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Well, just for a change its snowing again! it started when the kids went to school this morning and hasnt stopped yet. Its forecast for tomorrow with a break on Saturday but more snow on Sunday. Like normal we were not prepared for this weather and on the news this morning it says we are at risk of running out of salt to grit the roads!


I hope everyone and their families are well, myself and my son Brads have a chest infection at the moment, the Doctor gave us antibiotics yesterday so hopefully we will feel btter in a few days.


Keep safe and warm everyone:)

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Kimberly, I hope your mother makes it home today safe and sound.


Caroline, sorry to hear you and Brads is under the weather, take care of yourself and your son but more snow, I can't believe you are getting more snow.


It was very cold here today but is warming up as it gets to the weekend, maybe going up to 60 over the weekend.

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Hi all. I have been spending my time between work and the hospital. My mum has a clot on her lung and they have also found a lump that needs investigating. Her breathing is still bad because of the clot but I am hoping that the treatment will soon start to work.She is still waiting to see a specialist over the lump,I am hoping it will be today,They will then decide what to do about it.


I am sitting now waiting for my boiler to be repaired,I have no hot water.It is one thing after another.It has been making strange noises for a few weeks.I am hoping to get to the hospital on my way to work.


The birds are doing ok concidering I have not been spending as much time with them,Charlie is on top of the cage talking away and Cracker has been out,caused chaos as always,that bird is more trouble than Charlie even though he is tiny.I love him though.I cant wait till it is warm enough to put him in the aviery of a day.He is flying everywhere even though I had him clipped a few months ago.He has grown a few feathers back and is away.I dont want to clip him again because It may still hinder his flight for the spring in the aviery.

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Mum is still in hospital she is having a full bone scan today and may be able to come home after that. She has still not seen the specialist but we have been told he must see her within 10 days of being asked.


Still no hot water.The boiler is finished. I am having a new one fitted on Saturday.Thats me on the bread line for a while.

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Well, I have been up all night as my sister is overdue with her first baby and started with contractions yesterday afternoon.


She went down to the hospital late last night but they have sent her back home as she is not in established labour! I think its going to be a long weekend with no sleep for us all!


I am so excited at being an Aunt for the first time and it would be so special for her to have the baby today as its Valentines day and my Keeko's hatch day as well.


I will keep you all posted.


Have a great weekend everyone:)

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Caroline thats exciting, a new baby.I was all of a jitter when my niece was having her two,Let us know when you have any news.I have 7 nieces and nephews and 4 great nieces and nephews.I adore them all. It would be fantastic if the baby was born on valentines day.


Happy hatch day to Keeko


Mum is home at last, she is far from well but at least she is home.


I have a new boiler so lots of hot water at last.

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I am so relieved. Mum had the results of the bone scan this morning and Thank God all is ok apart from the ostio artheritis which we have known about for years.The doctor is chasing the specialist up over the lump but I am now a lot more convinced it will turn out to be nothing. She has to have regular blood tests because she is on Warfrin for the clots. I feel as if a load has been lifted from me. I did not realise just how worried and upset I have been untill I felt so relieved.

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  • 1 month later...

What a busy and strange week it has been!


I have gone back to work part time now, I only have to work mornings so I am back for the greys in the afternoon which is good.


I was woken the early hours of Tuesday morning with stomach pains, after going to the emergency docs it turned out I had an stomach ulcer but had no choice but to go into work as I had only just started my new job, so its been an interesting week!


I hope everyone is well and looking forward to the weekend, happy mothers day to all you mums for Sunday, I hope you will have a special day:)

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I'm glad it is the weekend as that is the only thing that gets me thru the week, those two days I can relax and do a few things I like doing.


I am looking forward to my trip in two weeks to Virginia Beach to a bird convention, there will be a bird mart where I can find lots of bird toys and other things.

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I took Ana Grey outside in her harness for the first time yesterday. I should tell you she hates the harness!!! Chews on it constantly and I can't distract her. It is a raggedy mess. Anyway, I thought I would just take Ana Grey out and she would see that she could go outside and she would then see that the harness was a good thing!!! Wrong, she was afraid of the outdoors. I live on the outskirts of town and there are a lot of cars. So even in the backyard it was noisy. She did calm down and stop frantically looking around after a little while but it is going to take time. Yesterday was sunny, today is cloudy so perhaps tomorrow will be a better day!!!

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Janet, when I first got the aviery Charlie was petrified.I dont think he had ever been outside before.Everything is new,wind, noise, smells, other birds. He is now ok but likes it best if I am in the garden to reasure him.He is a big wuzz. Anna Grey at least lets you put the harness on, Charlie would have a fit if I even tried.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think this thread needs a bit of reviving so hear goes.


Today I have been catching up o the house work while the sun is out and I can get the birds outside.It has bee a really nice day. The cages have bee cleaned, house tidied and I am preparing myself for my nephews little babys christening tomorrow. I am really looking forward to it.

Monday will be frantic.As some of you know my mum is undergoing cancer treatment and on Monday morning I am taking her over to Clatterbridge hospital on the Wirrel for a plan of her radiotherapy treatment which is starting a week later.She is recovering well from the opperation and I am so proud of her. I am then going in to work on lates. So Monday is a busy day.Poor birds wont get much time spent on them but its only one day.

I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and look forward to hearing what you have all been up to. Sheila

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, so yesterday I drug all three cages out onto the driveway and scrubbed away. Man, that was a big undertaking. It took me 3.5 hours. It was sunny and a bit breezy. While I cleaned one, I rotated Verde & Mesa in the others so they got some sun time.


Today, I went for toe surgery (just with freezing and in the podiatrist office) and a cortisone shot in the other heel, so I am on pain meds and sitting still for the rest of the day. Not very exciting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Today is a beautiful sunny day in the State of Washington!!!! I sprayed both my fids with Aloe Vera Juice and took them outside. Sully in the travel cage and Ana Grey in her harness. They had a great time preening and climbing over his cage (Sully). I, of course, had my lemonade and enjoyed watching them enjoy the sun!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

The weekend is here again, YIPPEE!!


Mind you that means endless cleaning and cage scrubbing tomorrow but its all good fun.


Just finished work for the week and gonna do some cleaning this afternoon when Ive picked the kids up from school. Then chill on here tonight with a small glass or three:P


I have a night out tomorrow and Im not sure if I am looking forward to it or not! Its my friends birthday and they are going on a pub crawl and nightclubbing:ohmy: Ive not been in a club for about 8 years lol! Ive had to buy a going out little number (which is so not me) Im used to slobbing about in jeans covered in bird poop lol. I am gonna either love it our hate it!


Whats everyone else got planned for the weekend?


Have fun everyone whatever you are doing:)

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Oh have fun, Caroline. How about some pictures of you in your girlie dress!!!!:silly: In fact how about some pictures of your night out with the girls!!!! :evil: Have a great time and wish your friend happy hatchday....:ohmy: I mean Happy Birthday from us all!!!!;)

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Hope you have a fantastic night out Caroline,I bet you will love the new girlie dress.I love it when I get the chance to dress up rather than slob round in jeans,it does not happen often though.One word of warning,though, WATCH THE NOSE.Tell me all about it when you get the chance.

Wish your friend Happy Birthday.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/06/19 21:32

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