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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. It's GreYt to see Ana Grey is so energy conscience.
  2. It sounds like you had a nice evening visiting and getting to know Yoshi. It sounds like she is a well socialized grey and not timid at all about interacting with others. That's a huge plus! I look forward to hearing how the trip home went and how Yoshi takes being separated from her much loved family.
  3. Read and decide for yourself with you wish to allow your birds to chew or not. Personally, I only use it in the bottom tray which is not accessible by my birds at all. http://learningstore.uwex.edu/pdf/g3546.pdf One note: There are tens of thousands of newspaper printers in cities across the U.S.. To find out what types of inks are used in your local areas newspaper, call them. Just as any other commodity, there are tons of inks for them to purchase and use. I suspect with the decline in people actually subscribing to newspapers these days, they purchase the cheapest ink that can be found to cut expenses. Normally cheaper equals less safe and increases the odds that the ink may be toxic.
  4. I always love what you share Shanlung. Your experiences are one of a kind with such freedom and enjoyment of wonderful places you visited with Tinkerbell.
  5. danmcq


    I live in a predominately agricultural area. Grapes are just one of the huge harvests here and those used for Raisins. They lay those grapes out on paper sheets on the ground and allow them to bake in the sun. This of course means the sulfur used to prevent mold when the inevitable rains come during that time occasionally. Once dried, they are simply taken to the packing houses, put on conveyor belts and automatically dumped into the packing for market. There is no processing or cleaning of them at all. I personally avoid anything with raisins for Dayo due to this. The good news, is Dayo hates raisins anyway, so it's not an issue when we may eat some.
  6. Welcome to the club shanlung! We all try to avoid bites, but in reality sooner or later they are inevitable.
  7. Thanks for the heads up. I will be watching for it to come out.
  8. What a story and welcome to the forum. The others have given excellent advice. As others have already said, my hat is off to you for your efforts and loving care your providing. As another mentioned, Aloe gel on the irritated bare areas will help tons. Perhaps instead of the collars, you might wish to try a chest cover you could make out of something like a LARGE sock cut to size that you could pull over her chest area to prevent further picking at the scab and resolve the issue of the collars limitation and irritations caused by it. I have seen many people successfully using chest area covering tubes to alow time for wounds to heal and feathers to regrow. One note though, if this is a chronic plucker that has been doing so for a long period of time, it is unlikely any treatment will resolve it. I would love to hear more and see photos if you are willing and have the time.
  9. Good to hear from you again Rick! You asked: 1. do they have the same talking ability/capacity and do they actually use it. - Yes 2.will it be more likely top take to everyone in the house ( kids, girlfriend etc) - Maybe and maybe not, it will depend on how well socialized the grey has experienced and how you introduce and let your new grey interacted with people. 3.are their voicing as clear or any different? - They have the same speaking abilities as a CAG 4. do they bond the same way .. regurgitate etc..with one person? thanks in advance. - Most the time, yes. Remember a TAG is from the same family line and can therefore display and use all the same abilities, personalities and relationships as a CAG. They select one mate for life in the wild just like a CAG. I am looking forward to hearing more from you as this progresses.
  10. Welcome to the forum and thanks for taking in a grey in need of a new home. Birdhouse gave great advice. One thing you should know about greys versus macaws, greys bond normally with one person and if it is a female human, the male is going to be the "Buddy" and may or may not have some limited abilities to give scratches etc. You will need to learn Romeos body language thoroughly so you know when his stance, eyes and feathers are telling you he is not interested, otherwise bites will continue. I am in the same boat as you. I got a CAG for me, he fell in love with my wife and I am just the rough house guy with once in a blue moon scratch privileges. Just slow speed ahead as already mentioned and get used to one another and new surroundings.
  11. What a cute baby grey! Breeders often keep them in "Tubs" while very young up to 7 or 8 weeks. But beyond that, they are normally kept in a cage with low perches and soft materials in case of a fall when the climb. Your grey will be better off without a tub confining him/her. Looking forward to more updates. BTW - How many weeks old is your grey, 12, 14?
  12. I always enjoy videos of Emma. I especially like that "one of a kind" upside down swaggering swing she does. Thanks for sharing this!
  13. Dayo play's hard as well and tail fathers suffer at times. I swear he loses at least one a month and then presto chango, a new one has replaced it. He flies through the air with a toy ball or other item like a hawk with it in his talons. Sometimes the landing s don't go to well if he doesn't release the toy first. Also, he flips upside down and wrestles with them on his back, side etc. BIG FUN!!!
  14. Robin, I am looking forward to your update when the dust settles and you have time to do so once Yoshi is in your home.
  15. Welcome Tommy and thanks for the introduction of yourself and your new grey! It's wonderful that you are able to visit at the breeders and they themselves can give you a great amount of knowledge on how to properly care for your grey to provide it a loving and exciting home to live in. WE have a ton of experienced people here that are more than happy to answer any and all questions you may have. Also, please explore all our rooms as they each deal with specific topics such as foods, health, training etc. Yes, leave the radio or tv on as most seem to enjoy having background noise that makes the home seem a little more "Filled" than just stone silence. I am looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing photos when you get a chance.
  16. The more outtings and socializing you do with your grey, the better. If the school and students are ok with it, I would take him/her. As Marcus mentioned, their are a few teachers such as Cosmo Talks author that do indeed regularly take their greys to class with them.
  17. Dayo loves music! All types in fact. Birds in general pay a ton of attention to the sounds they hear as it plays a vital roll in their daily lives. Dayo will dance, whistle, sing along with "Do Dee Do Dee Do's" and beatbox depending on the type of music and beat of it. Here's just one example:
  18. Booda sounds like a wonderful grey enjoying her home with tons of freedom to roam about and interact with people and toys outside the cage. Most birds that are out as much as you describe use the cage time to just chill, do some preening and catch a few winks. If the rare occasion comes that they decide they want a little more playtime while in the cage, they will bat some toys around and may even do it just to get your attention. They get all they exercise and mental stimulation they need when they have as much out of cage time each day as you describe. LOL @ positions being painful. Just wait, you'll see more that would break your legs or back that they do at times.
  19. Nice! Chili will no doubt have plenty of fun with all that new stuff.
  20. Welcome Yardley and Ruby, it's GreYt having you here! Thanks for the introduction and videos. I enjoyed reading and watching them. The questions you ask are normal for a first time parrot owner and are normal behaviors. Most do waste 90 percent of their food as they chomp it up and the majority of it falls to the tray or floor as your video shows. They use their talons to clean their beak out. It can also be a nervous habit and there's nothing wrong with that either. My grey used to crave sunflower seeds when younger and now doesn't touch them. Many enjoy an almond, walnut or pine nut as the special treat you may be loking for to use as a training treat. As Shanlung suggested, maybe just give her a little settle in time and enjoy interacting with each other as ruby and you learn each others likes, dislikes and body language. I am looking forward to hearing and seeing a lot more from you as time progresses.
  21. Glad to hear all is well Robin! Thanks for the tips on being ready for just such an emergency.
  22. GreYt job!!! It's wonderful to see a bird blossoming under the right care.
  23. Yes, one foot is relaxing and chilling or in fact sleeping.
  24. Ray is spot on with is advice. Just slow and easy going so your new grey will know you pose no treat as he becomes accustomed to his new home and family.
  25. LOL - "Good Stuff"!!! Thanks for sharing this with us. Marcus is quite a character!
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