I don't like snakes either and don't want them in my house but if I see one outside and it is black I leave it alone as it eats mice and such. Of course those same snakes may be eating eggs they find and this is what has happened to a few we have seen gone missing but then you have to take the good along with the bad.
It will be very hard to find a snake that small in your house but if it lives it will get bigger in time so the likelihood of finding it increases but who wants to sleep in a house that has a snake lurking somewhere. You can put out some traps to see if you have any mice but unless you have seen the evidence of droppings around where there could be possible food sources then I doubt you have any, this little snake was just seeing where he could go and found a way inside your house and for something that small it wouldn't have to be a very big hole so look for the possible place where it may have come in and fix it so it never happens again. Sorry I can't be of more help.
You have a fast learner thats for sure, most do not talk that early so this makes Zen that much more special and at 4 months of age, I am so jealous because Josey didn't speak her first word until she was one year of age, not that she isn't smart but she just waited or made me wait for it but I love her all the same.
I love these pictures of your birds enjoying that new room, Slater is enjoying it so all your hard work has paid off big time, they don't know how lucky they really are to have such a bright and cheerful room to play in, thanks for sharing the pics with us.
Congrats on the new addition of a conure, you will love this little bird as I have a sun conure, she is a delight.
Be careful of allowing the two of them to get too close especially if they don't get along. I cannot put my grey on a playstand with my conure as they do not like each other but I do have them out at the same time, my conure is the more aggressive of the two but my grey could inflict greater damage if she so pleased so I keep them a safe distance from one another. If they do get along then be sure to supervise them when together for it could only take a second for something bad to happen.
Barbara I am so happy for you, no this bird will not replace Neo who will always hold a special place in your heart but things work out for a reason and this was meant to be. I believe becaise you have so much love in your heart that you showed Neo that it was meant for you to have another grey come into your life soon after your loss and that is why things fell into place as they did for it is the greatest honor to his memory to be able to share that love with another grey. When one door closes another one opens and I am happy you can begin to share that love with this little baby grey, Neo would be so proud of his mommy.
He/she is adorable and no wonder you fell in love, can't wait to hear more and see more pics.
That is so funny Dee and didn't you notice that Java wasn't eating much if any of his food in his bowls but you can't leave anything like that where they can see them for where there is a will there is a way, poor Gilbert could only watch Java devour all the crackers with no one the wiser.
Hello Fote and welcome to our family, not sure we can help you with breeding pairs of greys as this forum is mainly for companion greys and birds, sharing what we know with those who want to know and exchanging information and experience with like members but you are welcome to join in what we have here.
Those babies are so adorable, just really precious at this age and from the looks of the three any one of them would be a greyt bird, thanks for sharing the pics with us.
I too had my heart in my throat reading about Moxie, what a little fighter, when it looked like he was a goner he fought back for more life and it is certainly a tribute to the woman who fed and took care of such a little baby bird, they are both blessed and he is so handsome now.
Neither is my grey although she did a little when she was a baby but now forget it but like most all greys they love those neck scratches and mine loves for me to rub the feathers the wrong way, probably feels good.
1. Does he/she get on well with more than one member in the family? 2
2. Is he/she receptive to strangers? 1
3. Is he/she receptive to change / new things? 2
4. Is he/she cuddly? 2
5. Is he/she aggressive? 1
6. Is he/she playful / energetic? 4
7. Is he/she moody / grumpy? 1
8. Does he/she speak? 4
9. Is he/she loud, noisy? 1
10. Does he/she damage household objects they shouldn't? 1
Some greys are "closet talkers" in that they only vocalize words and phrases when they are alone or think they are alone so you have to be clever to hear what they say, maybe one day she will be more forthcoming with her talking in the presence of others. My grey will talk with me or my hubby in the room but is usually quieter when others are around.
I knew she wouldn't hold out for long so glad to hear she is eating and otherwise enjoying her new home, keep the updates coming for we like to hear how it goes and some pictures would be nice.
I started with a sun conure before I got my grey and they do not get along but they co exist in the same room in separate cages, they are both out usually at the same time but the conure spends her time on me so it works well, they usually just ignore each other unless they get too close which doesn't happen a lot. I am sure you will find the balance that works for you when you get the new baby home, can't wait to see pictures and hear updates.
It sounds like Pancho is loving his new home, he looks like a handsome fella and its great to hear updates on the new additons to flocks, keep them coming.
It looks to me like the wing feathers are clipped for the flights should be way out over the tail and they aren't but you still need to be careful of having your bird out without being on a harness or in a small cage or some kind of enclosure, too many have taken flight when spooked if there is a little wind going, better to be safe than sorry.
The only advice I am going to give you is return this baby to the breeder and let them handfeed and wean it for it doesn't look as if you know what you are doing and so much can go wrong that I fear for this baby's life, this is not a job for the inexperienced but at the very least please do read thru some of the threads in the nursery room as it will give you lots of information.
Please any new novice bird owners, do not try handfeeding a baby bird, this is for someone who knows what they are doing.
He is a beautiful bird, love those colors they have, no wonder they call them rainbow lorikeets as they have every color of, thanks for sharing the pics with us and congrats on your new addition, now watch out for MBS.