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Everything posted by Talon

  1. I have stayed home for my pets...... Never ever have I been on a date in a restaurant and my newly ex and his date came in and was seated to the table right beside ours.....
  2. Talon


    Wow! That's an incredible fact. I love looking forward to your knowledge, we never know what you'll teach us next!
  3. Oh how I love Greyie videos!!! She's a character, love her!
  4. Does anyone here subscribe to Squawk Box? Just curious how your finds like it. I can imagine my greys would be frightened to death of it, but my amazon would LOVE it! It's seems a bit pricey, but you do get a lot.
  5. Oh, my heart is so sad....prayers, good thoughts and sending lots of prayers your way.
  6. Oh my gosh! I LOVE that pic!!! That's the most beautiful bat I've ever seen!!!!!
  7. Aww. Yes, I have Talon as my troublemaker. Mostly you hear, Talon get out of the cupboard, Talon, get off the door, Talon, stop chewing that....Talon stop going after Nilah.... Then there is Nilah herself.....if she is not on me which is most of the time when I get home from work, she has to be watched almost every minute, she will go anywhere and everywhere, I find her chewing the toothpaste tube in the bathroom, chewing the dental floss case, chewing scissors, screw drivers , anything she can get her beak on...if it's quiet......I know she's into something.
  8. Aww. Your just the best! You are so full of knowledge and ideas, you have no idea what an asset you are to us and how much I, as well as many have learned from you. Love you ❤️
  9. Thank you everyone for all the beautiful birthday wishes ! You truly made my day so much more special!!
  10. I could pick out Talon, she has a red factor spot on her right shoulder. Rikki has an overgrowth flake on the top of her beak that continually grows even after it gets flicked off. Nilah..only by her voice
  11. All 3 of my parrots were clipped when I got them..I allowed their wings to grow out so they could fly. I would NEVER do that to any bird. To me, it's like cutting off someones legs! Just my opinion & my beliefs.
  12. For me..I bought Talon for my son who was 16 at the time & had been doing his research for 2 years. When I divorced his father, he gave me Talon as I spent more time with her, a decision he regrests now, but has since rescued his own cag. Rikki my cag, was a rescue from a member on this forum. Nilah, my amazon was bought on the spare of the moment at one of the biggest Bird Stores in the country, I brought my kids with me on my yearly trip to buy toys & they begged for her...of course I said no, but she immediately copied a sound I made to her...that was it..she was coming home with me...:0
  13. Thank you everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes! THANK YOU Judy for being so thoughtful, you've always been one of my dear friends.❤️❤️ Ray, it was probably the best birthday I've had ever!! ❤️
  14. Talon

    The Return

    Good idea, Nilah is very territorial of her cage in springtime. I can't even put my fingers near her cage or she tries to bite them, but only in the spring...when she comes out her her cage after I get home from work, she's a sweetheart tho.
  15. Excellent Thread! We all need to stay up on how to keep our birds as safe as possible. Everyone has suggested great ideas. I had storm doors put on all my outside doors, so I can close them quickly. I can suggest that when someone or myself opens a door to let the dogs out or when a family member enters, always LISTEN & KEEP LISTENING to the sound of wings flapping..when I hear that, I immediately close the door until I know my parrots are safe & not heading in the direction of any door.
  16. I make large batches of peas, carrots, corn, spinach or Karl, rice or quinoa, some pasta, peppers, broccoli, stuff like that, mix it all together and freeze in small portions. I have never "chopped" but thinking I should try it.. Great Thread!
  17. The attachements didn't seem to work. If you have photo bucket, that usually works.. Glad to hear shes she's doing Better! Thanks for the Update!
  18. Welcome! There is a clear window spray you can use that birds can see and we can't. I too have a lot if windows and my window cleaner that I have that comes once a year told me about it. I'd have to google it, don't remember the name.
  19. If you are able to provide him with an outdoor aviary, I would be more inclined to say yes, and give him the best possible life you can
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