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Posts posted by Talon

  1. My gosh! I am exhausted just reading all you went thru.,....I cant imagine 40 hours of working like that!  So glad you survived it & I hope you get your life back!!  


    My 3 girls would be in love if that saw that Huey profile.....:)   Better not show them...LOL


    Glad to hear from you..its quiet here, but there's a handful of us that still come & check in!  

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  2. Oh, that is sooo exciting!  I cant wait to hear how things go!  

    My outside (attached) bird room is off my living room. )its a covered/ closed in screened porch)  Since my amazon is the only one who is brave enough to go out there,  on Saturdays when I am doing house chores, I put her out there.  She knows this as ""The Bird Room" .  I make a big fuss over the "The Bird Room" .  She knows what that means when I ask her if she wants to go in  "The Bird Room"  I am able to get her out of her cage as a step up to go to  "The Bird Room".  She LOVES being out there.  My other 2 (gresy) are too chicken & will only go if I sit there with them, which is rare since Sat is my only day to do my house chores, they dont go out there.....

    On SUndays when we are chilling in the living room, I can open the living room window which goes directly to  "The Bird Room" and NIlah can fly in & out as she pleases.

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  3. I moved when I had one grey. As long as she had her cage in its spot, she was quite happy watching all the commotion as we talked to her & told her about her new home. She was fine as long as she had us to give her the tour the next day after she had time to feel safe in her own cage for a day & night.  I am so excited they will finally have their own outside aviary to just be birds!  Cant wait for pics once you get all settled in!


    P.S. I can not imagine having to let your birds go without cause of neighbors,  bless you!

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  4. As most may know, it is with great sadness that Griffi the Dancing Cockatoo, has passed away after suffering from a stroke.  He brought so many smiles to me face, I loved following him on Instagram, fb & TikTok.  He will live on as his owner posts his many videos still.  Such a sad loss for those of us who followed him.  Just wanted to post how sad I am for his owner & the loss of a tiny featherless bird that brought so much fun & happiness to so many strangers in the world!  RIP Griffi  <3

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  5. On 7/29/2023 at 10:03 AM, Timbersmom said:

    I agree with all Talon said. I've had Timber (rehome) for ten years and think I know him well. On a rare occasion, he will still bite, seemingly out of the blue. I just have to accept that he has his reasons, though I don't know what they are. I just say "no bite" firmly and back to the cage he goes. I suspect that is what he wants, since that is his safe place. There are times I can read his body language and know to leave him be, but the times he has bitten in recent history there were no indications it was coming. Good luck and God bless :)

    YES!  I totally agree!  I too, have found that "NO BITES" said by me and me walking away & ignoring them works very well. They do understand what no bites mean. My amazon has a cage with the top that flips down, I have to put my hand in her cage (which for my amazon is a NO NO!  she hates anyone's hand in her domain!!)   & I put her breakfast food bowl on it in the am. She would try & bite me hard most times..Now I say over & over again nonstop .:.no bites no bites no bites" the entire time.  Then when she doesn't,  I clap loudly & say, " Yay!  No bites, good girrrlll, over & over (which she loves)  & continue clapping..she get very excited by the attention I give her..her eyes start pinning & she clucks when she is excited!  It's now our morning ritual. I rarely get a bite anymore when I do that.

    You own a parrot, you ARE going to get bitten..many times never really knowing why..just respect their boundaries & move forward without making a fuss!

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  6. Oh my!  I have sooo been down this road.  I don't remember how long you have had her. but it could be a few things..perhaps the honeymoon period is over & she is testing you.....mine all did that. YOU did the right thing when she bit your nose in putting her back in her cage and walking aways without saying anything. They WANT a response, a reaction. best not to give it to them or it will reinforce the behavior.  When my parrots are on my shoulder, I do my best to keep my face away from them..you never know what will spook them , when they get spooked, their reaction is to react by flying or biting..they dont know whatever happened isn't your fault, they just know to react. I would try and ignore the biting, so she finds nothing exciting happens when she does it. It will take time..as she will continue to try & get a reaction out of you, then it just becomes a game to her

    Also try and read her body language..most bites happen because we miss something, not always tho. I have a grey who usually is a doll when I tell her to step up for bedtime..but everyone in a while, I see it in her eyes & she will just quickly give my hand a hard bite instead..I just walk away & allow her time to settle down while I go about my business.. then when I finally do go get her, I talk to her sweetly first ..you can tell her reaction and then I know if I can try again or not.  If you find that she is biting your finger when you tell her to step uo, put your hand in a fist, they can't bite hard & there is nothing much to grab onto.

    A grey will always be more on the nervous side, they don't usally like their feathers ruffled or to be flipped around..they spook very easily.  I always say they are like horses, cause they spook over anything, so do greys.


    When you are doing head scratches, every bird is different, & some can only tolerate a tiny amount before they bite, I have 1 grey who just loves light head rubs forever, another who I can rub 2 or 3 times, then I get a squeak & a bite!  You just have to know that a little is better  & learn her body language.


    It took my rescued grey 3 to 4 years to settle in ( I was her 4th home) and truly feel comfortable to start to trust fully, but still I have to always watch body language on all 3 of my parrots that I have had for 17 years!  

    Keep us posted..Sorry my reply is so scattered, I am at work!  LOL

    • Like 1
  7. 10 hours ago, SRSeedBurners said:

    I will have a word with the Greycie.   She's very busy ya know.




    I too, miss our Greycie vidoes, she's the best.  You should have an Instagram or TocToc page for her...she's our celebrity!  

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  8. Thank you Kevin for everything you have done for us. You have put your heart & soul into keeping us here as a family.  We will continue on with greyforums.org.  I know I speak for so many..you did your best & are very appreciated ..but as with most things, times change..not always for the better...just different....it's sad for our generation to see any loss of info. but we all have it in our hearts & minds.

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  9. I have a tag, a cag & an amazon.  All 3 turned out to be girls. I got my second grey, a cag ( rescued her) when my tag was almost 2 years old.   NONE of them are bonded, they don't seem to "like" each other..but tolerate each other. They have established a pecking order...They do not hang out together, when they are in their cages, they seem to care about that  ( all 3 cages are on the same side of the room)  they have no tolerance for sharing. They each have their own spaces, they accept that when one flies over, the other will go to a different spot. I do on occasion have 1 on each shoulder.  There have been territorial fights to which I have to run & put a stop too, but usually one will fly off rather than engage, I keep an eye on them when they are out.      2 weeks ago, I was cooking pancakes in an electric frying pan, I didn't realize 1 of of my greys were on top of the fridge next to the pan on the counter..the other grey was in the cupboard above the fridge. I was taliking to my daughter on the phone which makes my amzon yell, I went onto the bathroom so I could hear her & what a fight that happened. When I heard the commotion, I RAN out yelling & it was too late, my Cag fell into the pancakes & burned all the little feathers off her ankles!  Poor thing, that pan was at 300 degress!   I felt horrible!!!!      She was fine, but had flown off to the her safe space. I got her & she stayed on my shoulder for comfort.  


    There is zero guarantee they will like each other. But they will learn to co-exist.  In my opinion. it is a 50/50 chance.  You have to ask yourself, IF they don't like each other, are you willing to allow them to co-exist & keep them as happy as they deserve, & if they don't bond ..are you willing to commit to a lifetime with them..if the answer if NO to the latter, then don't get another one.

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  10. LNCAG, what state are you in if you don't mind.  I am sure you have told us, but I need a refresher!

    I have an outdoor bird (screened) room on part of my deck, it has an enclosed roof, so sadly no sunshine comes in. Out of my 3 it is my Amazon that LOVES it out there, my 2 greys wont have any part of it unless I go out in it and they stay on my shoulder for a bit...quickly wanting to go back inside if I DARE to try & leave then there. It is attached to my living room where there is a window I can open so its easy to go back in when they desire..which for my Amazon rarely..but my greys are NOW!!  

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  11. LNCAG, 

    Thank you for sharing.  I appreciate the concern & respect you shared.  MY heart breaks for you, knowing in your heart you are doing the best for Snickers..try & find some comfort in that.  I pray for you & Snickers.  ❤️


    I have met with an Elder Lawyer. I want to avoid any will and probate, so most everything is in a trust. I have a verbal agreement with my daughter as to how she will handle my 3 if they outlive me and are still here . I have complete trust in her and I know she will honor my wishes and do what is best for them at that time.  

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  12. Greytness & LNCAG,  I can't thank you enough for your thoughtfulness on this topic & not "shaming" me for my thoughts as I go thru this difficult topic & decison.

      There are no sanctuary's remotely close to me. Also if I make the arrangements now, being 62, it could be (hopefully) quite some time before this need arises & whose to say the sanctuary would still be there?  Another worry....

    LNCAGI love that you have made arrangements as the need arose... that would be my hope I could do the same.  I imagine my partner would keep my amazon, they really like each other, but not certain. He is 28 years younger & won't even discuss what happens "if" when I talk about it..not worth the argument even tho I try.  He J-just doesnt want to hear it, so I will make whatever arrangements need be so things are in place. 

    My hope is he will take her, & my daughter would do what is best with the others. She would either try & find them a really nice home or do what is necessary if she can't. Haven't yet discussed it with her, but I will soon. I am meeting with an Elder lawyer for estate planning soon & we will have this discussion as well.  

    I am so relieved that I am not the only one struggling with this topic.  As it so happened this was posted this week on my FB & it really hit home....



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  13. 43 minutes ago, Timbersmom said:

    I'm blessed in that I have two children who would take Timber when the time comes. Will they feed him exactly like I do? Probably not. However, I know he is adaptable since I am his third home (at least) and he has bonded to me. Also, he already knows and accepts the kids, which is a good start.

    In your situations, I understand it is more difficult. Just my opinion, but where there is life there is hope. While the person who takes your flock members when the time comes may not be ideal, there is no way of knowing if your birds would be "happy" or not, and my initial thought is give them a chance. I'll admit, as Talon implied, I often wonder how satisfying Timber's life is. However, it is all he's ever known. Being hatched in captivity, he's never flown free in the wild or lived a "normal" life. So, I need to believe he is at least content. And, I think he could be content in his next home too.

    Have you thought about reaching out to some of the forum members (like SRSeedburners) who are younger and might be willing to take on more flock members? Or maybe your avian vet who may know other younger bird enthusiasts who might be willing? Just a thought.

    It's a quandary I know, and like many other things, there is no perfect answer.

    Thank you, all wonderful things to think about. My avian vet retired many years ago..there is no avian vet near me anymore.  My vet for my cat & dog doesnt know anyone..I hope & pray in the next 10 or 20 years ( I exoect to be here) God will help me find someone who will love them & do right by them.  I intended for my daughter to take them & find homes for them, but she has a rescue dog that attacks birds so they can't go to her for now...in 10 or 20 years, I pray things change..I know I can trust she will do right by them if that means they go to new homes..:/

    • Like 3
  14. 20 hours ago, Greytness said:

    I've been wrestling with the same thoughts. You can create a trust for your birds, but you will have to designate someone to oversee their care. That's the difficult part for me, as no one will feed and care for my birds the way I do. And I have 11!

    Yes, I don't have that kind of $$ for a trust..

    11 is hard to plan for...do you have thoughts on their care?

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  15. Hi, I hope I get some responses & opinions.  I am doing estate planning for myself ( I am almost 63 & getting things in place early) 

    I have very young parrots, 1 Amazon 12 years old & a BIG handful, (hates all women, except me)  2 African Greys, both will be 18 years old this year....I have NO ONE who can take them, or really wants them.....I dont want them to go to a rescue as there aren't any in my area.  It is troublesome for me.....the stress they will go thru, as they are pretty spoiled & set in their ways.......

    I have a friend who rescues Mccaw's, they are true rescues & not rehome able..She has made arrangements that when she passes, they will be euthanized so as not to go thru the stress of what would become of them. Although I was SHOCKED at her choice when I first heard this.....as time goes on & I have given it alot of thought, it seems best for them. They will never know , they will just go to sleep. 

    Being caged birds, it really is cruel to all parrots as they don't have the benefit of living a fulfilled life like a cat or dog.  They are our "slaves" so to speak, in their cages when we say so, out when we allow it.  My parrots get out as much as possible when I am not working, they are out, flying freely thru the house, perches EVERWHERE, my house looks like a giant bird cage.... BUT,will they have this if left to another person, ..being separated from each other, living in a new home, new rules, new environment, new routines, new everything, food, treats, new people who handle them in a way they don't know, possibly someone clipping their wings so they never fly again..imagine what all this would do to them physologically..... Yes, I know some parrots will adapt, but with 3,,,I feel they will definitely suffer trauma, quite possibly alot.

    Then there is the issue of leaving enough funds to care for them..will it go to their care or will the new owners spend it on other things,  could another owner have the money needed?  All things I am quite concerned over. I owe it to my parrots to give them the best possible life as long as possible. I know I can't control their lives once I am gone..that's the problem, they don't deserve LESS than, & I don't want that for them. they deserve the best life possible as long as they are here, I OWE THEM THAT!


    So  I guess my question is......what is crueler, putting your parrots to sleep upon your death..or the trauma they will go thru as they mourn the loss of their lives & us that love them unconditionable.....as they know it ? 

    Pretty dark & deep, I know   :(

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  16. On 2/24/2023 at 6:47 PM, FirstPenguin said:


    Haven't been on this site in ages, hope you're all doing well. I'm desperate. My congo was stolen while boarding at my vets office. 3 Congos and an Amazon were stolen from All Animals Vet in Calabasas, CA near Los Angeles, CA during a late night smash and grab. My bird is named Elwood and has a band, he's on the larger side, 512 grams. If you see any suspicious for sale adds please contact me. Thanks. Cash reward for anyone who can help secure a safe recovery. 

    To the admins. I would greatly appreciate if this or something similar could be bumped to a more visible part of the forum. Thanks. 


    PINNED & FEATURED.  I pray he comes back home ASAP.  My heart hurts for you.  :(

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