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Everything posted by Toni

  1. Wowwwww....Haves me in stitches....:woohoo:
  2. Yea perfectly normal. They'll pull it out on their own
  3. Alcazar on Zupreme Fruity Blend. The Breeder Birds are on Kaytee Exact
  4. Toni


    # 1 There once was
  5. My sister and niece were over Thursday helping me out with the daycare. Our 1 year old daycare child took his first 10 steps. He would normally take 2 here 2 there. We all yelled Hoorayyyyyy good boy. Alcazar says, Shout Hoorayyyyyyyyyyy..He's use to singing the song if You're Happy And You Know It. When he said that we all laughed soooooo hard.His timing was just soooo perfect.At times he surprises the daycare parents.They would leave saying goodbye He would say, Goodbye I love you...haha..But that was just tooo cute.
  6. Toni

    Avian Game

    Gentoo Penguin. WHat is the slowest moving bird?
  7. You know its funny when I first got Alcazar.My whole family thought I was nuts on spoiling him and talking to him and the first few months thought I was weird buttttttttt whose weird now? LOL...My mom now buys toys for him, she talks to him on the speaker phone, my sister kisses him, my bf understands all now. They all hold conversations with him.....Yea and Im the weird one..hahaha.
  8. I'm looking forward to being w/the family on Independence Day. It seems like holidays is the only time we can get everyone together. All of our lives are busy
  9. Are area just had a flood couple days ago. My family room and basement got 1 1/2 inch Topanga & Horatio were freaking becase the ground is there bottom. I have pics but cant figure to size them down like I use too
  10. Rain, rain and more rain here,,,,grrrrrr
  11. Wow. I'm like so completly amazed !!! Its far far away and yet feels like you wanna grab it I bet..LOL..Thanx for posting
  12. Toni


    #10 started counting sheep
  13. In this game we will create a story The rules are simple In every post you do you can write 3 words only! and double post is forbidden!!! Also what you write doesn't necessary have to fit in the story For example: 1post - 2 years ago... 2-//- - during the medieval age 3-//- - Ann and Mike 4-//- - Bought a cd! To make sure it's not to lengthy of a story we can end the story after each 20 post.So when you post place a number Ex.1st post #1, 2nd post #2, 21st post will start with #1. I begin!!!! #1 It was raining...
  14. Aww Congrats on the wonderful new grandson !! I will be doing prayers for you and your family.
  15. That is so funnyyyyyy..How cute!! Thanx for sharing.Gave me a good laugh.
  16. I can't wait until it's done. We'll be going back down Wednesday night.I'll take more pics.Hopefully this time we'll see Ty! Oh my friend got a pic of Paige.My camera didnt click quick enough.grrr. So far they are 7 hours behind schedule due to the truck that was carrying the drywall tipped over on a curve and broke up the drywall. They had to reorder from some where else. The have a pic of the other drywall truck arriving. People were clapping that it arrived.
  17. I mean piece of paper. Too early yet to type..haha
  18. Thanx Judy. That was Paulie autographing a pice of paper for me. Then he shook my hand.Pretty exciting !!! :woohoo:
  19. 25 miles away? So you live near me? Mine is this lady that runs a youth develope center. Ohh yours is already done?? This one they started the 26th..I sent pics to Judy hope she can resize them for me and post.For some reason I cant get them to resize
  20. Okay no surprise yet..Sorryyyy..grrr :angry:
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