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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Having 3 birds free flying and out most of the day in my house........you can only imagine how much poop piles I clean up thru out the day. I do try and clean them up as I see them. But every night after all birds are tucked into their cages and asleep for the night, I go thru all the usual places to clean up all their messes that have been missed. I have been using wet paper towels and a razor blade as needed. Needless to say, between that and cleaning cages, I go thru an incredible amount of paper towels!!! Well, I have found a great solution to wasting paper towels.....I bought a package of 6 micro fiber cloths for $9.99 at the Bed and Bath store. I wet one cloth at night, and use that to wipe everything up with, I can rinse it as needed in the sink and re use. After that, I toss it in the wash with the other clothes. It saves me lots of $$ by not having to buy paper towels as much! The micro fiber cloths are reuseable, cheap and do a very good job cleaning!! I highly recommend it, saving money and good for the environment !!! Just wanted to share!
  2. What is the weekly maintenance of these machines?
  3. Oh my, I hope all turns out well. I don't have any knowledge of this either. Hopefully Dave will be on soon and knows more.
  4. Glad all seems okay so far... Rikki lightly chews her left wing, just about an inch long spot. She doesn't pull the feathers, just a bit of ragged looking ones. I never see her doing it, but they always look a bit ragged.....never worried much about it as it's never gotten worse. Her recent vet check up came back great, and my vet has never mentioned it. It's not very noticeable. Please keep us posted.
  5. Okay, here's my story: we got our first grey (a tag) at 9 weeks. When she was 2 1/2 years old, I adopted a grey (cag) who was 2 1/2 years old and we were her 4th and forever home. Both greys tolerate each other, but never play together, they co exist. Neither one bullies the other, my tag just knows that our cag is bigger and she will allow the cag to dominate the relationship. Besides, our tag is an incredible flyer and the cag had her wings clipped when she came to us . When ,they were both 4 years old, we bought a yellow crowned amazon who was 6 months old. All 3 are female. They all get along, they don't preen each other or anything like that. All 3 will perch on my at night for cuddles, and I do carry them upstairs or downstairs at the same time. I look like a walking tree perch!! My amazon will try and dominate the perches in my house, but I have so many, that it doesn't really matter to the others as my house has hanging perches, tree stands every where so there is always somewhere else to fly to. Yes, I feel like I live in a giant cage at times...... In the morning, my amazon and tag will fly all thru the house chasing each other from perch to perch, they have a good time, my tag usually starts it and my amazon just loves to play! My amazon is noisy, but I love it! The more I talk, the more and louder she gets! Fun to listen too! My amazon LOVES music, she sings as much as she can whether or not she knows the words. The louder, the better! I LOVE my greys, but there is no better entertainment than an amazon. They do tend to get into things more than a grey, they act, then think, opposite of a grey. It's like having a toddler!!!! But I attribute that to her turning 2. What ever you decide, I am sure you will make the right decision. But let me tell you, amazons are a blast! But then again, she hasn't hit that hormonal time........ One more thing, when a grey bites, it cuts you as I am sure you know, when an amazon bites, it feels more like vice grips, not sharp like a grey, but the pressure.......yikes!!
  6. Love it Janet...Woo Hoo! I can see it!!!!
  7. Hi Chezron, I have 2 greys and an amazon. They are all out at the same time for most of the day. No problems.....although in the morning, my amazon and timneh chase each other thru the house playing.. Nilah (my amazon) yells as she flies. They are definitely playing, flying from one spot to the other and chasing each other off. I know my timneh LOVES it! And of course, Nilah LOVES to play!!
  8. Okay, I guess all is workig fine here now. Thanks for looking...... HOW ABOUT EVERYONE POSTING PICS?????????
  9. Yikes, the white balance is bad on that one...sorry....... here's some new ones of Talon:
  10. Here's Talon on my messy desk......
  11. Better go take some pics of Talon before she sees this thread..... Bye bye!
  12. Sorry if I'm boring everyone...this is fun! Here is my youngest, 11 years old!
  13. Okay, I'm getting better............ Here's my baby......
  14. Okay, here's another one of NIlah.......
  15. Hmmm............better do something about the size...............bear with me................I'll get it.
  16. I'll try again with Rikki.................
  17. Oh my!!!!! It's HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Hi Everyone, I am just trying to do some picture posting here on the site. A little birdie told me there might be some problems. But since I bought myself a new camera for xmas, To: ME From: Me....I thought I would see how it works! This is supposed to be a picture of Nilah.......hope it worked!
  19. Janet, I just clicked on your link to Loui's video and he is absolutely beautiful!!! Your house looks so nicely set up for your birds. I would love to see pics of all the things you have and what rooms they are in for ideas!!
  20. Thanks for the smile today you two!
  21. Love the update! Thanks for sharing!!!
  22. Devastating that this still goes on in the world...when will it ever stop...
  23. Lots of personality there. Thanks for sharing!!
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