he actually almost falls and has to "Save" himself will say "Be careful Dayo". These Greys are far beyond what most people think in the intelligence department. He now picks up new words in 1 or two days. For example, our newest grand daughter named "Dakota" was down 2 weeks ago. Dayo was enthralled with that wee 13 month old human that could walk a little, fall then crawl around the floor. I told him several times that "Dakota" was a baby and to be careful. The next afternoon, he would look at her from above and say "Dakota". He still talks about her almost everyday. I stopped counting his words and sentences about a year ago at 300 +.
  9. I guess he does sound like me. I let him and jake get most their piss and vinegar out in the mornings and also give them time to eat their veggies I make for them. I take them out at lunch time and they are happy to sit behind me on the large tree stand eat, groom and stare out the window. No problems with whistles and loud squawks in the afternoons.
  10. I can normally somewhat hear him from my Office when he is chatting. I had to move my roll top desk and all my PC, Modems, Routers, Office etc. to a bedroom I turned into an office. A few customers had complained about hearing parrots in the background.... Any way, here is the video I shot by placing the camera on the counter when I walked away to my Office....
  11. What a perfect ending to the search for a loving owner. Robin, you and hubby have huge hearts and I have no doubt Yoshi will be happy in your home with your flock. Please keep us update as the rehoming progresses and the flock become "One".
  12. Shanlung, I always appreciate your candidness and great write ups of the lessons learned. Something I have learned through contact with many free flight groups. Greys are not a bird with the correct mentality to free flight. They are just too neurotic to be trusted in most cases. I do know a person that has owned a grey for 17 years that takes his flighted grey with him everywhere he goes without a harness and that grey takes unexpected loud bangs and strange territory with no seeming alerts or nervousness. But, that grey is the exception, not the norm..Macaws and Conures are what seem to be the most reliable birds in free flying, from I have have gleaned from very experienced free flight professionals.
  13. Sad but common on those sites like Craigs list. As already mentioned, some people just have no respect for the sentient being THEY chose to bring home.
  14. Oh yeah, BIG FUN!!! They love shredding stuff.
  15. Timmy is a beauty! Thanks for sharing these photos.
  16. Awww, they are so cute with their antics when infants.
  17. Indeed, that is the reason they bite when we do not recognize their body language warning us they are not going to comply.
  18. Oh no, I am sorry to hear Sterling got you son's lip. It's good to hear that he was not traumatized by it and has taken it so well. Tell your son he is the President of the Bite Me club.
  19. Harness flying is a very mature and proven way to give our birds safe freedom outdoors and the ability to really stretch those wings while flying on harnesses with extension lines. Here are some videos. http://www.geocities.com/shanlung9/
  20. I truly enjoyed watching this entertaining video. Thanks for sharing it.
  21. Cute photo of Timmy and your Son. Thanks for sharing this.
  22. LOL! They certainly do not like changes in our appearance. Thanks for sharing this.
  23. Congrats on the new grey. It is always good to hear and see a person taking in a grey in need of a good forever home. I have no doubt he will flourish under your care.
  24. Watching tv\pc screens is fine. My grey and conure both enjoy watching videos of other parrots and movies as well. They will intently watch other birds and movies or TV shows they will watch on and off. The only thing that has ever sent them startled was an unexpected explosion or gun fire when I have my surround sound blasting away during a good movie. Overtime, they have become used to that as well. Their vision is such that, they can see the screens actualy better than we can and can focus in on minute detail from a distance that we cannot. Both the birds will not only watch, but many times join in with the fun of singing and whistling along or laughing at the shows or birdie videos.
  25. Getting back on Topic, Dayo and Jake's favorite drink is a mixture of 100 percent Pomegranate and Blueberry juice, which I drink daily.
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