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Everything posted by Talon

  1. My heart is breaking for you.....there are so many loving homes, I am sure you will find one soon. Please don't let your husband pressure you into accepting a less than acceptable ome for Yoshi. Hang in there, you will find the right one, and I pray you will be happy about it. I went thru the same thing with a cat I rescued from near death and loved more than anything. My husband at the time made me get rid of her, I never forgot that and never forgave him...but that's a whole other story. (we're divorced now for different reasons) Your in my thoughts and prayers....
  2. Morana has said it all! I couldn't agree more. It's nice to see that a new addition to our family speak what I wished I had said. Thank you!!!! You have given GREAT advice.
  3. Hmm, not sure either as I don't have a plucker. A vet visit to check would be my advice.
  4. Do you knowhow to hand feed< have you experience in that area? Do you know what to look for with hand rearing, how to handle a breeder pair? They are much different than just owning a grey. There is much info here, but it is a risk for the babies, also, there is no guarantee that your pair will be successful breeders.
  5. How scary!!! I'm glad he's doing well today. Keep us updated!
  6. Thank you for sharing this link. What a beautiful, thoughtful place.....
  7. I never met any of my 5 birds before adopting them. I knew they needed a "forever home" and I was willing to help them have that and love them for who they are. My cag I adopted 2 1/2 years ago came to me after having her 3rd home for only 5 weeks.... I am her 4th home and last. Theer is no question in my mind this bird needs you...
  8. Judy is right, I would never leave my birds unattended for days..... They need fresh food and water, plus they are apt to get into trouble and need checking....Perhaps you have a friend who can check on them and feed them daily.
  9. Don't worry, I can't sing and neither can my amazon. But that doesn't stop her from singing every song I play when reviewing my. 15 songs and routines for teaching my Zumba classes. I just set up a camera and am taping her. Hee hee
  10. Ray,thanks for the idea! I have a grey that will NOT tolerate any kind of water. My other grey will bath in the dogs water bowl when I vacuum too! My amazon LOVES the water. I'm definitely going to try the rabbit idea for my stubborn grey. Thank you!!
  11. Talon

    We are one.

    Oh Jay, I am so happy to see that you are logged in today. That's the best Xmas present ever!! What you wrote is beautiful and so true! I and many here have missed you and Maggie so very much. I pray you are on the road to recovery,both in your health and in dealing with your very recent loss. Much love to you and your family.
  12. OMG!! How beautiful!!! Would you be willing to fly her to my house and decorate it??? I'd LOVE to see my house look like that!
  13. Thanks for re-viving this thread! Would love to hear the "whaaat'
  14. Yes, I have been so worried about them......they are in my prayers as well.
  15. Welcome! I look forward to hearing more!
  16. Happy 10 year Birthday!! I LOVE the story and pics! Hope you were spoiled rotten today Corky!! Love, Talon, Rikki & Nilah
  17. Talon

    Cold symptoms?

    I would take him to the vet immediately. Birds usually are very sick by the time they start to show symptoms. How is he acting? Normal or quieter than usual, how is his appetite? Birds DO get respiratory infections, I know, cause Talon had one ans she was quite sick...I didn't sleep for 2 days I was so worried she's die, and kept her in my room with me. Please keep us posted...
  18. hi & Welcome! I look forward to seeing those cute baby pics!
  19. Hi & Welcome! I look forward to hearing more and seeing pics!
  20. Hi & Welcome. What a lucky bird to have found his forever home with you. As the others said, it will take time and lots of it before you build up total trust. When he puts his head down, and then softly bites, sounds like he's testing you to see how you will react. That's his way of deciding if he can begin to trust you. If you yell or say no, or pull away. He will instantly know you can't be trusted......he's going to test you and each time you pass his test, you will have made a step towards bonding and trust. Your doing great and you sound so sweet to him.
  21. Talon

    Leg Band

    I have had all my closed bands removed from ALL 3 of my birds by my vet, my choice, based on the many tragic stories I have read about birds getting their band caught on something in their cage when their owners were out. A few of the birds chewed their foot off to get themselves unstuck as they were their all day, others have had cuts and broken legs. They require someone holding them, some heavy duty cutting grips and 2 cuts as the bands won't bend in any way. My vet has seen such accidents and he highly recommended it. If they are loose, it can work it's way up and get stuck, all it takes is a small thread of string, yarn or getting stuck on anything that comes apart. Not worth the risk for me. There is no reason to keep it on, it won't identify your bird and help it be returned if it ever got lost. It's only significance is to the breeder, and at this stage, their are no data bases or registries that determine a DOB or Breeder by the numbers or letters on the bands. They are put their and made up by the breeder.
  22. Dave has given great advice as always... I took my 3 birds to my avian vet for check-ups in October of this year. They hadn't been in 2 years. 2 african greys 1 amazon 3 exams, 3 gram tests, 1 band removal, 3 nail trims.......$360.10 I don't take my birds in regularly, But every couple of years, as I want to keep an eye on their gram stain tests, have my vet check them for health, etc. And more than anything, establish a relationship with him in the event of an emergency, he will know me and my birds, and hopefully go out of his way to help me. Plus, my birds get used to him and his staff and office.
  23. Thank you Dave & Dan. I have always kept my personal feelings to myself regarding the work and effects it had on Alex. I will continue to do so. The reply Dan has left is VERY accurate.
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