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Everything posted by Talon

  1. REMEMBER TO VOTE EVERYONE!!!!!!!! {Communicate-000200D5}
  2. HA HA HA DAN!!!! Not in a million years will you ever see me singing and dancing! {Communicate-0002011A} Thanks all for your support. I'll update again in a few days. B)
  3. HA HA HA DAN!!!! Not in a million years will you ever see me singing and dancing! {Communicate-0002011A} Thanks all for your support. I'll update again in a few days. B)
  4. Hi Everyone! Thanks for all your concern about Talon. It means so much when you are worried about your precious one to have support like you have shown me here. I wanted to update you all. Dan, her gram stain showed 10% bad bacteria, not a huge amount, but enough so that she has an infection. I have found that if I put her on my shoulder, and playfully talk and do things with her, I can get her into the bathroom with me, where I play peek-a-boo with the towel on both her and I. I then dance and sing with her. She seems to relax a bit, then she gets the idea, and flies onto the curtain rod, or light. I then climb up and throw the towel over her, and take her down. Once I uncover her cute little face, she says, "whoo!" Then I am able to fight the syringe into her beak and give her the medicine. Of course, all the while she is shaking her head NO! But we get through it twice a day, and then she climbs back up onto my shoulder, and I give her a noodle reward. She is so forgiving to me, it amazes me!! Her eyes are still red, but the swelling seems to have gone down. I hope the medicine clears it all up. I feel badly for her. I wish I knew what causes these infections. She seems to be susceptible to them... Thanks all for your encouraging words and support!
  5. Madi, She did sleep when he was on the computer. She is now in my bedroom with me. I often work on my computer late into the night. She sometimes eats when I'm working, but mostly she's very quiet. I think if you kept it totally quiet for them, they would have a hard time sleeping if they were ever to be moved, or would startle when they did hear noises. It is impossible to keep it total quiet, and most greys do just fine. They adapt to sleeping with what ever noise they hear. Some members here, have the tv on while their greys are in bed at night. :unsure:
  6. Madi, She did sleep when he was on the computer. She is now in my bedroom with me. I often work on my computer late into the night. She sometimes eats when I'm working, but mostly she's very quiet. I think if you kept it totally quiet for them, they would have a hard time sleeping if they were ever to be moved, or would startle when they did hear noises. It is impossible to keep it total quiet, and most greys do just fine. They adapt to sleeping with what ever noise they hear. Some members here, have the tv on while their greys are in bed at night. :unsure:
  7. Yes, safety has to come first. You did the right thing. B)
  8. Those are great!! Thanks for sharing them with us. I especially loved "I'm a Believer"! B)
  9. Very nice photo Tari!! You did a nice job!
  10. HI Judy, I still have all my fingers, and fingernails so far....... Her eye is getting worse, and now it is spreading into the other eye. I just got home and the vet left a message on my voice mail. She does have a bacterial infection, and will have to be put on oral antibiotics for 10 days. I HATE this, she's tough to get medicine into. What a fight she puts up twice a day. Since she is fully flighted, I have a heck of a time catching her. She seems to read my mind before I even get the towel. It becomes a cat and mouse game here.....
  11. Thanks everyone! I'm not really too concerned, as we have dealt with her having an upper respiratory infection and a bacterial infection on 2 other occasions. But putting eye drops in her eye, that's a new one for me. Maybe I will post a photo of her eye, I wonder about it, as her eye looks perfectly normal, its the area around it that is red, and gets worse as she gets excited, and barely noticeable when she is calm. :huh: We seem to get a handle on it early, as I am not the type to do the "wait and see" approach. I take her immediately with in a day or two if I notice a problem. I will keep you posted, and thank you all for your concern.
  12. Thank you everyone! I had the best Mothers Day I ever had! My kids cooked me breakfast, and served it to me in bed!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  13. OMG! Tari, that's an incredible shot!! :cheer:
  14. OMG!! This just keeps getting harder and harder. The pictures are incredible guys!!B)
  15. Talon has an eye infection. We're not sure how or why. Our vet did a gram stain, and the results won't be back until Monday afternoon. He thinks she could have an upper respiratory infection as well, but he won't know for certain until the results are in. IN the meantime, I am to TOWEL her (which she despises!!) and put eye drops in her eye morning and night. So far, it's been 4 times, and I only have one hole in one finger nail!! I consider myself pretty lucky so far, as she is such a biter!! I'll let you all know how many fingers I have left in ten days..... :pinch: :ohmy:
  16. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to everyone here in the U.S. and everywhere in the world! I hope your little grey friends are good to you, and give you lots of kisses!! {Love-000200BF}
  17. The ages does vary somewhat. Some greys talk at 4 months, others a year old. As you stated, not all will talk, but most do. I spent a lot of time talking directly to Talon many times through out the day. She talked at 4 months. Before that, she made many different sounds, whistles etc. The important thing is to talk directly to them, carry conversations on with them, and be very patient. They are taking it all in, and will one day surprise you with a word when you least expect it!!:woohoo:
  18. What responses...............:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  19. Talon continues to say, Bad bad bad bird, happy bird, bad bird, no talon! :pinch:
  20. Hello and Welcome to our family! I know you'll enjoy it here. I look forward to hearing more from you! B)
  21. Hi and Welcome to our family! I look forward to hearing more about Homer! I live in MA, so we are practically neighbors! Thanks for posting the picture, you have a handsome son and a beautiful bird! B)
  22. Please let us know what the vet says. This sounds interesting....:dry:
  23. Congrats!! I love the name you picked out. Very sweet for such a cute little girl! B)
  24. Very nice! I love the foraging tray. Where did you find one the perfect size?
  25. Hi Leah, welcome to our family! I am very excited for you. Please keep us posted and let us know how things are going. And remember to post pictures....we love them! B)
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