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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Talon just turned 2 years old last Saturday, October 13. I taught her to say "Happy Birthday" last February for my son's Birthday. But now she has started singing, "Happy Birthday to you! She spent most of the day practicing, and she even gets the melody just right! She sings on key too! :cheer:
  2. Welcome! I look forward to hearing more!
  3. Okay, my check in, although it is Friday night. I ate Chinese food and Pizza for dinner. :pinch: I guess I better not eat until lunch tomorrow.
  4. Deb, Talon does this all the time with me, but thank goodness never swallows it. I agree with the others, and a vet visit is in order. Please let us know how things turn out.
  5. Keith, I am so sorry that this had to be your first post. And I am very, very sorry for your loss. It is heartbreaking to think that after such a wonderful evening and morning, you would be without her tonight. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. We would love to have you stay here posting as a member, with or with out your bird. Please keep us posted on the results of Obi, and on how you are doing.
  6. Congratulations Makena! I am so happy to Welcome you into our 1000 post club! You are a wonderful person, a very good friend, and quite the poster! You love your Grey so much, it comes across in all your posts. We can feel that love, I hope that precious bird knows how lucky she is! I enjoy all you bring to us here, I have learned a lot from your vast knowledge in varous subjects. You are always so quick to help anyone who needs help here, whether it be posting , giving advice, helping new members feel welcome, helping them to navigate this forum a little better, and my favorite......... finding links. I especially love how you make me feel like I’m in Hawaii with all your beautiful photos, if only for a short time. I so want to visit there, because of you, one day I will. Congratulations Kristin, I’m very happy you are a member of our family, and I look forward to reading your next 1000 posts! I love ya girl, keep up the good work! Penny
  7. What a special parent you are to have raised such wonderful children. To see a brother and sister have such a close relationship is heartwarming to those of us that have children. That tribute brought a lump to my throat, and tears to my eyes. I hope and pray that your son comes home safely and with out harm. Please keep us updated, and we will continue to pray for his safety. Thank you for sharing this with us. We all need reminders of the sacrifices these fine individuals and families endure for us.
  8. Kristin is a very sweet person. I look forward to her caring ways each and every night when we chat in the IM box. She is a great friend to me and every one here!
  9. Hi, I'm glad you took them to the vets. Better safe than sorry. Sounds like you are on the right track with them. I know you will give them a loving and caring home for years to come. Please keep us updated!
  10. Judy, Just check in with any progress you have made. Such as you went to Curves 4 times instead of #. Or you increased the distance in your walk, or ran faster or further if that's what you desire. Of course PROGRESS is great, but we all have setbacks, and if that happens, check in anyways, and hopefully we will help you past that and onto some improvement. REMEMBER..."SMALL SUCCESSES BREEDS MORE SUCCESSES!" Thanks CD for the quote!
  11. Congratulations! You will love it! I can't wait to see the pictures you will take with it, you take such nice photo's already, these should be great!
  12. Okay, WEDNESDAY IT IS! We should all check in on Wednesday if we are able to. Just give us an update as to your progress. Mid week is a good idea, that will help us when we get to that dreaded weekend! WEDNESDAY IS CHECK IN DAY EVERYONE! B)
  13. Joe, Shame on you!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. You may click on the bottom of the page of the thread you want to keep track of, Subscribe to this topic:: and you will receive a notification of any post that is made via email, as well as your subscribed topics will be listed in your profile, and you can keep track there as well.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/10/16 22:22
  15. I agree, a new cage is the only way to go. You can find some cheap cages for an outside one on Ebay.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/10/16 04:00
  16. NO more Starbucks, that would do it CD. :lol: :lol:
  17. {Love-00020119} Awww, Thank you Joe, you are a sweetie too!
  18. Congratulatons Joe! Wow and Welcome to the 1000 club! You arrived here so fast, you made our heads spin!! I have to say, you are quite a contributing member. You have such great ideas for threads, and very fun posts. I always enjoy reading them. Keep up the good work, you sure keep this place hopping!! I look forward to your next 1000! A big hug, and a big Congratulations!! Penny
  19. Hi and welcome! I look forward to hearing more from you! I'm sure you will love it here. we have a great family here!
  20. Hi & Welcome. You will love this forum, as soon as you get used to it. It's not really that hard, but we are here to help you anyway we can. I look forward to hearing more from you!
  21. Well, it may be the best according to most owners, and the Harrison's Company, but Talon HATES it! I have tried weaning her on it for 10 months, she throws it on the floor! I only recently got her point. :pinch: I no longer offer it to her, but our parakeets like it!
  22. Wow! You have found a very good breeder! She's so caring in her birds. That is a rarity.
  23. Yes, they are very bad. Don't use them. There are numerous threads here regarding incense, fireplaces, and candles. Too many too list. Please type in the word CANDLES in the search topic box, and you will see them all listed. Just click on the different ones and you will find all that has been posted.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/10/13 20:26
  24. We have a Photography Room now! This room is for any member who would like to post photos, have them critiqued, ask for advice about anything photography related, get tips on the best lens, lighting, exposure, composition and cameras, etc. We have many experienced members here who are always willing to share their expertise with us. So, don't be afraid to post pictures. We can only learn and improve with the comments and advice that we receive. They can be photos of any type, not just bird related. But remember this is a Family Forum. <br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2008/10/20 03:09
  25. Hi Kathy, and Welcome to our Family. I am in awe of the attachment you obviously have for this sweetheart! He sounds perfect for you. Bless his heart, and yours. It is true that they will adapt to their own physical abilities. He knows no other way, so he should be fine. He's able to climb and hold food, so that's great! As far as the discharge, I would have definitely have a vet look at him and he probably needs some medicine to clear up what ever the problem is. How old is he? If he is young it could just need clearing from being hatched, but if he is older, he may have a respiratory issue that needs antibiotics. I wouldn't let these issues influence your love for him. I would still adopt him and give him all the tlc that I know you have for him. He should live a long and happy life with you. Please keep us posted, as much as you can, and I look forward to hearing much more!!
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