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Everything posted by judygram

  1. This particular video has been posted here before but it is still so funny to watch, thanks for sharing it with us.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  2. Thanks Spence for doing that so maybe we can see what is going on here but it still does not rule out a vet visit, you don't want to take any chances with your precious grey.
  3. At least we would like to think so Louise but it seems like we can never get all the feathers cleaned up or it seems I don't, sometimes it looks like for every one I pick up two more take its place, can't win for losing.:laugh:
  4. Yep its molting time for just about everyone and what a mess to clean up but then we don't mind, hey if they were in our place they would do the same for us, you reckon:laugh: :blink: :whistle:
  5. I would take him/her in for a vet visit as something could be wrong, you want to rule that out and get a clean bill of health before you pursue other possibilities, don't take chances with your baby Spence, they are too precious. Let us know what you find our and how we can be of further help.
  6. Hello Eva8 and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to helping you find and get that grey. So you have decided you are ready to get a grey, have you ever had any other birds before or is this your first one? Take a little time and read thru the many threads for lots of useful information that will help you understand the grey and how they are different from other parrots. Ask questions, however trivial they may be, and we will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can. www.avianconnection.com is one site you could check for breeders in your area and other members may have suggestions for where you may be able to find one and of course you can always have one shipped to you from a breeder further away.
  7. Yep, it will either cure us or kill us:ohmy:
  8. I'll just bet she is, nice to know someone's grey is a camera ham, Josey just doesn't want to cooperate when the camera comes out, hence why I don't have a lot of photos to share.
  9. Congrats on the new cage for Jazz, now she has plenty of room to flap her wings and play and you don't have to feel guilty for she has the best.B)
  10. Hello Barb and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Keena. Lucky you to inherit your aunt's grey so you are certainly familiar with her then and she will adjust very quickly. She is used to large dogs so yes she probably wonders what those little things are but she will get used to them.B) Take a little time and read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can. Thanks for sharing a picture of Keena with us.
  11. She is still adjusting to her new surroundings and something startled her, it could have been anything, but give her a little time to settle in and she will be ok. They are gonna be nervous and jumpy for awhile.
  12. I was seriously considering making one of those playstands with the pvc but not now, I will get something made out of wood. I like that playstand that Knight05 made, it is real neat looking. Dang, you can't use anything anymore, it is all toxic or poisonous to us.
  13. Well said Spooky, we do need pictures of Dennis. And who you calling ol'timers, certainly not me, I definitely don't fit that description:whistle: :laugh: Your grey will recognize you right off the bat, it don't take long for them to see and hear that you are the one. Don't use any kind of deterrent on your fingers, you can teach her to not bite later.:sick: Why would you want to massage the crop when empty, take my advice, forgetaboutit.:lol: Just like us we like a lot of foods warm or hot and they are no different, and corn is a favorite. Why do I get the idea that you are adoring your little one and loving the handfeeding, can't figure that one out:whistle:
  14. Seems it takes more than statues and gargoyles to keep Nikko at bay, thanks Spooky for sharing these with us, she's a character.
  15. Whatever!!:laugh: B) :woohoo: :side: :laugh:
  16. I don't personally use one but I think that particular one is safe to use around birds.
  17. I bet she lives up to her name too doesn't she:P I look forward to seeing some pictures real soon.
  18. Glad your parade did not get rained on, Siobhan:P Sunny day here and pleasant outside but I am stuck inside working and with a cold to boot and I have a 42000+ print job I am working on, gonna be a long week for me:blink: :whistle:
  19. Hello Lupa and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Shani. That is a lovely name for a grey, does it have special meaning? She sounds like a darling and I know she is a delight to have around. Take a little time and read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can. If you have some pictures of Shani you would like to share with us we would love to see her.
  20. I'm so sorry to hear this for it will be the next molt before the feathers will grow out and they will come in at different times so it will be quite a while before he gets enough back to help him land easy. I would be extra careful of letting him get up too high on a perch or on your shoulder for if he does fall from too high he can split his breastbone. Oh yeah a wing clipping does make them more dependent on you, now he cannot fly off on his own, he has to depend on you to get him from here to there. Needless to say don't let this person clip your grey again because they don't know how, thats obvious.:ohmy:
  21. Well if he is saying pretty boy and hello then he is going to say more believe me, they don't stop at one or two words, it will build into quite a vocabulary before it is over with so be patient.
  22. Thanks Terri for your investigative work on this matter, I have attempted contact with Penny so she can delete this post but so far no response.
  23. I use a premium seed mix from www.drsfostersmith.com for parrots that has a little dried fruit in it, Josey seems to like it, but that is not all you should be feeding your baby. He/she needs veggies, fruits, nuts, grains and legumes with a little meat in their diet for proper nutrition. This link is a complete list of veggies and fruits you can feed but go thru the bird food room for lots of threads that give ideas for foods to give your grey. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/bird-food/59809-complete-veggiefruit-list.html Pellets are also needed and I highly recommend the Harrison's High Potency for the best nutritional value. Hope this is what you wanted, if not just ask and I will try to help you further.
  24. Oh I love a good corned beef but I am having a roast beef tonight, yummy. I hope it doesn't rain on your parade either, lets hope for sunny skies.:laugh:
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