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Posts posted by Talon

  1. I agree with all of you, fb, TikTok, instagram, they have all taken away great posting abilities. The under 10 second attention span….I believe many of us are just too busy on other social media sites scrolling away ….there is such a wealth of info here..  that’s why it will stay as long as possible. It’s irreplaceable information that you won’t find elsewhere. We lost a lot of our long time experts…and newbies don’t seem to be ..are their new parrot owners, and if so where are they?

    Ray was having some health issues after losing his wife..I hope he checks in again soon..also, Judygram has disappeared as well…


    I really appreciate those of you that have hung in and check in from time to time.  Thank you for taking the time .🥰

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  2. Sugar is not good as they can't metabolize it like humans can, it just accumulates.  I don't use any sugar, nor do I eat anything that has sugar in it . I do use monkfruit if I am baking & need a sweetener.  I don't eat anything with any type of chemicals or processed food, not do my birds, occasional cookies with no sugar and choc with no sugar, nothing artificial..yes they do once in a while

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Timbersmom said:

    Love the keychain! Timber's latest fixation is the zipper teeth on my hoodie. He pretends to be looking at something else but his eyes keep shifting to those teeth. When he thinks I'm distracted, he'll go for them.

    Oh yes!  All my sweatshirts have zipper pieces missing. I have to hide them, if I leave them around the teeth are gone in a snap!  My honey leaves his baseball hats laying around and all the cloth is chewed in a blink of the eye on the top button..LOL

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  4. On 10/14/2022 at 7:15 PM, Greytness said:

    Happy Hatchday, Talon!

    Maalik likes to dive bomb and harass my Panama Amazon, Harley, too. What's up with these CAGS and Zons?

    Right?  I thought it was just Talon cause my amazon can be a bully, but maybe its a grey thing?  they used to play chase thru the house, but then my amazon started to bully her a bit..so now they  have changes roles I guess

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  5. This girl is already 17 years old today. I have had her since she was 6 weeks old , she flew from Florida to MA all by herself in the cold of December.. with a little help from Delta Airlines.  Yes, she was too young, it was a rocky start, but we got thru it & she is the biggest comedian ever!  Her days are filled with trying to outsmart me & find her way into ALL my kitchen cupboards..even tho she has 2 of her very own on top of the fridge!  she LOVES to try & get the best of you!  She also LOVES dive bombing my Amazon when she is on my shoulder & I am not looking!   But she is very sweet to me.  <3


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  6. Oh my!  Isn't it amazing how they remind us who is in charge when we least expect it?  I am glad your ok..we have all been in a power struggle at times. My Rikki lets me put her into her cage every night very nicely, but she will grab onto my hand or fingers as I put her in her cage to go on her perch  and squeeze as hard as she can..I try not to make a sound as she is digging her claws into me...but some nights it's justtoo much, & I say okay Rikki let goooo....your squeezing too tight!  Once she hears that. she's satisfied &  immediately let's go & steps onto her perch !   Grrrrrrr....

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  7. On 9/20/2022 at 11:04 AM, joea said:

    Isn't chocolate bad for birds?   I do make my own oatmeal raisin cookies that contain cinnamon and nutmeg, which I let her have a very small taste of.  Loves them, but I worry that it is too much sugar.

    I also notice she no longer is avid about the Harrisons Bird Bread she used to devour in a moment.  Now she does eat it, but is not excited about it at all.   Spoiled by the sweets, I guess.


    Yes, choc is bad for birds.  But I explained myself above, wrong as it is, I do not worry about them having a 60 year long life. A happy life is what's important to me!  

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  8. I do on occasion allow my birds a small piece of a choc chip cookie.  My timneh got out of her cage when I was at work all day & found her way into a cupboard where I keep no sugar choc covered almonds & no sugar dark chocolate bars...she had a field day in there as she is a candy addict.  She is still here to try & try to get into that cupboard every day! 


    I am 62 years old, my 3 parrots ages are 15, 15 & 12 years old.  I really have no one to leave them too...I allow them occasional treats, if they don't make it 40 -80 years, they will live a less stressful llfe if they are being put in home after home.  This may sound bad on my part, but they are very set in their ways & having their lives disrupted so many times once I'm gone, is not what I feel is best for them.....so if I shorten their lives a few years by allowing them a forbidden treat..well so be it...Don't come down on me for this. My heart breaks knowing they will have to go thru alot of stress once I'm gone in not knowing what will become of their lives once my daughter makes the decision as to where they will go. She has 3 dogs & one cant not be in the same house with parrots.



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  9. On 9/22/2022 at 10:14 AM, Timbersmom said:

    I buy little carob chips, which ARE bird safe, with my typical "Timber has Christmas all year long" orders. He loves them as a treat. I wonder how they would bake in things? I've never tried, he likes them plain.

    I have baked with them, it's just the same as choc chips, just not the sugar!

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  10. On 9/16/2022 at 10:03 PM, joea said:

    My Grey loves the All Living Things almond flavor cookie treats.  But they have been out of stock recently and she is quite disappointed to not get her accustomed treat.

    Any known recipes available?   I'd actually rather bake them at home.

    Oooh. I have never seen these. I bet my birds would love these!  They love cookies & occasionally get a choc chip cookie!  

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  11. On 8/29/2022 at 12:09 AM, Greytness said:

    The current prices for Greys is astronomical. I paid $1500 for Maalik in 2013. Sydney was a rescue that we acquired for free and Finn was also $1500, which is what his previous owner had paid for him. Finn was only a baby when we acquired him.

    I often worry about the potential for them being stolen due to their current street value.  

    That’s my biggest worry as well!

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  12. One of my greys started plucking a few years ago, ( her chest)  I realize its a stress thing regarding my long time amazon who is a hog for attention.  I try to give her more special time with me, it has helped. DO NOT try & help with pin feathers..they are quite painful when coming in & you should avoid that area until they have come in naturally. I find pin feathers on my amazon when she is getting head scrunches, but I just go very very light in that area..   Mist them with a mixture of warm water & aloe juice, that soothes the skin.  I also wrap up safe pieces of broken wooden toys & put them in a toy bucket for them to forage thru & chew the paper to get to the inside toy. Folded up paper, junk mail

    ( envelopes that haven't been opened).  Popcorn as a snack will keep them busy, my grey LOVES uncooked egg noodles, they keep her busy for quite some time crunching & eating them,  put the tv or music on if she seems bored.  Try a bowl of water for her to splash in, corn on the cob to chew on, my grey prefers small cockatiel size toys, not parrot size ones..just suggestions for occupying her in hopes of distracting them. They do tend to pluck when their bored if it has become a habit.  Best of luck & keep us posted.  

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  13. I was just scrolling social media. I follow a very well-known & reputable Bird Store. It's the largest in the country, family-owned.  Anyways, the cost of the baby African Greys......$7499.99.  


    I was shocked. I didn't buy any of mine ( all rescues)  But I have the bill of sale for 2 of them..both my 15 year old greys were bought for $1600-2200.00


    Makes you realize how valuable they are & time to make certain the security system is set at all times!!

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