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Lacey didn't make it...

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As many of you know, 2 weeks ago my female eclectus, Lacey, had surgery to remove a bound egg. So many of you helped me in suggesting foods to get her eating again and had great words of encouragement. Although she appeared to be getting better, last night she began crying and seemed to be getting very weak. By this morning things were no better and she didn't want to eat at all. After my boyfriend came home and checked her at lunch she was no better. I knew when he said she refused peanut butter things were not good.


I bundled her up and took her to the vet. I sang to her the whole way there (Rockin' Robin was "our" song) and told her I loved her. The vet put her in the incubator but it was too late and she died within the hour. He did an autopsy and the poor little thing's intestine had ruptured. There was nothing any of us could have done.


I want to thank everyone for their encouragement during these last few weeks. We will miss her terribly but at least she is no longer suffering. She must have been in such pain. It's nice to know that there are people like you I can talk to about this who understand how much a parrot means to someone.


We still have our new grey, Scarlett, and will lavish her with all of our love and attention now but there will always be a member of our family missing.



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I am so sorry to hear this Mary, I really thought Lacey was going to make it but you just never know, please accept my condolenses on your loss. May she forever fly free at the Rainbow Bridge.


I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that your pain will soon be eased.

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I am sorry to hear this. I know that feeling and I how difficult it is.

Geting another bird immediately helped me to feel better

cos i couldnt bare the empty cage, perhaps getting another bird as soon as you are ready will help you deal with this

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I would like to thank everyone for their condolences on Lacey. We miss her but are coping. Scarlett, our grey we got just a week before Lacey got sick, has been a great comfort and it's nice to have her to come home to every day. She has quite the personality and is talking and whistling more every day.


Our vet that took care of Lacey was wonderful and a few days after she passed we received a wonderful poem and certificate stating he had made a contribution to an animal charity in her name. It was very touching and its nice to know she was being remembered in such a nice way.


Anyways, thanks again to all of you. Your thoughts and words are appreciated.

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