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Ok so I was in the lost and Found and rescue section for a bit...bypassing here...so I just wanted to say HI...I joined here as I found/rescued a CAG out of a tree...and figured if someone lost one they may come here...it was one of the many places I have tried to find my rescue's parents for expediency we will call her "Roswell"...so far no parents have come forward...despite adverts and postings all over..and calling all the vets and practically anyone with an advert saying they lost a CAG going about a year back and all over the country (just in case)...No one has claimed my little lost soul so far..and I am fast becoming attached to her...she doesn't have any yellow in her eyes yet and I am told that is a sure sign she is not very old...my vet and two CAG breeders agree she is most likely a SHE due to the grey veining in her tail feathers...Ros is fast becoming friendly and trusts me better now and is exhibiting chick tendencies she wants to feed from my fingers...she is making little grunty um um noises like a winey child...is this normal...I already have a Red Lored Amazon...but he was a rescue from a bad situation and doesn't do many normal bird behaviors so sometimes its hard to tell with Ros if its normal...the vet said she is in good health...she is eating fine and she is doing all the rest of the pooping etc that she should be so I thought it might be a CAG thing...any advice is good...anyway her is my hello as was requested in the rescue section...thanks for putting up with me...L

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Hello Adhaincroi and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Roswell.


Yes someone is missing her but you are doing all you can to find her owners and I commend you for that but if no one claims her then she will be yours.


I would say she is not that old either if the eyes are not light yellow yet and especially since you mention that she is making grunty noises while acting like she wants to feed from your fingers.


You will find lots about greys in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Roswell that you would like to share with us we would love to see them.

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Ok so here is a pic of Roswell..and her perch lol...me...she makes me laugh with the chick behavior and noises...so I am glad its nothing to worry about...shes eating regular food...exact pellets lafeber berries and cinnamon sunrise or veggie delight by beak appetite as well as the regular safe human style foods etc...so I don't think she still needs baby food... she gets excited and nips fingers trying to feed from them sometimes though...yesterday she was all quiet in her cage...talking to herself I hear a very human Yelp then she says "ouch" and after that she says "naughty girl no bite"...not learned from me... so obviously she has got a little over excited with her real parents in the past also...which makes me feel somewhat better lol

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You are doing a fantastic job with Roswell. Her previous owners would be pleased. You are doing all you can to find her past home and that is brilliant. I take it there are no microchips or bands on the bird.



good luck with Roswell,I am sure you are already very attached.

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Well welcome Adhaincroi!!


Even though most of us know you from your attempt to find the owner of Roswell. It's GreYt to hear Roswell is flourishing under your care and the vet check up gave an All Clear.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Sorry no microchip...but she is banded I am trying to trace that with a leg band forum...so far no leads...likewise on 911 parrot no leads....I am trying to read up on what to do with Greys...my red lored...is short bus special lol...but Roswell seems normal...I know they have plucking issues and dietary concerns so I am trying to find out as I go...meanwhile thanks for any tips...L

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It's very admirable that you are still continuing to search for the owner. :-)


It's also good to see you are researching all you can on proper care of a Grey and are already pretty much in love with him. Really like being torn between two worlds at this time.


That Grey is so lucky a person like you found him. :-)


Your doing a great job!!

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I didn't strictly FIND her...a friend of mine who works at the library DIRECTED her friend to me as a person who already had "devil bird" (he's not anymore)a mad bad bird who was dangerous to know....my friend figured since the people who's bush she was in were afraid of her and I had spent the past 3 years being bitten daily I wouldn't be afraid to get bitten one more time during a rescue attempt..this one is a sweety however and has only actually broken the skin once...an upside to having her with me is that Mr Tiki (my Red Lored love) who hates all food except for two types in typical Amazon fashion has now decided if "NEW BIRD" will eat it so will he...Yay for flock competition...unfortunately for me...when I was trying to put the beak appetite in Tiki's cage yesterday he got a little over excited at the competition food arriving and bit me drawing blood...so as usual with the feathered it was a double edged sword...however yesterday and this morning he ate his Cinnamon sunrise (beak appetite) with relish A FIRST...maybe we can move on to veggies next...my vet will be so pleased..meanwhile Roswell (CAG) and Mr. Tiki (Red Lored Amazon) today are sitting at opposite ends of my Dining room on top of their cages so far no flying attacks..Yay any tips on how to move to a play stand (neutral territory) later gratefully received...sadly still no sign of Roswell's real family...If I don't hear anything by the time Baton Rouge bird fair happens I will buy her a large cage...I cant bear to see her in Tiki's travel cage...which is not suitable for a long term home...only for a week or two on holiday somewhere

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Welcome Adhaincroi:

When introducing two birds, be slow and patient. Cages apart and doors open gives the birds the choice. Slowly the cages can come closer and soon, as my cockatoo and grey do, they may come to enjoy each others' company. It seems that was a 6 month or so process in this house when the 15 year old grey suddenly had to deal with a just weened cockatoo. Now if they're in seperate rooms, they call to each other.

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They are getting along fine..they call to each other in the cage and if they are both out sitting on top of the cage they don't show much interest in each other...they are at opposite ends of a large room so they have their own space lol...and Mr Tiki will now taste most food I give to them as long as he sees Roswell eat it first...so that's a bonus lol...I am heartened that you all think I am so "wonderful" but to be honest I am only doing what most people would do in my place...I have still got a lead on Roswell's banding and I have the breeder and the man that weaned her checking records to see if they can trace the owner...so everyone keep your fingers crossed and thanks for all the support

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  • 1 month later...

I am so excited..I found Roswell's Mommy..She came to get her last night...LOL...HIS (Roswell's) name is Cuzco...His owner said he now has a middle name AKA Cuzco Roswell (last name)...I am happy and a bit sad all at the same time..I had come to love the little guy..but I am so happy she has him back..there were two little girls a cat and a pug dog waiting for him to return...not to mention a Daddy (rival)...so I feel as though it was all worth it...she is (his mom) smart and educated about Greys and she has babied and fed and loved him from the beginning he much waited for personality in her life (she got him for her birthday)..I feel totally confident his life will be wonderful and I am so glad to have been a part of it and to have been able to hand him back to a woman who had cried for him and almost lost hope was more than my heart could contain....Today I am spilling over with blessings...Thanks to everyone here for the help and support you have provided….


Adopt Spay Neuter Rescue Recycle Reuse Renew...RESPONSIBILITY

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Thats wonderful news. It just goes to so all that you should never give up hope of being reunited with your Grey.


There are people out there like you that exist and try their best to find the owner knowing they must miss there Grey dearly.


Thanks for updating this. :-)

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LOST CAG --- I swear I am quite literally going to DIE...After having rescued and cared for her for 3 months and moved hell and highwater to find her owner ..Roswell left my home Wednesday evening at 7.30pm...I find out today that she was lost AGAIN on Thursday morning at 8am...not even 12 hours did they have her...I am killing myself for being so stupid and trusting...now my baby is lost somewhere in Baton Rouge..because these people are MORONS...even after a very long very involved discussion on Wednesday before they took her home...about her being able to fly..and not being safe to be outside on a perch under the porch...or that if outside she must be in a cage to make sure she was secure...The Idiots tried to transfer her from her cage (which was outside on the Porch) to a bird box after not handling her for 3 months (she was with me)and HUGE SUPRISE DUH!!!! she flew away...I am so ANGRY...words cannot possibly convey how angry I am...after several hours in tears and 5 hours searching the area where she was encouraged to become LOST..I cannot find her and I am so livid furious...I don't know what to do but to ask anyone and everyone who may be in my area Baton Rouge Louisiana...Please look out for her...lost in the Goodwood area 3-5-09 early morning...if you find her please contact me 225-927-2021...thanks loads Leanne

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I feel your pain. What a friggin idiot to not take precautions to secure the poor bird. They deserve to never get that cag back again,you should learn from your mistakes the first time around and they obviously did not. You should look within a mile of where they lost it. I know from experience because my husband forgot to lock one of the empty food dish holders and my 7 yr. old cag escaped thru it and i searched over a week and finally realized he was living in my yard. I never was able to catch him and its almost been 3 yrs. and he still lives in my yard, I own 3 acres and he knows the layout better then i do. I still leave food for him every night for the past couple of yrs. and know he is very much alive. He wakes me up at 3 am making alarm clock noises and calling himself. So dont give up hope and look for him close to where the morons lost him. I am so sorry for what your going thru because when i hear my bird outside when its 20 degrees i feel horrible that hes in that cold because of my husbands carelessness. Ive often got dressed at 2 or 3 am to look for him but he hides from me,so i certainly understand your anger.

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wow that sucks have you tried a net or a trap of some kind..surely there's something you can do..I will be out first thing looking for Roswell..I was out today ...if the morons had called me Thursday morning when they lost her I would have been straight round...but they didn't they still have not contacted me...the only reason I know she is lost is because a friend of theirs told me the whole story as they were there...I think they are afraid to face me...if I was them i would be too because I am seriously peed..If I find her first they will never get to know about it..they lost their chance...they lost their bird again in less that 12 hours even after all the warnings and advice I gave them 11 hours earlier...I am sorry but morons are not supposed to have the care of such a fine creature...I could understand losing your love once...but twice that was carelessness and downright stupidity

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Hi Adhaincroi - I am shocked and angered along with you at those irresponsible morons. This time Roswell may not be so lucky to find a good home such as yours. I hope he does get back to you somehow.


nanmadpad - You would have thought your Grey would have sought out the comfort and love of being with you rather that toughing it out in the wild open spaces. Three years is a very long time. Do you ever actually see him, or you only here him?

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Its quite a long story but i will try to shorten it. When he first escaped his wings were clipped and a thunderstorm was rolling in so it was very windy, I believe when he got out he climbed to the top of his cage and a gust of wind blew him and he glided to the ground and ran into the wall of muskadine bushes where he hid. He chatted with me as i frantically tried to get to him. I could not get thru the wall of bushes and night had fallen so i had to wait until nest day because the lighting was so bad my husband made me get out of the thunderstorm. Next day i heard him in the same spot and proceded to cut into the bushes.Every bush i cut he moved to another area laughing and talking to me.Well i ended up clearing an acre of my property and still was not able to find him. I suspect i was very close at times and then he would be quiet so i coundnt zero in on his exact location. Weve been playing cat and mouse ever since. I have set up cameras with night vision and have seen him flying all over my yard so i know he sees very well in the dark now. I have accidently ran into him at least 10 times but hes too fast for me.I see him and in one sec he is gone.Its very difficut now because he only comes out at night and is now a feral bird who considers me a predator and runs or flies away from me. His cage has been and still is outside but he will not enter it, I believe my yard is his safety net where his food and water source comes from.I also purchased another grey to lure him with. He knows the new greys name cause i heard him calling him by name. I have never given up even tho i tried everything possible to catch him One day i will. Once parrots get loose their wild instinct kicks in and they rarly come to you on their own no matter how good to them you have been. You must be the one to outsmart them and i am sorry to say he is smarter then me so far.

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