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Everything posted by judygram

  1. Dave has hit upon a good point and some bird owners use those beaded curtains to keep their birds from flying thru open doorways or to keep them in a certain room, give them a try JC and let us know how they work for you and Bobo.
  2. Sorry Heather I do not know as I am not so familiar with video taking but am surprised that you have no responses so far as we do have some members who video tape all the time, maybe it is a question for someone who does that for a living, check local camera shops and such.
  3. I like the looks of that one toy for Babalu, he is going to really enjoy that bell, looks like a good heavy one.
  4. Dave is right on the money with his answer and the reason you saw so many at one time was as she was preening they were ready to molt out anyways so they fell out by her actions but I can see how you would be alarmed since you hadn't seen that many at one time but not to worry, bet she has new ones already.
  5. Willow is a lovely name for a grey, would love to see some pictures of Willow if you have some you would share with us, thanks Joe.
  6. judygram


    Dave is right on with his advice, greys like all birds do bite from time to time but yours is a young grey who is exploring his/her new world and one of the best ways is by biting anything and everything, think of young human children who taste everything, its their way of getting to know what things are. Some greys are more prone to bite than others and you will soon learn the body language that will show you what you need to be aware of when trying to avoid a bite. If you haven't already please do read thru the many threads here especially on biting and body language for you will learn a lot that will serve you well in the coming years to cope with a biting bird but realize that all birds can and will bite, it is part of owning a wild animal but the trick is learning what triggers a bite and how to avoid them.
  7. I have heard of "Parrots" magazine but never read it, might do so now with this recommendation, I too get "Bird Talk" and the "Good Bird" is another good one, thanks to all for the recommendations.
  8. Thanks so much JBeck for updating us on your grey, seems she is improving and giving her a handfeed is helping her to keep her weight, hope it goes well for her visit back to the vet on Tuesday and please let us know what you find out but glad to hear she is improving. BTW, does she have a name?
  9. Hello Farrukh and welcome to our family and congrats on getting a grey. Since you mentioned birds do you have any other birds? You will learn lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions as we will do our best to get you an answer. We love pictures here so if you have some of your grey you would share with us please do.
  10. I like the second one the best for the grey, I would go with more of a smaller type one for the cockatiel but then that is my opinion.
  11. Congrats Karen on getting your greenwing macaw and if anyone can help one that is disabled it will be you as you have shown your compassion and love for the feathered friends, I look forward to seeing some pictures when you get around to sharing some with us, now you and streetwise can compare notes.
  12. I can't whistle at all but Josey learned to whistle, of course she had help from hubby as he taught her the wolf whistle which she still does to this day so don't feel bad.
  13. JBeck, has there been any improvement with your sick grey? I wish you would come back and update us on her condition.
  14. That is a greyt picture of you and Timmy, thanks for sharing it with us.
  15. Hello Liane and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing lots more about you and your grey. Guess you are waiting to see what sex your grey is before deciding on a name since I didn't see one mentioned. You will find lots of useful information in our many threads, do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can. We love pictures here so if you have some of your grey you would share with us we would love to see them.
  16. I thank you from the bottom of my heart Ray for what you have said, what you have done and are continuing to do with your life, I don't think anyone could have said it better than you, may your wish for the new year come true.
  17. I think this thread deserves to be made a sticky so it can be easily found if needed, thanks Cat face for sharing that with us.
  18. Happy Hatchday Averi, looks like you were spoiled rotten, thanks for sharing the pictures with us.
  19. You may have to invest in some of that plexiglass sheeting for the walls behind her cage as it would make it easier to clean for I know what you mean about scratching the walls trying to get poop off.
  20. I think it is wonderful your two birds get along so well and I enjoyed the video, thanks for sharing it with us.
  21. It is typical of greys to favor one person over another and even though you bought Andi for your wife she prefers you and there is not much you can do about it but accept it. If you want to get this Cag then by all means do so but he will require his own cage and the two of them may or may not get along but do introduce them slowly to one another after a quarantine period for this one from the pet store could have been exposed to all kinds of diseases from other birds and a vet visit would be in order also. I don't think you will have any problems with them ever breeding as Cags and Tags do not interbreed and besides pet greys usually won't anyways. We have other members here who have more than one grey and they usually share a bird room where they have their own separate cages but interact with one another during the day when they are out. Be sure to let us know what you are going to do.
  22. Kim, realize that greys are one of the more quieter of the parrots but the others are right, you have to give him more time to feel comfortable in his new home as three days is not nearly enough time so be patient and be careful of what you wish for.
  23. Barbara is right they are hard to get rid of but you can buy moth traps from some of the bird supply places that you set around where they frequent to capture the ones that have morphed into flying moths, you may have to resort to keeping the bags in the freezer and taking out a couple of days supply.
  24. Happy Birthday Ray, hope you have many more to come.

  25. Hello Christina and welcome to our family, you have asked some tough questions like Dan said but realize that it takes a while for a grey to settle into his new home especially one that is older, it could take weeks or months for him to feel comfortable so give him plenty of time and use lots of patience when dealing with him. He is a wild animal so its not like a cat or dog that will fit right in from the start. Please read thru as many of the threads here for lots of useful information and do ask questions and we will try to help you in any way we can. About the plucking, I would advise a visit to an avian vet to rule out anything physical and he needs to be health checked anyways but plucking issues are common in greys and be prepared for the fact that he may not allow his feathers to grow back but having him checked out by an avian vet is first and foremost right now.
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