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New Grey dad!

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Hello everybody. Nice to find so many people in the forum! I am new Grey owner; I got my new friend just two days ago. He is around one year old and his name is Riko. Previously a kid used to have him, but now he moved abroad to study and the parents couldn't keep him, so they had to sell him. I must admit, I am bit surprised with that bird. I think I was more scared than him when I first brought him at home. Ι was hesitant to bring him out of the cage, not to mention to feed him. But straight away, he took seed from my fingers. I opened the door, he came out and sit on top of the cage. Today I noticed when I approach him to the cage, we comes close to me and makes some weird sounds like puffing and blowing, opens his wings, moves his head up donw and he pretensed he bites my fingers, but although my finger goes in his mouth almost completely, he does not apply pressure at all. Also I noticed that during these weird moves, sometimes he is regurgitating some seeds. Is all this normal to be so easy going straight from the beginning? Could you explain this weird behaviour when I go close to the cage - is it normal or should I get worried? I forgot to mention that I keep him in the same big cage he used to be before. I am planning to go to the vet tomorrow maybe for a basic check up cause the kid didnt give me any info about his health - any advice what to check?

I attach a picture of him. It seems he is sleeping on the cage, though he is talking like hell (while sleeping?) :-) 

Thank you all in advance. Glad to join the group! 


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Congratulations on your new baby! And may I be one of the first to welcome you to Grey Forums!
The behavior you have described is actually a loving gesture of his wanting to share his food with you. Sounds like he's warming up quickly to you, which is great!

I'm not sure what your plans are with his cage, but my recommendation is that when you're able, to get him something bigger. Greys love space to play, flap their wings, swing, etc. etc. This particular cage is actually intended for much smaller birds.

Again, welcome to the forum, and keep on posting!

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Hello Alex and welcome to our family. It appears he is in love with you, he is showing his desire to mate with you and that should be discouraged as it will only frustrate him, when he gets like that ignore him for a few minutes and do not touch him beyond the head.

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Hi guys. Thanks for the welcome messages and your advises. I had the same interpretation of his behaviour after some online search but I could not be sure since I am completely new with Greys. I didn't expect he would be so friendly straight away, but yes it seems so. So, I will try to discourage him when he starts with this "love" dance :-)

However, he still wont stand on my hand - this will may take some time I know. I took the same cage he used to be cause I thought the less changes in the new environment the less stress for him in the beginning. But I will consider a new bigger cage as well, although he seems to enjoy staying on top of it most of the time. Yesterday I noticed something funny: he stays on top with closed eyes standing on one leg (as you see in the picture) pretending he is sleeping, but then he starts mumbling and whistling continuously; it is really hilarious.

Anyway, thanks again. You were really helpful. I will drop some updates from time to time.

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Welcome Alex and Riko!

There is a wealth of information already available in these forums, so please do take a look around. If you do have any questions then go ahead and ask, there are a lot of people here who will be able to help and advise.


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