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Everything posted by Greytness

  1. They always seem to grab onto the most annoying sounds they can. Maalik imitates my son's extremely long burps. He has it down to where I don't know if it came from my son or from him!
  2. So happy to see that you're back! Life certainly throws some mucky curve balls from time to time. And yours take the cake! Thank you for posting such a handsome picture of Huey! We need our fixings around here! I just moved into a new home this past week. Getting our other house ready for sale, so we haven't even packed much of anything. Thirty four years of 'stuff' is a lot to go through and pack. Can't wait to have some down time. We did get our aviary set up, which my son's ducks are enjoying for now until he has time to build them another Quack House. Again, so happy to see that you're back!
  3. We close escrow this week and will be moving on Thursday! It's been quite an ordeal going through 34 years of accumulated stuff. My fabricator is all lined up to take down and transport my aviary next Wednesday, which I'm super excited about! The only down side is that I'll now have to crate them and carry each one out, whereas right now I have an attached enclosed area that extends from my window directly into the aviary. So there's no need to crate and carry them outside. My birds don't like being crated, especially the macaws so it'll be interesting!
  4. I need another hefty dose of Hughie and Greycie! Miss your posts.
  5. Fantastic! It always takes time and a lot of patience, as you do everything in 'grey time'. Sounds like she's coming along quite nicely!
  6. Oh, yes she has. While I love my current home, having remodeled it to our tastes, we've never been able to completely relax here. I am constantly closing windows and doors whenever my birds get too loud so as not to set her off. My 4 new neighbors all have animals: horses, chickens, dogs, etc. It will be amazing to not be chastized for our birds animal vocalizations.
  7. After living in our home for 34 years, we've decided to move to the country! We purchased a nice home on 2.2 acres of land. What I'm most excited about is no longer having to worry about neighbors being disturbed by the sounds from my birds and parrots, especially my macaws. Our aviary has rarely been used on account of our neighbor's intense sensitivity to sound, called misophonia. Unfortunately my birds' vocalizations is one of the sounds that will throw her into feelings of hate, anger and rage. But that is about to change, as I plan on moving the aviary with us for my birds to enjoy! Can't wait!
  8. Alfie's great adventures! What a great outing for you both!
  9. Greytness

    Healthy food

    That's how I give to my fids: 1 to 2 drops daily. @timbersmom, I use Nutiva Organic RPO, which you can find on Amazon. What I like is that they grow their own and don't cultivate it by destroying the natural habitat.
  10. Please keep us posted as to how both you and Snickers are doing. I'm sure that he's all settled in by now. We humans have a much more difficult time letting go.
  11. We want to see more Greycie videos!
  12. I can't bring myself to click and read. Too upsetting for me.
  13. Any updates on how Snickers is doing? And how are you doing??
  14. Such a thoughtful Mother's Day gift! He couldn't wait to help me open the card.
  15. You'd likely have the best chance of it working with her being so young than to wait. But there's no guarantee. Just have a Plan B in place in case they don't accept each other. Of my 11 birds, only 2 have bonded. Those are of the same breed and were introduced at a young age. Two of my other birds like to play bratty games. They tolerate each other, but would prefer not to have the other around. The rest of my birds have to come out individually. Would love to see a picture of your baby!
  16. I can't even imagine what you're going through. One day it will be my reality as well, and just thinking about that puts my emotions into a huge tail spin. I'm comforted to hear he's acclimating so quickly, which is quite amazing for a CAG. It's also comforting to know you can visit him if you'd like. Their sanctuary looks like such a wonderful place for parrots to live out their lives.
  17. How are you doing? And how is Snickers settling in over at the Sanctuary?
  18. Hi Joea, I'm so sorry to hear you are still struggling to interact with Azimuth. I haven't heard of video chat for birds, and did not see a link for it in your post. Would love to read the article. Hopefully someone will come along with some help for you here.
  19. Partially parent raised. At least they were when we got Maalik. Fynn came to us as a rehomed CAG, but had been purchased by his previous owner from Paul.
  20. Yes they are. His birds are top notch!
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