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Posts posted by Talon

  1. I have had close calls. Having always had cats, dogs & birds.  My  son adopted a black shepard/cattle dog many years ago, He was taken to the shelter many states away ( near my daughter who checked him out first) because he killed all the landlords chickens..My son really wanted this dog, he was in a emotional state at that time & allowing him to get a dog I knew in my heart would help him tremendously...I actually called the shelter to ask about the chicken killing since I had 3 parrots, they really couldn't tell me anything...so we took the chance & drove to 12 hours one way to bring him home. He learned on day 1 that the parrots were off limits after one flew by him & he looked interested. He NEVER went after them, doesnt even pay attntion to them. IN fact they perch on the chair & the dogs wait for the leftover food to dropp so they can catch it.   They are out always at the same time while I am home. He just knows & several times when he was asleep ( a black dog) on my black leather couch, my Amazon would fly & land on him thinking he was a couch, he jumps off the couch faster than you can blink!  My greys don't pay attention to my dogs.  & The dogsonly watch NIlah my amazon, cause she will bite them if she feels they are in her way...they just run away.  They are more scared of her , as she's not afraid of anything.

    I have had 3 cats over the years, they also learned that the birds were off limit..Again they were more scared of the birds as they know NIlah can bite .  Accidents can happen, but I am always vigilant watching the goings on when all are around us.  We all co-exist, but I don't trust them just in case.  

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  2. Well, it seems he has decided what he likes & what makes him feel most comfortable. Maybe just continue to let him dictate his step up comfort level & don't try & do anything different. In time you most likely will find that he decided to change things up once he feels totally secure & trusting that you will always do the same thing each time. It can be frustrating for you, but he is probably frustrated that he never knows how your gonna try & get him to step up. when he is ready, he will let you know by doing something different. I think patience is the key...:)

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  3. 51 minutes ago, Timbersmom said:

    I think there is a lot to the "unsteadiness" of an arm. Timber has a hand thing so hands are out. It has to be my forearm. I've noticed when he's on my arm he's adjusting to keep balance and fight slipping. I usually grab the bottom of my sleeve and make sure the surface he steps on is tight, which really helps. I can see that being at least a part of it.

    Totally 100% agree with you!  If they aren't fully trusting you, that is an issue for sure. They need to feel secure when they are perched.

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  4. I totally get this!  He has communicated to you he doesn't like things from behind & it is great you underatnd that & respect it.  There is no nail polish or a ring he might not like on your hand or wrist?   When you ask him to step up onto your hand, what part of your hand are you using & where do you place your hand?  Also, he will feel your hesitation, so always be confident & if you do get bit, don't react, they love to get emotion out of you & that will quickly reinforce his biting behavior when stepping up.  

    Sometimes when I expect a bite, I will lay my hand flat & strong, palm down. I always place it at the belly just above their feet, placement can be everything.  Let us know

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  5. Gosh, I dont know what to advise. If he likes the dowel, I would just use that until he is so comfortable with that & time goes on that he forgets about stepping up on you & biting.  can you take the dowel with you to your parents?  Als, my 2 greys & my 1 amazon will step up onto my arm, but really don't prefer it as there is nothing to really grab onto, and your skin can slide..grap your arm tight with your hand & twist it, your skin isn't firm & it's easier for them to lose balance & fall. they prefer something they can dig their claws into if need be. He might like the dowel because he can wrap his claws & hold on tight making him feel more secure.   I offer my hand in moments of being unsure about getting bit, but ALWAYS make a fist, if you have a tight fist, there really isn't much to bite or latch onto.  

    I would contiune with the high praise & reward when he does what you like, but replace your arm with a sturdier item.  keep us posted & Good luck.  remember be patient as we live in their time which passes slowly vs our hurry up world!

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  6. On 7/16/2024 at 10:49 AM, Timbersmom said:

    I try to tell myself that it's my fault if I get bit. I swear though, sometimes it seems intentional, even planned. Like "I'm going to lure her in and take a plug out of her." I see no warning signs, everything is going as usual, then bam, bite. 

    My tag does this. she lures you in with her sweetness, then BAM, she takes a nip!  She has always been a jokester & lives for outsmarting me.  I never fall for her tricks, cause I will get a bite!   They have such different personalities.

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  7. So cute!  My greys would never allow that, but my amazon, LOVES it! She will grip my fingers & I swing her gently on my lap saying, "swing the baby!"  She enjoys it for a while..until she doesn't, then you know what she does..bites to let me know she's done..:LOL

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  8. Neoow,


    Yes, She LOVES candy, I bought some M&M's & Skittles..her forbidden treats..tried them, didnt work. So this week, it was 4 days of toweling,,GRRR. today, I talked to her about it over & over..telling her to be a good bird & "be back soon, okay?"  which we always say together when she is to go in her cage for me to go to work..(she was saying it this am when I came near her)....telling her to step up to go to her cage like a good bird, & I won't towel her...She DID it!  Yes, she got an M & M and praised and applause..LOL..I am trying ..thats all we can do.

    I get so stressed out about it at times..but I have to remember, I live on their time..not mine  LOL

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  9. Thanks Kevin,


    Well all was going well, until My hubby & I went away for 3 days over the weekend..she has to stay in her downstairs cage to sleep!  When we got home yesterday all 3 came out, played all day, I put her in her downstairs cage as we went out for dinner. she was fine...let them out again after we got home, then all was good putting them to bed.  BUT TODAY.. she refused to go back to her cage..I had to corner her & towel her...UGH!

    • Sad 2

    After almost 2 weeks of toweling her & her screeching while I take her downstairs to her new cage which she seems to LOVE! 

     I let her out from her sleep cage upstairs & kept our morning routine just as it always has been.  I work from home today, so I thought worst case scenario, she goes in my office with me, but then I thought she would LOVE that & try to do that every day...I had a small box on the counter which she loves, she went in while I was making their breakfast & chewed away..peeking out at me every so often to see what I was up to....After I was totally doen & ready to go to work. I debated...do I throw a towel over the box & put her in her cage???  Or do I make a normal attempt at her stepping up & walking her to her cage.....Tough choice cause I hate chasing her around the house..I tried the latter...She was GOOD AS GOLD!  She stepped up & said her usual " be back soon okay?"  and I set her in her cage ..SUCCESS!  It made my whole day, I was so excited I had to call my husband and tell him at work  LOL

    So lets hope tomorrow goes as well also.   But for today, I am thrilled!!   :)

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  11. Thank you for your support. I did look back on all the cameras & don't see anything that scared her, but obviously, something did,..Nothin in her cage or the room it is in is different. She was out all day yesterday, I have seen a bit of hesitancy in her when she is out. She stays up high & is cautious.  I just talk to her alot & offer her treats, trying to show her all is well.  HeRand my amazon had a day yesterday where they were testing each other, flying thru the house chasing each other...they seem to be working something out..

    I have noticed on the camera that she stays on a high shelf in her cage this past week. She has a wide cage, where one part is not as high as the other...I brought up a smaller width wise, but taller cage from my basement, power washed it & set it up almost the same as her cage..many more shelves up high to perch on, less toys...She didn't see it yesterday much as she stayed out of the bird room..I toweled her & put her in it this am before work.  She seems to like all the food bowls       ( she has 4) easier to get to..so far, I think she likes it from what I can see on the camera...now hoping in time, she will let me get back to allowing her out & stepping up and allowing me to put her in her cage like normal...In time I hope once she gets over whatever scared her.


    I will keep you posted!   

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  12. Advice needed: I have Talon who has a sleep cage in my bedroom, she comes out in the am, has breakfast with me & I put her in her downstairs cage when I go to work about an hour later. My other 2 parrots sleep downstairs, dont come out in the am because my amazon never goes back in her cage unless its nite. It has been this way for 19 years...2 weeks ago, Talon escaped her cage while I was at the store ( which has happened several times over the years) & just hung out in the kitchen with no issues...Ever since then ( 2 weeks later) I can not get her to go in her cage no matter what tricks I try...I have to catch her in a towel and put her in...she mostly sits on a top shelf in her cage & for some reason wont go around her cage even to eat of drink that I can tell ( I have cameras)...She seems scared of something, so little by little I ended up taking all her toys out one by one to see if that was the issue. I have tried EVERYTHING, she is perfectly fine when she is out of her cage, and she will willingly go to her sleep cage at nite. Just desperate now as I need her to go in her cage willingly & not having to chase her & corner her to catch her every day...Before this, she willingly stepped up & went in her cage whenever I asked...thinking of buying her a new cage, since I am at my wits end..all my tricks she remembers & wont fall for more than once! Appreciate any help if anyone has any suggestions..Thank you, desperate for answers!

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  13. On 4/4/2024 at 1:03 AM, LNCAG said:

    Wow, at 1/4" spacing I'd be worried about feet and legs getting stuck!  Even 1/2" really.  Sounds like it would be difficult to climb around in.

    Well that was an uneducated guess on my part. My parrots have no problem climbing & taking treats thru the bars. I will have to measure them when I get home I guess.  Macaw size bar spacing on my 3 cages works well for me

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