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Everything posted by Number6

  1. OMFG LOL!!!! Some people just really need a Prozac Sandra, karma to you When you get a chance, try "African Grey" vs. "African Gray", guaranteed someone will have an aneurysm. :laugh: I'm out, ya'll have fun. B)
  2. Dan, I'm still around, just don't post much.<br><br>Post edited by: Number6, at: 2007/11/28 17:38
  3. Judy, I just started out by getting her comfortable hanging upside down on my fingers, then started holding her back while she was upside down. Eventually, she just let go and will lay there. She also lays on the computer desk on her back and likes to play.
  4. I got Gina earlier this year (May?) and she would step up just fine, but wouldn't get down or let anyone touch her. This is after a lot of time (and bribes). With enough patience you will gain his trust too.
  5. If he's only been there 3 weeks, just be patient. He'll come around eventually. I adopted Gina from another family and have been through the same thing as you. Don't start by trying to touch his back, wings, chest, or tail. Best bet would be to start off by attempting to scratch his head.
  6. Number6


    I have officially decided that the "Robot" will be a monthly toy from now on. I looked in the cage this morning and thought "No way is the catch pan that dirty!!!". She has made her own wood chippings in the pan. Gina has sucessfully eliminated more than 10 of the discs in less than a week. :ohmy: This thing is definitely for the member of the house that likes to chew your table/chair set.
  7. Number6


    Hey folks, haven't been around much, life, work, holidays, vacations........ Anyway, I recently ordered Gina some toys off e-bay, and I was EXTREMELY satisfied with that store. I ordered the toys Sun. Night, requested a combined shipping invoice and had a reply in 5 minutes. :ohmy: The shipping label was printed within a hour of payment, (USPS priority w/ tracking #) and the toys came today (Wed. afternoon). I got what's called the "Robot". It has 42 wooden discs on a 'spider' type of arrangement. I would expect to pay $25 at least at any pet store locally, but I only payed ~$13 for it shipped. Best prices I've seen around, and they don't get you on extra shipping like some places. Shipping is actual cost. She's gonna have fun killing that thing :lol: I would recommend these people any and everyday of the week. As of now, they have 2655 feedback, and not a single one of them was negative. BTW: I'm not affiliated with them, but simply making a recommendation. Ebay store: http://stores.ebay.com/A-Bird-Toy Website: http://abirdtoy.com/ They also sell toy making stuff including bird-safe rope.<br><br>Post edited by: Number6, at: 2007/11/22 01:44
  8. Taro wrote: There is a breeder in Tyler, TX (1 1/2 hrs east of dallas) http://parrotpassion.com/ if you want to contact, call them because they don't seem to answer my e-mails. I'll also e-mail someone in galveston that had them, don't know if she still does.
  9. I want waterless cookware.... If you've ever seen it used, you'd like it. The cookware I almost bought was non-stick, waterless, looked good, stacked, and you could bake on the stovetop... too bad it costs $2000 Look into it, you won't be disappointed (there are much cheaper options out there)<br><br>Post edited by: Number6, at: 2007/09/18 09:53
  10. Laurie wrote: Dried fruit is good for them, not quite as nutritous as fresh, but it's the next best step. I used the fruit to move Gina from seeds as a dependency. She's healthier now and much more active than she used to be. I still give her fruit juices occasionally though. (watch the sugars)
  11. Monique wrote: Yep, getting real tired of paying the $11/lb (now $14/lb) for her fav food. Plus, it makes a tasty treat for me at work... for some reason, people always look at me funny when I eat Gina's bananas :laugh:
  12. lovemyGreys wrote: You bet <br><br>Post edited by: Number6, at: 2007/09/18 09:42
  13. I'm going to order it after I get back from San Diego. I'll leave Wed. night and be there till mid next week. It's a top priority now becaue the mix at the pet store went up to $13.99/lb. Ridiculous........ I'll post pics and prices when it arrives, now I have to find a container to keep 12lbs of mix at a time :laugh:
  14. When I got Gina, she was on a seed mix (mostly sunflower) only diet. On the way home, I picked up a bag of what she was used to, along with a few pounds of a mix of dried fruit, peanuts, peppers, and some other things (looks just like trail mix). I let her get used to her surroundings and gain my trust before I gave her the fruit mix. After a week and a half or so, I mixed half and half with seed mix/fruit mix, then slowly slimmed out the seed mix. The next time I got a seed mix, I got the one with the least sunflowers. After a while, I introduced zupreem pellets mixed in, and now she's used to a mix of the 3, mostly the fruit.
  15. Gina's wings will not be clipped. Her previous owner had them clipped for her own reasons, I didn't question why, that's her belief. So when they grow out, they'll stay that way. In my house, Gina is welcome to go where ever she wants to, I can try to keep her out of certain places, [behind computers (she doesn't chew wires), leather couches, etc.] but if she wants to go somewhere, she will... whether or not I like it, regardless of her flying ability. She's a remarkable climber and can get pretty much anywhere in the house. I've done and continue to do what I can to remove dangers, but you will NEVER get them all. The best you can do is teach, watch, and teach some more, eventually, they'll learn that they shouldn't do something and will stop. For those that say it's dangerous: 1. Windows: Most of my windows have blinds covering them, I live in an apartment complex, so I'd rather not have my neighbors able to see what I have to steal. Gina doesn't go messing with these. I do have a window set up just for her, blinds open and a perch mounted in it. She used to climb up it and try to perch on the window where the lock was, so I put up a perch for her. The window is lattice grid, so she would know better than to fly through it. 2. Kitchen: With the orientation of my house, Gina would have to make a very sharp U-turn to get to a hot pan on the stove. She's learned that anywhere in the kitchen is off limits unless carried in there, mostly because she wants to watch and gets underfoot. She will stand at the door to the kitchen and watch what's going on if she's not on my shoulder. 3. Open doors: I have a screen door that automatically closes. With the orientation of the doors, her cage, and her favorite perching spot (she loves that damn window), and the way the door opens, flight out the door when someone was entering/leaving would be very difficult especially with someone in it. Guests know about the bird and know not to open the door much anyway. 4. Guests: They know the drill, if they can't get it right, they leave... enough said. She is well supervised while she's on her little expeditions and all day, simply because everyone's interested in what she's doing. ---Cliffnotes--- I believe in not clipping birds. **Special needs birds not included- includes blind, self mutilating, or otherwise** EDIT- This is just my take on the issue. Much like religion, trying to force someone to believe something would be detrimental to my health. EDIT 2- In my honest opinion, there does not need to be 2 topics at the same time regarding this.<br><br>Post edited by: Number6, at: 2007/09/17 00:13
  16. I too have heard of the dangers involved with teflon cookware. My favorite pot is teflon, and I usually use it when cooking spagetti sauce or larger meals. I don't cook on high, but rather in the medium range. Also EVERYTIME the stovetop, oven, deep fryer, or Foreman grill is on, the vent hood is on, and it stays on for 30 minutes or so after I turn it off. The reason I haven't changed my pots and pans yet is the alternatives are rather expensive, although we are looking to get a set of waterless cookware to replace most of our stuff (anyone know any good brands?). The foreman grill is easy to use/clean so I'll just make sure to be careful while using it.
  17. Found this too... Tari, you there? http://www.quakerville.com/qic/ezine/96Issue4/qsamples.htm
  18. Another freebie (1/2lb), but you have to pay shipping http://www.lakesbirdfood.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=56 Here's the 1lb version http://www.lakesbirdfood.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=58<br><br>Post edited by: Number6, at: 2007/08/31 19:20
  19. judygram wrote: Mmmmmmmm Steak...... I can't cook steak anymore, the better half won't eat it. I think she's a communist, she doesn't like anything. Peaches, steak, hot dogs, barbecue, ribs, fried chicken, the list goes on. Around here, we're big on barbecue, chicken, steak (especially a chicken fried steak), beans, chili, fajitas, typical Texas food. Everytime I even touch a dish or pan in the kitchen, it takes about 10 seconds and I have this nosy grey thing underfoot.:lol:
  20. This is what we had for dinner, and Gina had to get her own mini-hamburger steak :lol: Hamburger steaks, ranch style beans, and new potatoes
  21. Hey Dan, if you do order some and have extra, I'll buy some from you.
  22. The stuff I looked at at Wally-World seemed like it was loaded with sugar (it's been a while since I checked)I also don't remember the "preservatives" and such that was in there. I'll have to go look again. I've just been making a point every 2 weeks to go stock up on the mix I've been getting. I'm getting old and set in my ways and don't like to shop anymore, crazy huh As for the wasabi, they have all kinds of wasabi coated stuff. Peas, almonds and cashews are what I saw
  23. Hi everybody.... for those who remember me, I'm still around, but I just kinda lurk in the shadows Anyway, I've been buying Gina a dried fruit and nut mix at my local favorite pet store, and it seems to be her favorite. It's got all kinds of stuff in it from dried bananas, to pineapple, raisins, carrots, mango, papaya, brazil nuts, peanuts, the list goes on. I've been mixing it with her pellets and a small amount of seed mix. Only thing, it's $11 per pound, and with the amount that ends up on the bottom of her cage, it's kinda expensive. She doesn't like the raisins, carrots, or a few of the other ingredients. Therefore, I've been thinking about mixing my own special blend catered to the brat. I found a online store that stocks all kinds of stuff that seems to fit what I need. And I can mix my own for less than 1/2 the price of what I'm paying now. I like buying stuff in bulk, so if anything comes up, I've always got extra. This is what I'm thinking: 1 pound of shelled pumpkin seeds 5 pounds of this: 5 pounds of this: 11 pounds total, $48.10 + shipping = less than $5 per pound. I might add a pound of dried grape tomatoes to the mix too. ~$5 And I may throw something else in there for flavor.... is Wasabi OK to feed? This would also make a hell of a snack mix for me too. BTW: this is the website: http://www.fruitsstar.com/index.php Any opinions? Post edited by: Number6, at: 2007/08/30 02:38<br><br>Post edited by: Number6, at: 2007/08/30 02:40
  24. Their eyes will gradually change from black, to grey, to grey with a yellow outer band, to gold. Their eyes are usually gold at 2yrs of age.
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