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Should I Get A Buddy for Issac?


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Well....long time no speak all. Me and Isaac are now going on 8.5 years together and still a good pair. :) I still have issues with him grazing on his tummy feathers, but he is pretty consistent now and I know what to expect. What I continue to wonder about is how I can make life better for him. I feel like would benefit from another of his kind around him. The curiosity he expresses when he sees other birds is super gentle and I think he would not be hostile toward new members, but more curious. I work during the day and I feel like added company would help along with all his toys and stuff he plays and forages with. This would be another corner cage next to his so they would have separate space, but be able to see and observe each other. I am overcome by this idea that they need another of their kind. I also would not mind having some of the spotlight taken off me as the required playmate. It is not that I want to play with him less, it's that I never think I can give him enough. Recently, I went to a thing for my job where I ahd to be gone for two ays. I paid someone 200 dollars to come over and handle my baby, feed him...etc. He still did some major damage to a wing and i am still waiting for the flights to come back. Only one wing, but it grounded him and I have been struggling to keep him safe as he lets them grow back. (Hopefully) Other than work, I give my baby a great life with tons of attention, toys, showers, everything I can think of. He appears to be a very happy bird.....I just think the time alone sometimes wears on him. I have been battling the feather barbing for years now and have hit the limit of things I can try. I want to try to put an aviary out on my patio so he could be outside during the day.....well....then I fear of someone being malicious somehow. Someone help me if you can. I can dedicate the time to another Grey for sure just like I do Isaac, it's a bit additional, but hell, I never leave home these days anyway. I have the greatest heart for these birds and want to keep my baby happy. Let me know thoughts. Thanks!

Is this a bad idea? 

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Welcome back Elvenking!  I am 100% for you getting another Grey.  Search through my threads and read about our Huey.  He was brought to us on Dec 1 to stay here for 7 days.  His owner decided that his bird was a hell of a lot better off with another bird of his own kind after watching how he interacts with our GreycieMae.  So Huey's Daddy asked if we wouldn't mind keeping Huey.   His Daddy still comes over every couple of weeks to visit Huey but absolutely does not want to take him back home to lock him up in a cage to be by himself all day.   I thought it would add more strain to bring in another Grey but it actually made things easier because I can now put GreycieMae in the aviary/birdroom etc with a buddy.   They get along pretty well even though they have their little stabby fights every now and then.  Since Huey is another Grey, he has no problems handling Greycie.   We have to keep her separate from our other birds which are all smaller as she can hurt and kill them.  However with Huey, he has no problems putting her in her place.  He's BOSS birdy!


GreycieMae on the left.   Sir Huey on the right.


Edited by SRSeedBurners
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🤨Well, I wish I could give you the answer...or even offer a suggestion. SRSeedburner's reply was fantastic. All I can offer is more things for you to think about which hopefully help with making your decision.

You have been on the forum for many years and have read many posts. You need to take Isaac's age into consideration if rooming him with another Grey...two 8 year olds can be pretty headstrong...and on the same note, they could get along great. Would it be a female or a male? Either way, they could bond and put you out of the picture or they could become BFFs.

A companion does not necessarily have to be a Grey..a number of people have Greys and Amazons. One of our favorites are Greys and Sun Conures or the less noisy Grey Cheek Conure.

Should the companion bird be a fledgling who might look up to Isaac? Or, should it be an older bird of undetermined opinions?





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Thank you for the replies. Hhehehehehhe....I got some votes for birds. LOL Yeah, I feel like Isaac is a real good flock-mate and that he seems open to new members. As for the birds buddying up and maybe not giving me as much audience, I think i would be fine with that. I would love to know that I am not the only thing Isaac really desires. I have to really sit and think on it some, look around for possible candidates. It's a big decision, but I really love my little guy and if it would make him happier to have another of his kind around, well I would just be ecstatic. 


Thanks for the welcomes. I will have to keep you posted on what I do. I had a busy day today so sorry for not answering back earlier. 

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Personally I think if you have the space, budget and time for a second bird then go for it. you know your bird better than anyone else so you'll be the best judge as to whether the two birds will happily coexist. However, don't forget to have a backup plan... what will happen if the two birds DON'T get along together? What if they can't be out of the cage at the same time? Can you give them both the individual care and attention they may need? Plan for the worst and hope for the best!

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I am all for another bird.  My greys have no use for my Amazon, but knowing they are not alone while I’m at work is a source of comfort for me.  They all have their own cages, but I think they like knowing they are a “family”.  They don’t preen or play with each other, in fact Talon my grey and my Amazon play chase at times.  But they do see very secure in the fact that they have other birds near them.

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Yeah, it really makes sense. I feel like I know Isaac and think he would just be so amazed at that moment when we would take another Congo Grey out before his eyes. I see the way he approaches my Green Cheek with such gentle curiosity...but my green cheek is simply just a bit too aggro. Not having it. So...as much as I would love ti find a rescue...I am looking for a tame friend for my boy. So I am going to be biased toward that (hopefully not to the scorn of my flock mates). I will over the weeks be seeking high and low but am in touch with a possible solution which would land me such a fine friend for my boy. He is likely to be a big brother. I truly believe he is the kind of grey....would absolutely love a buddy. I am hopeful...it'll be many weeks before we close on all this. As little as 3 and as many as 12. But be sure, my boy is going to see life with a friend. A grey one. :)

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Oh yes, I was in touch with the rescue already. Totally willing to help, but i would really have to check everything out first. I am trying to create a more harmonious situation at the moment. In the future, I would love to harbor and rescue lots of greys ...even this one....but a long term buddy for Isaac...we'd have to see. Hopefully you understand. 

Edited by Elvenking
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My Friend, it is you alone who can and must decide what is best for you and yours. I for one know you always listen to advice, and I stand behind your decision...

Edited by Jayd
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To be really honest....I wish I would have thought about the apartment life and my work life before getting Isaac. I had Pedro my green cheek and figured it's all good. I mean, for how much I love birds, I figured there was no doubt I would give Isaac a great life. I LOVE him so immensely. Once you live a grey thought, you feel their empathy, and you really feel it away from them. I have a camera so i can look in on Isaac and talk to him any time. If another bird would even pique his interest, my heart would be warm. If he actually appears to enjoy the presence of another grey, I will cry so profusely. I will be so happy. One bit of interest, I'll be a mess...truly. Hehhee...and if there is work to do to make it work..then I am prepared. I love my birds. they are my heart.

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4 hours ago, Talon said:

I am all for another bird.  My greys have no use for my Amazon, but knowing they are not alone while I’m at work is a source of comfort for me.  They all have their own cages, but I think they like knowing they are a “family”.  They don’t preen or play with each other, in fact Talon my grey and my Amazon play chase at times.  But they do see very secure in the fact that they have other birds near them.

Thank you man...it's gonna happen....great big cage....tons of toys....i'll give them both all my space....I'll love em. I truly believe I can create the relationship where they can be happy together when I am away. I give full attention when I am home..but I don't want want a few extra hours due to some plan changes to mean disaster for Isaac. he is sensitive. and I think another grey will distract him. I need him to not need me so much. HA! Quite honestly though..and on a much more serious note,,,I think if I were to die today...Isaac would follow quite quickly. I know cause he so needs me.....so please have hope for me to relate him to another grey. ::))

Edited by Elvenking
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