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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Judy, 1046? slow down, I'll never catch up!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  2. I know, I was only teasing you guys, because you both have such a good sense of humor!!:woohoo: :woohoo:
  3. Jeez, everyone............I didn't mean I was french kissing Talon,( I save that for someone special). Only small, dry, kisses on the top of her beak. I thought you guys would have understood that's what I meant. Sorry for leaving out the details!! :pinch: :pinch:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/07/08 19:32
  4. Oh Karla, how sad. Maybe the lady doesn't understand the importance of keeping the cage clean, nor how to take care of one. Could you maybe tell her about greys, and all that is required to meet their needs. She may just be ignorant, although that is NO Excuse! Please keep pestering her about it, it so deserves a better home than that. Maybe she'll give in when she realizes all that's involved, and sell it to you. Please keep us informed........ :(
  5. Dan, Bacterial infections are hard to get rid of in a grey. Talon came to us with one, and it took a year and a half to clear her of it. Our vet said not to kiss them on the beak, share utensils, or glasses with them. Well, that lasted like for one day...........Too many people in this house to obey the rules. But I admit, I couldn't stop the kissing on the beak thing, no way, no how, uh-uh!! :pinch:
  6. Well then, there's always 2000 posts!!:woohoo: :woohoo:
  7. In the morning?? It's 74 here, at 10 am.
  8. Talon


    Tari, I'm praying for your baby. I know you are doing everything you can to nurture and help him gain the strength to get stronger. I'm glad he ate well this am. Keep us up to date as much as you can. Please know that you have all our thoughts and prayers with you.
  9. Talon


    Greylover, I love your signature line. Very nice!!
  10. I use the bird sitter video for Talon to see other birds. Web-cam.........interesting idea!:dry:
  11. That's a scary thought, thanks for that CD! {Emotions-00020120}
  12. Imran, Those are very interesting. Thanks for sharing them with us. Clicker training is supposed to work great as we can see in the videos. But I have yet to try it. HAs anyone here tried it yet?
  13. Verena, Please keep us updated on how your vet visit goes. We care very much about all our extended birdie's!! :cheer:
  14. Beccy and the others give good advice. Being able to have your grey out of his cage morning and evening is important to them. They need this human interaction to thrive as healthy and happy birds. They do need lots of stimulation, so many toys and a large cage is a must Good luck to you, and keep us posted. :)
  15. Our vet said they aren't able to catch colds and virus from us. But just for piece of mind, I wouldn't kiss Talon when I was sick.
  16. You two are soooo funny!! I love to come here and get a good laugh from you guys!!! Dan.... this is for you........I love this bunny! {Nature-000200C9}
  17. Welcome Josh! Nice to have you join our family. I am far from Minnesota, but maybe someone else here can help you. Looking forward to hearing more about you & your future grey!!
  18. Jeez, Judy! That's 2 winners today for you. Keep it up lady!!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  19. Judy, that's cute! Where did you find that???:huh:
  20. Oh, very funny with that last one! I'm going to guess........now don't get mad if I'm off, but 49???:pinch:
  21. Talon


    Nice to see. Positive karma coming your way Lidia! :cheer:
  22. Grandchildren...............are they as fun as Greys??? ;)
  23. COME ON EVERYONE!!! KARMA FOR CD!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  24. A very BIG Congratulations CD! You’ve reached an incredible milestone in just under 2 months, in more ways than one! Like Judy, you are filled with a wealth of knowledge and wisdom to share. You are a very special, compassionate and smart man,and it shows to all of us here. I value your friendship and knowing that you will always be here for us is a comfort. We are lucky to have you. Keep up the good posting!! Lots of Love, Penny
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