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Posts posted by Talon

  1. On 1/26/2022 at 10:05 AM, LNCAG said:

    I had a friend on CompuServe with a TAG, and she let her parrot sleep in their bedroom at night (caged).  One morning she heard the carpet shuffling sound of her dog entering the bedroom and she sort of braced for the weight of her dog jumping up on her bed. But that jump never came.  Nope, it was her TAG who had actually learned to mimic the carpet sound of a dog walking.  Parrots are so attuned to such faint noises.  Wild animals really have to assess and react to every single faint sound they hear for survival.  Interesting to me. 

    Snickers does make soft sounds sometimes, sounds like a door closing, the furnace kicking on, turning a burner knob off, oh, and dogs in the distance!  All these sounds mimicked faintly and softly.  So often I tune out some of these faint parrot sounds, much as I tune out the actual original sounds from around the house.

    My tag sleeps in a sleep cage in my bedroom, my others do not.  When my spouse & I are talking too loud at night, she goes "SH SHSHSHSHS!  then get mad & starts banging her bell loudly if we don't shut up!

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  2. OMG!  I LOVE this thread!  Popcorn & a chair for me...I have way too many parrots....I am sorry about the bite,  I suffer with my amazon bites every time I put breakfast in her cage...she bites the hand that feeds her...literally!


    Thanks for the software update!  Much appreciated!  I hear greys are bitter..just sayin is all..:)


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  3. That post put a smile on my face.  It’s amazingly how they trust you and when surroundings change, they just kind of go with it!  He surely trusts you, love that the laundry basket and wrapping paper make him growl! Would love to see videos of that!  He’s a beauty!!

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  4. If you do your research thoroughly, then any pet is ok . I don't believe in "beginner" pets. All pets are entitled to be a lifetime commitment & lifetime pet. Not just a stepping stone to the pet you really might want.  Experience is what you get with any pet, things you will learn as you go, just like having a child.  SO no matter what it is you want, you RESEARCH everything you can, dedicate yourself to giving it the best life possible, and any home they enter MUST be a lifetime home for them.

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  5. Never force your greys to get too close to each other. It has to be THEIR idea.   I would not put their cages too close. Allow then their own space without feeling threatened. their cage is their safe haven and they should never feel threatened or scared by another being too close.  You can cause nervousness that will never go away, plucking acting out. IF they decide to want to be friends, it is completely up to them & you can't force the issue no matter how much you want them to.  I have 3 and they are by no means friends to the point of wanting to be close together. They TOLERATE &  co-exist, but that is it.  They have been together over 12 years & other than whistling back & forth to each other, that is the extent, they wont even eat off the same plate together..one is always fearfull of the other being a bully!

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  6. Oh my!  Great topic!


    I have 3 so….


    Good:  They are amazing creatures and can be very loving!  Fun when they copy your words or come looking for you when they can’t see you. The cuddles they give you by rubbing their head on your cheek. Knowing they trust you when they step, their whistle or if they come when you call them .


    Bad:  Food ,poop and messes everywhere. Human dishes thrown on the floor breaking if left un attended. Cupboards chewed,  ALL the woodwork in my house is chewed, windowsills doors etc. NEVER feeling like you can go on a vacations cause they won’t get out of their cages when your gone and you need someone qualified to care for them. Keeping cats and some dogs away..Having to cage them when guests come over cause they can’t be trusted not to attack or bite.  NEVER going to the bathroom alon or your Amazon will open the door and March in so she can be on your shoulder . OH and the ear piercing whistles in your ear deafening your for a short time. And worrying about what happened to them when you pass and they outlive you..


    But all and all , it’s a blast and there is never a dull moment!!

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  7. Aww yes..FOOD..my 2 get their own plate or eat off of mine. My spouse wont allow eating off his plate & although they have been doing that their entire lives, they have learned that HE does not allow eating from his plate, he gives them his food onto another one & they are good with that.   My third one,,gets bullied, so I have to give her bites from my fork at a distance from the others...LOL

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  8. I have 3 parrots as you all know.  My 2 greys talk well, not like some here, they say words and some phrases but don't seem to pick much up anymore. They LOVE to mimic whistling more than words. I just started copying them and they LOVE it!  Anyone else here?

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  9. Kevin and the others are correct. This is the best forum, full of knowledge there is. It has been hard to hang onto it without much activity.  My schedule has changed since years back, so I work alot of hours.  I do check in here, but don't post much as it is so hard to post pics & videos from my phone, if I could do it easily, I would be posting ALOT!   I miss rushing to see the latest post, but I get how social media has taken over and pushed forums to a thing of the past. FB has too much drama, I personally don't like to post alot there about my parrots as I don't want the fact that I won 3 out there for others to get ideas..you never know who is sharing your posts. I worry about thieves. I have an alarm system and a big black Shepard that wants to eat anyone who ventures near my porch...but still it is always in the back of my mind.

    I wish we could get an app, but I realize that's a huge task & I wouldn't know where to start, if we did I think we could push it for more posting..IDK.  

    Well, I appreciate all you do Kevin to keep us up & running and i really appreciate the members that do come here & contribute!  Love to you all!  <3

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  10. You can’t potty train a parrot with any success. I do have one of my parrots that won’t go potty in her sleep cage, I take her out and she will go in her potty basket we call it, but that’s it, after that it’s a free for all!  Trying to potty train a parrot with wild instincts will be successful at stressing them out and you may end up with a frustrated plucker. Having a parrot means cleaning up their potty everywhere. It comes with the territory. I have 3 and they get to spend all day out when I’m not at work. Before I go to bed at night, my nighttime chore is to go to all the favorite places and clean it up.  They are like a dog, they will go where they want. You will get so you know when they are going to do it, but as far as training, that’s not feasible , in my opinion, or good for them.

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  11. I have 3 parrots all came to me at different times. You are on the right track so far. I would move the cages into the same room but not too close. Allow then to get used to each other by sight for a short while. Maybe taking them out one at a time so they have time to spend with you. If you plan to breed, I don’t believe bonded parrots to a human do very well at breeding. There are no guarantees they will even bond to each other to want to breed. Please do tons and tons of research before you attempt to breed them, the success rate is not very high.  Or trying to discourage you, but you have to be very knowledgeable to be successful at this. Look for posts from Dave007 here, he was a very good breeder and knew everything there is to know the good and the bad. He has excellent advise. Sadly he has passed away, but his love and knowledge is still here for all to learn from. Best of luck and keep us posted. 

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  12. Love it!  Merry Christmas to all our family here and our entire family of greys and other winged creatures as well as all our beloved family member and pets!  Christmas is special at my house, my birds get the entire day out instead of waiting until I get home from work..which on work days saddens me..🥰

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  13. I would leave it until,she loses interest. If you keep taking it away, she will most likely lay another one..I don’t have experience with this, but I have read this on many posts here. You could also try replacing it eventually with a fake egg that looks the same. Just some suggestions, hopefully others that have had this happen will chime in. Your doing right by increasing her calcium. Keep us posted, and welcome btw.

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