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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq


    Tell people not to try and take her from your hand. She obviously does not wish to be moved. Start teaching people that wish to interact with her in how to read body language she displays. Parrots do not act like puppies that love everyone.
  2. A bad breeder would do this..... At any rate, baby chicks sleep A LOT and in odd positions. I will say though, it should be kept in a warm brood (Small) and needs walls to support it's head\neck. It should be taken back for weaning if possible ASAP!
  3. How old is Milly now? A slight breeze or cold will not make them sick. If the vet gave antibiotics, it indicates he suspects a bacterial infection. Did the vet do any tests to check? I hope this pases soon. If your baby is sick, the brooder temp should actually be raised.
  4. That is a cute movie. Isn't it as entertaining to watch and listen to our greys reactions to scenes in movies as it is watching the movie itself? It's as if at times they are experiencing the same roller coaster of emotions as we are in real-time. Although I don't personally laugh with some gets blown away, but sometimes Dayo finds it funny as hell... Maybe he's thinking "Humans are so stupid" just look at them kill each other, soon we will rule the world, not them.
  5. There is no doubt they know "Who" you are talking about by name as long as you use that persons name or your own when speaking with them. They also have their own Parrotese in the wild for calling each member. I and my wife have a goal of going to Africa, getting a guide and observing greys in the wild. There is just very little information, documentation, photos and videos of their daily lioves. I personally hate the fact that the only videos are of them being trapped.... Just a few short clips of greys eating clay at watering holes...
  6. Awwww Robin, I love that photo.
  7. They commonly sit when relaxing with one leg up. Believe me, they know how to lay down.
  8. We have maintained a box (Large Milk Bone carton) with a 3x4 inch square from the bottom up and placed it along with a 1x2 foot towel at the opening on the bottom of the cage. He used to be found napping in there with legs sticking out, wings parted and sound a sleep different times of the day. As he got older, those times became much less frequent by about 18 months old. Now he goes in and scratches and tries to invite my wife into his casbah. He will lay down and sleep at night on my wifes lap when we are watching a movie for a few hours long. We did initially try some of those birdy tents and other such sleeping devices you can place in a cage, but Dayo disliked them all and chewed them to pieces. I do know some grey's that have used them though. So try different things and see what you grey prefers.
  9. Cute story, I always love hearing of Issacs antics and progress.
  10. They will lay down at times, especially when young chicks. Adults will sometimes. In the wild, they live in tree holes and do in fact sleep resting on their bellies. However, birds were made to sleep perched on a branch as well and their talons "Lock" and must mentally be unlocked when they desire to move. Thus no birds falling from trees when sleeping.
  11. Billy Jean and her book Cosmo Talks are great. I read it a few years ago. It is good to read that they are still "Scientifically" studying and document Cosmo's abilities. That is the only way the rest of the world will believe what parrot owners have been stating for decades. Also, can they use English for example in grammatically correct fashion? Absolutely without a doubt. They can do do learn the operators in sentences structure if spoken to consistently when we are interacting with our birds. This separate study will just add to what Dr. Pepperberg has done and found over the last 3 decades. Thanks for sharing this.
  12. Well Robin, you and have have been in the same boat since the beginning with our greys.... #2, but wouldn't trade the experience for the world.
  13. Hahahahahahahahahaha Robin, thanks for sharing this. There is nothing this hellions can't figure out given time!
  14. No cure for a bird that is highly intelligent and wait until your grey has more practice.....arm/hand turning (amature baby bird stuff) doesn't work. they can bite hard and hang on or just fly a quick circle and land\bite again unless you move you arm quick enough and shoo them off or duck when they come ini for a sneak back of the neck hard pinch that makes your eyes water. You soon learn to duck when you hear mad flapping behind you. I must say though, there are still times some good scratching and just kicking back perched on the leg or shoulder happens when THEY decide it time for chilling.
  15. Great answers by all. One thought on your first post in this thread: If his/her eyes were yellow when you first obtained this grey, it was already 4 or 5 years old, plus the five years you've had this grey would mean it is 10+ years old.
  16. Well, #3 if definitely whats going on and if you add jealousy over a new baby household member, you have a teen with a tude and is exercising all the authority he believes he now has. You have done quite well in learning his body language and avoiding a bite when you can. Wait until he gets even more sneaky once he realizes he is broadcasting his punches. It's great hearing from you again!
  17. Welcome Jen, Earl, Packs, Flock and whatever else you may have in the way of critters.
  18. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..... I think most grey owners know those games well.
  19. You two are perfect together Dee! Gil is such a character the two of you same to match very well. YOur doing a GreYt job! I love reading your updates.
  20. You are not confusing Marcus. If he doesn't already understand first and third person, he will by listening to how you use human language. I have used both since we brought Dayo home at 15 weeks old. He now uses first and third person sentences as events unfold. An example would be my wife goes out to the garage. Dayo will say "Mommies in the garage". Dayo will whistle or sing and ask my wife "You like that?". Just two examples of many, but it is clear they have the mental power to absorb all you take the time to offer them with consistency. Messing with their head is what makes them grow in intellect.
  21. The chances are very high sooner or later, with any parrot, not just a Grey.
  22. 1 - Use a nail file right now to knock those sharp tips off. It will get him used to it if you stay patient and use a happy voice. Let him beak it as well so he knows what it feels like. Place a cemnet perch or two in the cage and that will keep them filed down. 2 - LOL - Yep he learned that high bark from the heel nippers. It is not a normal instinctual Grey sound.
  23. Awww, to cute. I love those black baby eyes. Any updates and more photos?
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