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It's official!!!!!

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Chimay's flight is scheduled to arrive on Saturday at 5:17pm!!! Our breeder gave me a list of the current food he's eating, including the pellet brand, fruits/veggies/nuts, and a recipie for the same birdie bread he's been eating. Eeeeee!!! We're really getting excited.


My boyfriend is worried that Chimay won't like him...we went to Petland yesterday to play with the birds there, and a double-yellow-headed Amazon really really liked me. He was pretty timid with my boyf though. I had to explain to him that it is probably because I'm only 5'4", and he's 6'4"...that's a lot of human for one little birdie to take in. Plus I was crouched in front of his enclosure, and my boyf was standing over him. Hopefully the fact that Chimay's cage-playtop is much much closer to eye-level will make it easier for both.

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gosh, so lucky... I just got put on the wait list at my pet store for a baby, then I have to wait for it to wean, it's gonnna be so long for me. on the upside I do get to visit the baby as soon as it comes in. I'm happy for you and wish you many happy years with your bird.

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Thanks everyone!!! We just got a big ol' shipment of toys galore for Chimay, just in time for his arrival. Fortunately there's plenty of space underneath our cage for a toybox and cleaning supplies. I'm getting so nervous! I just hope he's not a pain in the a$$ to put into his carrier for Monday's vet visit...I remember the sweaty mess I would become trying to chase my cats around to get them in the carrier for the vet. I don't have them anymore but I'm still suffering from vet-prep PTSD. Ha ha!

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