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I have spent the morning talking to Mike a falconer who is making some special anklets, jesses and leash just for my petite Ana Grey so I can take Ana Grey outside without a harness. I am stoked and can't wait to see if this works for my grey who totally hates a harness. The fight to get her in her harness is terrible. I am only grateful that she hates the harness so much she lets me take it off no problem. The falconry equipment I am hoping with make life simpler for both Ana Grey and me to enjoy the outdoors together!!!! I'll let you all know how it goes once I get a chance to give it a try!!!

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Friends,

I thought I'd come by to say "HI" to the veteran members, and "Welcome" to the new members.

I think of you all often.


Things have sure changed around here. It's all different from the last time I was here. I had to study it a little bit to get my bearings as to where is what. I have to say, "I like it." :D Good Job! (as we tell Dayo) Good job!!


A lot has happened since I was last here. I lost my job last July 2009. Still looking...UGH!


In Jan of this year, our son and family hit a truck that had run a red light. (pickup truck) The Durango was a total loss, but the family was all in tact. That's the important stuff!!


We had another granddaughter in Nov of 2009. In Feb 2010 she ended up in the ICU because of a bad virus that went around last winter. She had all kinds of tubes & wires running everywhere. She was so young. She is fine now. Growing like a weed. :D


In April 2010, I wasn't watching where I was going, and fell into our pool. (LMHO ;)) Let me tell you how heavy terrycloth bathrobes are when they are wet!!! I couldn't hardly get out of the pool. AND I broke my ankle. Only I didn't go get it checked for week. I went to work as usual, all the while on a broken ankle. 3 days after I learned it was broken, I was in surgery getting the thing screwed back together. :( Then another 6 weeks of healing. It's difficult draging around that boot on your foot for a few weeks. It does get heavy after a while. I'm all healed now, and no problems so far. ;)


In May 2010, the son who had the car accident earlier this year got his parked car hit in front of his house. No one was in his car, and no one was hurt. But it was another loss for them. Car #2. (you can replace a car)


In May our older son came to visit us Memorial Day weekend. We were excited. The first night they were here, his Lincoln LS was stolen out of our driveway. That was a mess. The kids left that night. :( We had 3 weeks of sightings of the car, drug dealers, identity stealer's, etc. The car was finally abandoned in an apartment complex. It was recovered with very little damage. The girls car seats were even in the trunk. That was a surprise. It took a while to recover from that ordeal. :eek:


In August, our 14 year old grandson broke his collar bone playing football. It was the very first practice of the season. Needless to say, he sits out the whole season now. Poor guy! He is disappointed. :(


Though I'm not working, and we are short money every month, I have to say, I'm a blessed mom/person. I get to do the things I couldn't do when I was working. I spend time looking for work every morning, filling out papers, answering the phone. (UGH) But in the afternoon I can go to my grandchildren school & help out, or be able to help out my son when they get stranded on the road, (flat tire) I get to cook dinner every night (if I want to) for my husband. I bake cookies for him, and most of all, I spend a lot more time with myour Dayo. We have really gotten close. I see our Conjure picking up new words, wanting to have human interaction, and be a part of our "flock." But Dayo.....he loves having us here all day.

Dan works from home now, so we are together a lot of the time. I do my thing, and he works from home. It's great, after 6 years of his commuting 200 miles each week. :D


So, though we have some serious issues going on in our lives,(who doesn't now days) it could always be worse. I try to look at things from a distance so I don't get too caught up in the moment of problems, struggling, or just plain life. I just take one day at a time. I just worry about today! :)


Parting thought: Live Life, Laugh Often; Love Much!! We are never promised tomorrow!! Lots of love to you all. I'll be back soon!!! :D

Kim (& Dayo too)

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Time for some good things going your way Kim, be positive and you will be rewarded. On the bright side perhaps you will find some time to post about Dayo, I do so love to hear about this intelligent grey. And perhaps we can get the skinny on Dan!!! (hint, hint) Good thoughts coming your family's way.

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  • 1 year later...

Sitting on my front porch on my iPad enjoying this unusually warm weather!!! It's March and it is 81 degrees here......unheard of for New England and this time of year.


Oh yea, and laughing at Dave007's jokes about me. Lol

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  • 4 months later...

I am waiting for my birds to finish making their mess all over my kitchen table while eating their toast and English muffin... They seem starved today!

I have noticed, if I am at work and don't get home for dinner with the birds, on those nights, my daughter covers them for bed. The next morning they are starved!!! God forbid they eat their own food in their cage at night. If they eat with me, they pick the next morning.

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Sitting at my desk, pretending to work. Listening to my boss drone and and on (conference call). Whenever he jumps on a conference call (all day long) I quickly dash to the Boards. That's why my posts make no sense sometimes....my fingers work faster than my brain!

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  • 9 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Right now I have fresh bread baking, which will be followed by pumpkin pie. Am listening to HRH Inara chattering away in what sounds as if someone called her on Grey T&T. She has brought her own kind spirit into our holiday and for this we are thankful.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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