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Leg bands

Charlie Parker

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Hey everyone,

I bought myself a third african grey about a month ago, he's a rescue. More about him later... I'm wondering if anyone knows what the leg band  PME-106  might mean? I've been trying to get information on the band number with no luck at all! It was an unclosed rounded band, not the typical square shaped ones and it was stainless steel. All i know is that he was bought from a pet store who said the grey was on auction in texas. I live in denver Colorado.  Thanks for any help

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I think they can sometimes be used as a way of identifying the breeder? Alfie's leg band had some letters and numbers on it but I was never told the significance when I got him. I actually had the leg band removed a few years back because it was too difficult to read to be of any use and it kept running on his leg and it looked like it was getting sore. Alfie kept tinkering with it as well so I figured it was best to have it removed and get him microchipped.

I'm not sure how easy it is to trace the bands though. I guess it depends on breeders keeping their records up to date and storing them somewhere that is searchable by others?

Not sure if there is any kind of directory for that kind of thing?

Anyhoo - congrats on your third grey! And of course you know the drill by now - photos and introductions when he's good and ready for it please. 😁
Edited to add- photos and updates on your other two greys would be awesome too... don't want them to feel like they're being left out! 😂

Edited by neoow
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Katrina, I think you are right about the band, probably identifies the breeder. I chose to not have the band put on my grey as I had chosen her early enough, I don't think it matters much anymore like it used to and I will never have to worry it will cause her any pain or discomfort but I have it in my possession.

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Sometimes an unclosed band can mean that the bird was wild caught and then at one time confiscated when being smuggled into the US and then banded before being quarantined and then auctioned. Another reason may be someone else who originally had a domestically bred bird, cut their band off and then when the bird was rehomed the new person decided they wanted/needed a band for travel reasons, bill of health reasons for boarding, etc. Hard to tell since as far as I know there still is no universal banding standard coding in the US. 

So glad another Greybie has found you. I'm just south of you at the edge of Black Forest/Monument area, and HRH Inara originally came from a TX breeder, then to a Denver Bird store, from there to her original owners east of Denver, then to Craigslist where I found her at just about age 2. Her band does show TX for TX for Texas and then numbers that only the original breeder could decipher. 

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  • 8 months later...

Hey guys, long time since i posted, sorry. So i never did find out what creech's band numbers and letters meant, guess it doesn't matter right. He is doing pretty good from what i can tell. His beak is it's normal color now, he's growing in new feathers, looks really good. He loves bananas and peanuts and peanut butter, his favorites, in small quanities. His eyes are clear but he is still a bit blind, you can just tell by the way he moves around and his pupils are not round. There are edges around his pupils, weird! Hopefully creech will be flying by summer, he really wants to fly. For an old guy he's doing amazingly well. 

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