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Cute things your grey says?


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Caesar just turned a year old in August. We adopted him about four months ago from a family that had too many birds and didn't want him anymore. He says hello and how are you, a lot of gibberish too. I cant seem to teach him anything though. I hope soon. :dry:


He has such a great personality though. He's quiet whenever I try to talk to him. But the second I start watching tv or a movie or something he will make the most obnoxious noises he can. Then if I try to turn off the tv and talk to him he gets quiet again. Birds.

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Welcome Popfirecracker !!


They are characters aren't they? Time and Patience will be whats required to get get him to accept some training and also learn new words you are wanting him to repeat.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the Room specifically for that, so others will know your a new member? :-)


We look forward to hearing more form you!!

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  • 3 months later...

We've only had Radar a few weeks but having a blast learning her lil sayings.


She pew-pews like a laser gun


says awwwww when I cover her at night

Calls for a dog "lucky" (really confuses our dog Liz)

says Dirty Bird (I think she got that from me cleaning her cage)



And my favorite new one is the loud squawk (ear piercing) followed by a Radar knock it off!

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  • 1 month later...

Hiya everyone,a quick update on Bernie,he can now,make new fun noises he love to shout chick chick chick chick chicken, barks,meows,laughs like me (poor thing) if i tell him to be quiet he replys Im a naughty boy! tut tut tut,and copies the sounds of the crows outside. He makes better enjoyment than the tv in my house at times.:laugh:

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Fawkes says Many funny things...Waffles,Boobies, pretty grey bird,hoots like an owl, meows, she screams like a little girl getting beat by a sibbling (wich actually I love the sound of)LOL!, She say 'mon like c'mon when she wants to step up. The other day she was screaming MOMMY!, she blows air out of her nares at the cats, kisses the lovebirds through their cage, Ohh the list goes on....

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Eddie quacks like a duck and then says "I am not a duck, I'm a baby grey"! It took a while for me to realise I had to say "I" rather than "you".


He also ticks the dog off by saying "Rocky, you are so bad" then tuts at him.


Theres a million other things, I'm trying to teach him to say pardon me when he makes windy noises!

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Lila Says:



Hey Lila

Good Girlll

Good goyle (we are thinking a mix between boy & girl?)

Goooood Boy!

Sheee ya later!

Whatcha doin Lila?





Lila girl

Heyyy birrrd



She also does the cabinets opening, farts, burps, tons of different whistles, etc.


She's such a cutie pie!

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My grey talks more then I do, and she is about two years old now.


She says the following


" Hello"

" Hi'"

" No"

" Evening Star(her name)"

" Step up"

" Good girl"

"bye bye"

" Don't eat me"

" Love you"

" Love you lot"

" I love you"

" Thank you"

makes the microwave sound, the fire alarm sound, and wolf sound

Also tries to whistle


and does few other things as well. Sometimes I don't fully understand what she said, or sometimes she she only says them one time, never again.

She also meows like a cat

Makes all kinds of funny sounds that I teached her.<br><br>Post edited by: vaya_the_elf, at: 2008/02/27 22:25

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  • 1 year later...

I've adopted Ziva 4 days ago and she's a chatterbox. She does all the normal whistles and beeps. She must have watched cartoons because she loves to say "boing oing oing oing."


She also -


meows and calls for kitty





And says -


Santa brings presents.

Santa goes ho, ho, ho.

Santa jingles.

Where are you?

Pull up a chair and sit down.

Shut up.


S!!t head

Did you kill the cockroach? Splat!




Certified! (I have no idea what that's about)


She also does a great siren. I live across the street from a hospital and we hear sirens a lot which she loves and joins in on.


This morning she was very animated and hanging upside down and swinging and making beeping sounds. Then I realized the trash truck was outside and backing up and beeping and she was talking back. She sounded just like the truck.

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All of these stories are so great. Estreams story was so touching and funny. Tobie has never learned that HE is Tobie. Frank would go by the cage and say "whats up big bird". Then when I came in the room, Tobie would say "whats up big bird" so I thought I was big bird. Now he has learned his name and sais "whats up Tobie" when I come in the room. Today i was cleaning the aquarium and Tobie said "what's up Tobie". I said "You're Tobie. I'm big bird. What's up big bird". Then he said "What's up Tobie bird"

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Ziva is talking more and more each day. She has an amazing vocabulary. Her previous owner was an elderly woman that sat by the cage and talked to her all day long. Her house has a major cockroach infestation and Ziva's cage had roaches inside the metal frame and squished one's inside the cage.


I was cleaning the tray the other night and Ziva came on down to check it out. She said, "Are you looking for cockroaches?" I said no and finished cleaning the tray. As I was putting the tray back in, she said, "Did you see any cockroaches?" I told her I hadn't as they are all gone. She said, "Whatever!" and then walked off.


I then moved the cage back to where it usually sits. Her cage is on wheels but they seem to hit a groove in the carpeting and it hits the wall which she hates. I decided to kind of lift one end and scoot it over. I was telling her I was going to scoot her cage back by the wall and she said, "I can roll." I guess she likes when I wheel it instead of picking it up and scooting each end over.


And finally (for now), she woke me up like she does every morning and I didn't put the blinds up. She likes to watch the wild birds and will say, "See the birdies outside?" If I don't come look, I'm in trouble. I went into the kitchen to make her breakfast and she yelled out "Peek-a-boo" at least 30 times. She never repeats words like that and I went to check on her and she was trying to get at the blinds. She looked at me and then towards the blinds while repeating it and I figured out I was in trouble for not opening them up. As soon as I did, she was quiet and looking out at her friends.

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Well thank the Lord I love my mother in law, my bird sounds JUST LIKE HER! I never call my husband Tommy, but the bird yells "Tommy, come here" among many other things...But about 90% of what he says is in her voice. He was her bird for the last 30 some years.

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Well thank the Lord I love my mother in law, my bird sounds JUST LIKE HER! I never call my husband Tommy, but the bird yells "Tommy, come here" among many other things...But about 90% of what he says is in her voice. He was her bird for the last 30 some years.

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My 10 month old TAG Zahra can say


"jamie" (my husbands name)

"bok bok bok chicken! bok bok im a chicken!"

"monkey!! monkey" (my cats name)

"what did you dooooo????"

"kisses x x x x x" (kiss sounds)

"hi Zahra"

"hi zar zar"

She does the wolf whistle (sexy whistle) and the "hey look over here" whistle


She says a few things kinda low that i cant make out yet but i know she is working on some new things.


But...the absolute worst/funniest thing she does... is that about a month ago my whole family had a bad stomach virus and we were all throwing up a lot.. her cage is within ear shot of our main floor bathroom..so guess what she mimics now!!!! "cough cough cough YAK" over and over again!!!! My mom came to visit and thinks its hilarious but i really hope she forgets it soon. lol.<br><br>Post edited by: ZahrasMom, at: 2009/04/03 14:53

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Hershey talks constantly and surprisingly has many phrases for a year old bird. My favorites are


Bye Hershey Bye Elvis be good birds (when she sees me pick up my laptop to go to work)


Hershey wants salad (when its time for her morning and evening feedings) The funny part is that she says this in an evil low voice if I dont respond right away


and when she wants to be uncovered in the morning she will softly say good morning and gradually get louder when I dont uncover her. She's like my little alarm clock without a snooze button.

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Jenna is good at reminding me of our morning routine if I don't get to it as quickly as she would like. She begins by asking for her shower in a quiet little voice, and it gets louder and louder until she GETS her shower. Then she says "I love you Susan" in a growly bird voice Hehehehe

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