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Everything posted by Talon

  1. The easiest solution it to copy and paste the link.
  2. You are all to be commended for the commitment, dedication, love and patience for taking in such rescues with all their heavy unknown baggage, and deciding no matter what....they will have the best life possible regardless of what has happened to them in their past. That my friends is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE....and having that for a child or spouse is one thing...but to have that kind of LOVE for a rescued parrot takes an entirely different kind of person. And you guys are few and far between...I am honored to have been a part of your sharing your lives with your flock. For or all the rescues...I say a big THANK YOU!!!!
  3. I mix things in with birdie bread. I also cook up a batch on Sunday mornings that lasts about 2 weeks. Lots of veggies, pasta, rice, quinoa ect. I put them in small containers and freeze it. I take one out the night before for my birds each day in addition to their regular food. Disguise disguise disguise!
  4. My birds won't eat Harrison's no matter how many years and types I have tried. Can someone post a recipe for this so I can give it to them this way?
  5. http://www.legbandregistry.com/
  6. So friggin awesome!!!!! I just LOVE your videos! you must spend a lot of time interacting with Gracie, she is so responsive to you both!
  7. Oh my gosh! I am laughing so hard with all these stories.!! My Nilah (Amazon) is the warden in my house. She chases my bichon a off the couch, runs after my cats when they come up for a cuddle. If any one of my dogs or cats disobeys, they will get lunged at with a bite! Nilah tries to keep Talon in line...but Talon has no fear of Nilah and will battle it out , so I have to keep watch when they decide to have "turf" wars. My Rikki will yell at the dogs when they bark, and meow when the cat meows. But they seem pretty calm compared to the flock others have here....lol
  8. Oh dear. Aloe Vera would be very helpful in healing. Hopefully our more experienced with this type of things members will be more helpful.
  9. The leg band is usally just something a breeder uses. There is no registry or anyplace to find out what the numbers and or letters mean, it's pretty random. Open vs closed band ..closed meaning it was put on when it was a baby. I had all my bands removed from our vet and I keep them in a safe place.. I have heard too many tragic stories of birds getting them caught on something in their cage and they're owners coming home later in the day to having found a horrible scene...
  10. I go away for 4-5 days to visit my daughter. I leave my son in charge of covering, putting their Lights on, uncovering, and giving them breakfast as well as a daily pre made measured snack for them. He can not let them out, but they survive..they aren't happy, but they get over it. i would never ever leave them completely alone. Just in case they get hung up on a toy, or something happens...
  11. I can't wait for this! Unfortunately, Nilah my Amazon is mostly only exposed to me . I have one close friend that she is fine with as well as my 2 boys. She is not allowed out when we have any visitors as she will fly to them, show off and get too excited and bite to see how they react...so everyone must call ahead so she can be put in my bird room or her cage. She spends most of her time on my shoulder, she only wants to be with me and see what I'm doing .
  12. All my cages are light tan.
  13. The larger the better. Many others have not liked the corner cages. They seem to have less width for wing span, just a thought
  14. Wow! Thanks looks like greyt fun!
  15. You have to do an advance search to get the information you are looking for
  16. I have 2 greys and an Amazon. My schedule went from 4 people minimum in my house , and me being home much of every day with my birds out of their cages, to just me and my 17 year old who is rarely home, to me working 9-10 hour days 5 days a week and them only out when I get home in the evenings during the week. . I have extra large cages for them, leave the tv on when I am gone, but I feel very guilty. They seem to have adjusted ok, I know they would prefer more time outside as before, but when they are out, they are the center of attention as I go about my evening.. I include them in everything I do. In the mornings as I get them breakfast, I am constantly talking to them so they get some attention. I find them to adapt very well to changes as long as you their flock member is consistent with the attention they get quality wise.
  17. OMG!!!!! I love that! Instructions on your set up please!!! That is the coolest thing I've ever seen!
  18. HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY Gracie!!! Maybe a video of you getting Bird-day cake???? We love your videos!! Hope daddy is spoiling you with lots of new toys to destroy!
  19. Boy I've missed these tidbits od information to keep us learning!!
  20. Ray, no apology necessary. As family and a fellow Amazon owner, I completely understand how difficult it is to move on after such a tragic loss. Coming here and the constant reminders that are here has got to be very difficult. The love of an Amazon, it is a bond like no other creature. It can never be put into words, it is only something you can experience . Many will not understand what I mean, but I know you do. My heart has ached for you every day since we lost Cricket. But it is Thanks to Cricket , that I have the relationship I do with Nilah. Why I have undying love for her, and undying patience when she acts out like an Amazon will. Cricket and you have taught me so much about my Nilah. I only wish that one day you will again find happiness with another Amazon that needs all you have to give.
  21. That is a riot Ray!
  22. Well, Nonsense knows her mother. If what I read is correct, nonsense lived with your girlfriends mom, so she knows her a and has already established a relationship with her so I'm not at all surprised. It takes so long for a grey to accept change and learn to build a relationship. That's something if you try to rush takes way longer than normal.
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