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Everything posted by Talon

  1. I have a friend who takes in rescue parrots, mostly Macaws, but she has others. She takes in the ones that are unadoptable due to previous trauma that they dont ever get over. Some of them ( she has had them for many years) can' even be touched by her. She is a WONDERFUL parront. She dedicates her life to loving & caring for these parrots. Has made several bird rooms in here home where they are free to be, they have destroyed her doors, chewing holes in them, she has replaced many doors & frames , it's ongoing..., gives them the best possible life they could have considering . They mostly are parrots that were mentally & emotionally abused. She has no one, rescues don't want them because they can't be handled. After serious soul searching & talks with her avian vet over long periods of time, together they have decided (& it is in her will) that at the time of her death, the birds will be put to sleep so they don't suffer anymore from someone who couldn't possible take over her role. I know it sounds harsh...I personally have mixed feelings about this, my instinct it to say NO! that's terrible! But what is worse? putting them thru more emotional trauma from the only safe environment they have ever had, to yet another, who most likely won't want them under the conditions they are...& leave them locked up all the time because they are so difficult? Food for thought...
  2. Well, Ollie had surgery yesterday. They said it took longer than expected. He has 2 pins in 2 different places on his leg & a bar. He has the cone of shame on so he wouldn't pick, but he destroyed it so they put a bigger one on him. He won' eat, so they are feeding him intravenously....He is on opioids & anti inflammatory meds. He will most likely keep the pins & bar in for about 2 months, then he goes back to have those things removed. My son can go get him around 4 pm today, the Tufts Hospital is about 2 hours away, so I personally wont see him until Friday. We hired a friend carpenter to make a ramp to his cage as Ollie likes to go in his cage by climbing himself at his will. He was clipped for the first 11 years of his life, he can fly now, but he is very big & heavy grey so it takes alot of effort & he's quite clumsy. He also made a full size shelf to fit the cage, which my son will pad so Ollie can get around from food bowl to water bowl etc. I will try & get a pic & post it. I will update then.
  3. Me either! Although I don't encourage bad words..I was proud of my sons comeback to her! Even the vet said that was inappropriate & completely wrong to say. Hopefully that employee will get a talking to...you don't say that to someone until & unless a Dr has seen Ollie.
  4. Thank you! The vet just called, they said they can fix the break, a bar with pins for several weeks, then eventually removal of it. She also said that if a Bird is going to break a bone, it will always be their foot, its the most delicate & easily broken bone on a bird. So surgery tomorrow, then home to recoup. the cost will be just over $2000, xrays, blood work ,sedation & the operation.
  5. Hello & Welcome to our family! What a beauty she is! Thanks for the pics, we love them! Can't wait to hear more about her!!
  6. Hi everyone, some of you may remember, my son has a Congo African grey, he’s a big guy. Ollie is his name. There was an accident yesterday and his foot was pinned by the weight of a heavy door. My son called me and sent me pics of the cut, which was difficult to see. It didn’t look to bad. Fast forward to last night at 9pm, my ex husband called and asked if they should drive him to the emergency hospital Tufts 2 hours away, I said I could say I hadn’t seen Ollie, so I went over and it’s bad..my first guess is he will lose his foot. I lent my car to my son who drove to the hospital last night. They admittedly Ollie to put him on pain meds and keep him comfortable until the Zoology team gets in today. The girl there told my son he had a compund fracture, the bone was sticking out, but it was probably too difficult to fix, it didn’t look good and he should probably be euthanized...to which my son told her to F#ck off. So we’re waiting until around 10 am to see the next step...please pray for Ollie..the bill for last night was $1500 to admit him... I can only imagine the cost of this, but you can't put a price on a loved family member. 😥
  7. Hello and a Welcome! What a beautiful flock you have! Can’t wait to hear more!
  8. Oh. Maggie.... I'm so sad, but I understand your decision. God Bless and may Jay and you know how much you are loved by this family. As always, your in my prayers ❤️❤️
  9. Maggie, my prayers and love to you both. Please give Jayd a hug from me..❤️ Remember we are always here for you..♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
  10. Oh Maggie, I’m so sorry. Please keep me posted. You both are in my prayers. ♥️♥️
  11. Talon


    We are family, if your are a part of this family, then you forgive without judgement. No apologies necessary, Jayd. The past is the past and we all move forward in a positive light. I send my prayers and love to you both. Always in my thoughts ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  12. Great! Thank you ileo! I’ve been here daily removing spam, no time left to post!
  13. Welcome to our family! Beautiful pics and beautiful greys! I look forward to hearing more about them!
  14. Oh yes, we have had horses for 25 years...I know exactly the scenario you right about...witnessed it several times. I find horses and greys are very very much alike in their behavior, their reactions, etc. No two other species are more alike.
  15. Oh my! Just saw this thread. I am so sorry for her...prayers and best wishes for her. Please keep us posted. ♥️
  16. Due to my work schedule. I buy a variety of frozen veggies and greens, cook rice, quinoa and pasta, mix it all together, freeze it in small portions for daily use. It’s easy and quick to give them in their “snack” bowl.
  17. Greys never forget people in their lives. I have read so ma y stories of grey. Ding reunited with their first owners after many many years....they’ll always remember....just like dogs and horses do!
  18. Welcome! We luv pics! Can’t wait to hear more...what’s your greys name?
  19. Sleeping it off is the best thing for him, but you should at least call a vet and ask, it’s a large amount considering his size
  20. Talon


    Please. Welcome back!
  21. Thanks everyone for the advice. I sent the info to a woman I work for who owns a pet store, she knew a woman who has had birds until they passed away and wanted an African grey, she passed the info on and said it sounds hopeful, still waiting to hear. I did offer to foster or help in any way, but I ha ent hears anything more..
  22. What do you think introducing a male to 3 females would do if anything? Should that be a concern? Ideally I would foster him & hopefully find him a forever home, but I don't know whether to offer or just let it go.
  23. Hi everyone’s, I got home from work tonight to a vm left on my house phone. A women I have bought bird things from who lives a few towns over had given my number to a another woman. This woman left a long message on my answering machine , her elderly parents are ill and are in a nursing home, nd have an approx. 25 year old African grey that is sitting alone in their trailer sits in its cage all day, they’ve had it for 15 years she said, they can’t care for it any longer and she feels sorry for it and has cats dogs and horses so it won’t fit into her household. She wants it to go to someone who has and understands birds. i have cats, dogs and well you know...Nilah...Talon and Rikki. We all know our place in the flock. I do work a lot of hours, some days my birds are in their cages 11 hours..but they get out of their cage time always when I get home until bed, and Sunday is theirs day to have all day out. I’ve aleays felt 3 are enough....but my heart breaks..and I’m torn what to do. He is a male, I have 3 females....I don’t want to disrupt the flock and household...do I just ignore the phone call? I’ve done that once before, but it was just a woman who was looking for a home, not the elderly parents and bird sitting there all day....just looking for feedback from my family here. i tend to make a quick decision based on my heartfelt sympathy for all animals...want to rescue them all...thus my 3 dogs, 2 cats and 3 birds 🙄 Thanks in advance!
  24. This is difficult for me, I had a plan, but now that my kids are older, they and it has changed. Nilah is my biggest concern, she is bonded to me, doesn’t like other females...but at the moment, all my birds will go to my daughter to do with as she sees best for them. She knows them, understands them and has a heart like mine. She will do right by them. 😥
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