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Sudden death in greys


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Although I'm currently awaiting delivery of my baby grey I have been happily browsing this sight for a few weeks. One thing that has stood out for me and one which TBH I haven't given much thought to until now is the possibility of sudden death - there have been a couple of horror stories on here! Although I have found this site very useful in the warning of dangers in and around the home that I wasn't aware of - teflon coated cookware, chocolate to name just two. There does seem to be occurance of sudden unexplained death so I would like to ask if anyone knows: Is sudden death in greys rare or relatively commonplace? I am still learning although I consider myself well read on the AG and it does seem that once the bird is ill, there is very little time to lose in seeking help. I will be looking through my telephone directory to check for my nearest specialist vet before my new family member arrives. Any advice from you guys will be gratefully received.

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Hi Jooles. I haven't heard of too many unexplained sudden deaths, but there are a lot of knowledgable people on here who might give you better information.

I noticed you are in UK and not too far from me.......I live in Somerset. If you do find a good avian vet, perhaps you could let me know, as mine retired.

I got rid of all my non stick pans when we had Ollie and the other thing that I found out just in time, I think, is that febreeze is deadly to our friends.

I am sure that you will be fine though. It is so exciting waiting for your baby grey. Just learn as much as you can while you are waiting.

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Thanks Sue, it's nice to be in contact with someone reletively close. Thanks for the febreeze tip - I do use the stuff and I'm SO glad you mentioned that! I have very few non-stick pans which I rarely use anyway but will get rid before my new arrival. Also my oven is self-clean - also a hazard I've seen on this forum. That will have to be a job done in the summer with beau outside! I can't find an avian vet in my yellow pages but will keep looking out for one and will let you know as & when. I'm learning every day and am counting the days for Beau's arrival. Keep in touch ;)

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Hi Jools,

I have had my Ben from 12 weeks old and use a Teflon pan quite often [she is 3 years old now] I think the problem with them is if they get overheated and burn.

Most problems come from bad diet and chemicals in the air treat your new baby like a baby and you should be fine.

SN.<br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/03/31 18:36

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Hi Jooles, part of the problem and why there are sudden unexplained deaths in birds (not just greys in particular) is because birds are experts in hiding signs of weakness or disease. They are prey animals and in the wild, a bird that appears weak is an instant target for predators. This is why they recommend weighing your parrot regularly and watching for any major weight loss. Losing weight isn't something they can hide.

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Sudden death is not a high percentage risk you need to worry about. The few stories you do read on here are mostly from new owners, not knowing what to look for when they get their new grey and realize it's too late before the Grey falls over dead before they can get him to a vet or not long after getting there.


It is normally due to an illness or infection that had been brewing for a while.


Just ensure you read up on what to look for when selecting a Parrot, nares, eyes, feet, poop etc.


Once you get them home always watch those things along with their weight.

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Dan is right with saying the most of the deaths are from new owners and a death occured because they just were not aware of something that they can not handle. Certain foods, cleaning products, candles, any thing that makes your house smell fresh and good, bug sprays, teflon, smoke, cages that are made of metal with out powder coating, just to name a few. There is a lot to learn in the beginning but just keep reading and get yourself informed some more. It was overwhelming to me at first but nothing to panick over if you read up on things or ask here on the forum. Sounds like you are doing real good getting prepared.

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I remember when I first bought Tobie getting almost histerical because I read an article about zinc toxicity and that some of the metal parts on "made for birds" toys might be zinc coated. I replaced all the metal parts I could and through away toys I couldn't be sure of. I'm not as hysterical about it now, but I still haven't cleaned my self cleaning oven and I'm not sure if I will.

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