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Everything posted by Greytness

  1. Oh, that's a keeper! Great pic of Alfie. Greys certainly love to destroy cardboard, don't they!
  2. Aww, so cute! My zon sings, but she makes up her own songs.
  3. Hello! It looks like red factor mutation, which is a feather color mutation. The coloring isn't linked to health issues in babies, but can indicate dietary issues when adult grays suddenly start growing out red feathers. Such cute little babies. LOVE their sweet baby sounds!
  4. Oh my goodness, your baby greys!! You have quite a beautiful flock.! How many birds in all? There are 10 birds in my flock, 3 of which are greys. Never a dull moment around here!
  5. Timbersmom, no truer words have been said with respect to greys!
  6. My three love tearing up cardboard, too, especially Sydney.
  7. I use blank newsprint sheets, size 20x30 that I get from a local packaging company.
  8. Perches are nice, but aren't really necessary for short trips. Whenever I place my birds inside a carrier, I back them inside.
  9. Any time I hear 'more than usual', I believe a vet visit is warranted. They are masters of masking illness until they no longer can.
  10. Thank you. Definitely something to ponder!
  11. Thank you! Unfortunately I don't have a compass, but it's easy enough to get one. I'm quite curious now. That pole, which sits on a vacant lot, has made me wonder if it's still emitting any energy.
  12. There actually is an old power pole on the next property. I don't believe it's functional, but you just never know. Could power lines cause confusion in birds?
  13. I second the stainless steel!
  14. Maalik slammed hard into the window last night, scaring the daylights out of us. You are right. There aren't any parrot perches in that part of the house, primarily because I thought their bird area was expansive enough with enough perches and toys for them to enjoy. They're set up in our dining and living room areas. I do have some dragonwood stands outside, but they have some mildewy material growing on them so they'll need a good sanding down. Our other home looked like a giant bird cage, too. We also have a spacious outdoor aviary for them, but my son's been housing his ducks in it while he builds another 'quack house' for them. It's almost completed, which is good! Picking up some tape material to stripe the windows as a short term fix.
  15. Thank you! They're crash landing into either the computer cabinet or into the windows. In our other home there was only 1 window that wasn't protected by their cages they could hit. Their other flight area was a straight shot. Here there are a lot of windows and multiple rooms to navigate through.
  16. Here are a couple images. Second is turning right into where the cages are and where they take off from.
  17. Thank you, Talon. Maalik crashed again 2 nights ago, this time into the window. Extremely concerned he might break his neck one of these times. He was such an adept flyer at our other home that his inability to figure out the boundaries here is perplexing. The rooms are much bigger, and as I'd mentioned before, have high vaulted ceilings. Our ceilings are white and our walls a creamy tone of 'something'! We've already walked them both around their main area multiple times. Guess we'll just keep reintroducing them to the rooms.
  18. The floors are Travertine. To me it appears as though they don't know where to land. They can easily do a complete circle back to their cage, but they usually end up crash landing near the windows. Harley attempted to land on the mantle last week, but ended up knocking over and breaking a candlestick holder.
  19. The angled ceilings is the only thing I can think of that could be causing them some confusion. Harley, my Zon, actually hurt himself last week after flying into the corner of our computer hutch. Unfortunately there are so many places they can crash into that making everything softer isn't feasible. Maalik used to come when called at our old place, but here he'll just sit and look at me. We've been in our new home 5 months now, and they're still consistently having issues.
  20. Ever since we moved into our new home our birds consistently crash land. At the other place they were able to maneuver with ease. That home had 8 foot ceilings, and our new home has high angled ceilings. Whenever Maalik crash lands, which is often, he says, 'Are you okay?' Guess I've asked him that questions so many times that he now has to ask himself. My Panama Amazon also crash lands. Both birds are great flyers, so I'm not certain what's going on or how to help them.
  21. Mine do. I purchase a great seed/veggie/fruit blend that also has some veggie spiral noodles in it. They each get one in their bowls. They'd consume even more if I let them.
  22. My birds are the same way about green things. The only way I can get them to eat other greens is to chop those up into sweet potato. They can't pick it out if it's stuck to sweet potatoes! I spend a king's ransom annually keeping my 10 fids supplied with sugar snap peas, which are $5.99/lb in California.
  23. I've never thought to give them any bones. They get roasted chicken treats from time to time, but never the bones. Hope you had a great Christmas.
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