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Everything posted by judygram

  1. Well that sounds like small steps of progress and he might just be one of those greys that don't want much hands on interaction at least for now, he has to learn to trust you and that will be a while coming. As with most greys they do not take to change very easily or quickly, they have to get used to that new item being in their presence for a while and then they finally investigate it to find out if it is something they want.
  2. It doesn't surprise me Lyn, where there is a will there is a way and Alfie is finding it, looks like if you want to keep her out you will have to close doors unless she finds a way to open them. You might not be her favorite person but she certainly wants to be where you are.
  3. That was so enjoyable and I think the highlight of it was when Cocoa climbed down to the floor so she could take a dump, promptly took a peek at it then left,:laugh: thanks for sharing it with us.
  4. What a bummer but that shouldn't take all day so do it when you get off, men, what can I say.
  5. If your grey is pulling his feathers out then he is plucking. Why don't you give us some more information so we may be able to help you with your problem.
  6. You know this really is scary to think that you may have found out something is wrong with Francis and you may never have noticed it if he hadn't been missing his feathers, what might the rest of us miss that have fully feathered birds, make you wonder. I do hope it turns out to be nothing to worry about.
  7. If he is otherwise acting and eating normally then it can wait until Monday, most vets have an emergency number when someone can be reached on the weekends but this isn't bleeding so in my opinion it can wait. Only a vet can diagnose what that could possibly be and none of us are vets, Dave has already gave you a couple of possibilities and none of them are emergencies at the moment.
  8. How adorable is that picture of Sierra sleeping, that is precious. She is very smart and you are gonna have to find her some new foraging toys, thanks for sharing the picture and the video with us.
  9. Hello Jordan and welcome to our family. I always like when members say they are owned by their fids and not the other way around, its the truth though. You have come to the right place to share stories and pictures, we are all the same, we love to hear stories of the antics of our fids and love seeing pictures of each other's fids so share away.
  10. Dave is right, you should have that checked out by your avian vet, you see these things when your bird has no feathers in that particular area. Be sure to let us know what you find out.<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2010/01/23 20:09
  11. She wants us to think Harvey is a little demon but we know the truth, that Harvey is a sweet little bugger.:laugh: :woohoo:
  12. Nice to meet Elaine even if she won't talk to me. Boat going out Sunday for a spin hopefully, let us know Bernie.
  13. Yep, its a blackbird all right, I think I have heard Josey do that, thanks for sharing it with us. Now what I would have liked to have seen is you on the floor taking that video, heh heh heh!!!:laugh:
  14. My grey Josey imitates my sun conure scream and very realistically too, sometimes I have to look to see which one it was but she does not overdo it. She talks and makes other imitations of household things but you just have to ignore it for you aren't going to stop her from vocalizing what she wants to. So don't worry that she will only do imitations and not talk, she will do both and be very good at it.
  15. Oh my, the dreaded drop of blood for the dna test, hate that but most people clip one of the talons a little too much to get that little bit of blood, you might want someone else to do that to your babies so they don't associate you with the pain. I have heard you could take a few feathers off their chest area for dna sexing or maybe that method isn't as accurate as a blood sample. I really don't know a painless way Pat but maybe someone else does.
  16. Kevin wrote: A thread never dies, it remains here for posterity, as long as no one posts another reply to it it goes further back in the pages of history but it remains forever as long as the forum exists. To answer your other question yes it is normal for them to be irritable when they are molting, those pin feathers are uncomfortable but you did the right thing to remove him if he was biting you and especially going for your face. Have you tried using the aloe vera juice and spraying him down with it several times a week, it usually helps them feel less itchy when molting.
  17. Well I am a facebook fan and have kept in touch with my favorite people there but since you Jill are not a member of facebook we were out of touch, your loss:laugh: I have a game I play on the computer and have played that more in the last couple of days.
  18. That Matt is so cute there with Nilah and Nilah wasn't half bad either, thanks for sharing that clip with us, you have one talented son for sure.
  19. Looks good Adina, I will have to check them out, thanks for sharing the pictures with us.
  20. My gosh Erika, that is so sad but who knows how different it could have been if you had left sooner, I'm so sorry that you do not have a relationship with your son but maybe one day he will forgive you. Thanks Erika for sharing your story with us and for Deb.
  21. Thats always an exciting moment when your bird starts talking, you must be beside yourself with pride, better watch out now that the floodgates are open.
  22. judygram

    Rare Macaw

    A beautiful bird Jay, its so sad to think that one day they may be gone forever, thanks for sharing the pics with us and the links to more information.
  23. I don't know about the oldest grey but Dan made me laugh so hard I almost pissed my pants, thanks for that Dan. It does seem that most everyone here has young greys for even 10, 20 years of age is young according to their life expectancy.
  24. They look like they are a hit with Sachi and Emma and that is an excellent pic of Sachi with her toy, thanks for sharing them with us.
  25. That Cocoa is something else, she is truly amazing how she does all this stuff and it doesn't faze her in the least, I could never do that with Josey, thanks for sharing the picture with us.
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