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I have never had problems with plucking.... until now.

Background.  Sterling Gris, is a nine year old CAG that has lived with me since he was weaned.  In fact I finished his weaning at home.  He is a big guy easily twice as big of my 11 year old TAG, Ana Grey.  He has always been a scaredy cat.  He is afraid of anyone but me.  Well....

Last Sunday I was making mash for the birds and had just put the pot of mixed dried beans on the stove when my neighbor called and asked me to go shopping with her.  i said yes and quickly changed my lounge clothes to going out clothes and dashed out the door. 

Had a great three hour time with dinner included.  But has we were almost home she got a call from her son asking when we would be home and he was told we had just gotten off the highway and were almost home.  We knew something was wrong.....

When we got out of the pick-up we could hear the alarms going off in my home and I dashed to the front door and my neighbor was on the cellphone calling the fire department.  Her son dashed into my house and started opening windows.  I moved the burned pot of beans, turned off my stove burner and rushed to the bird room to get my parrots and canary out of the smoke filled house.  I keep bird carriers in the bird room and just grabbed the parrots and put them in carriers and rushed everyone out the door.  After the smoke cleared out I put everyone back in the cages and all was fine I thought.....

The next morning I was leery that something might be wrong.  Fearing I might find cages of dead parrots, I was grateful they were all alive BUT Sterling Gris had plucked all of his chest feathers off.  I was devastated but it could have been worse (I keep telling myself), he is alive, they were all alive and hopefully Sterling's feathers will grow back.  (Thank you Dave, I have re-read your post on plucking.  I still miss you, Dr. Flock).

I'm too old for this kind of excitement in my life!

Ana Grey, Sophie and Moe (canary) were not phased at all.


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Thank you oh Lord for the saving of the Parrots and property. Please bring health to these beautiful creatures of your's and the saving of our beloved Luvparrots. Please bring strength to Sterling Gris to move forward past this ordeal for you truly protected them all. Please give strength to Luvparrots for the ordeal that stands before her. Bless your creatures big and small. We all share our tears with you...Amen  Reverend Jay

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I know I've already commented but I wanted to add:  if Sterling-Gris makes a habit of it, you may consider talking to a vet about using Haloperidol to settle him down for a while.  I've mentioned it here before but I'll repeat it - our new bird, Huey has an abused past and when he gets stressed he will tear the scales off his feet and keep at it until they're bleeding and eventually would lead to putting him down.   It's a nuerotic behavior he gets into and once it starts the only way to stop him is dosing him with Haloperidol.  It settles him right down.   The vet put our Huey on 3 drops morning and night which he was on for I don't know how many years.  When we got him I was determined to get him off the meds.   He went 1.5 months and then one morning I went out to the aviary to get him and his feet were bloody.  He got cold and paniced and went after his feet.  So back to 3 drops and I'm slowly weaning him down to zero.   It's just a thought, I hate meds as much or more as the next guy but I've seen how it can stop a neurosis on the spot and helps the bird to settle and then off his meds.


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Thanks everyone.

As an update.  Sterling Gris, who is a scaredy cat now fears me.  I hope he gets over it, but he looks at me as if I am going to destroy him.  I have thought hard about what happened and how the inside of my home looked covered in smoke.  My fear was my birds were choking on smoke and I had to save them.  I do not regret what I did, my only thoughts were to get my birds into carriers and into fresh air and I did it.  They are all fine and if Sterling Gris can't forgive me at least he is alive.   Pissed off but alive.

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1 hour ago, Jayd said:

🙂Greetings Luvparrots, how are all of you and Sterling Gris coping?

Sterling Gris no longer trusts me; I hope he will get over it, but he is a very spooked grey; he  always has been so I'm sure it will take awhile for him to forgive me.  Ana Grey and Sophie are just fine.  They are mellow parrots and go with the flow.

 Thanks for asking Jayd.






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Oh my gosh!!!  I am so sorry ...I have a lot of personal trauma going on in my life and missed this...I am so very sorry this happened.  But thank God you did what you had to to save their lives.  How lucky you are to have rescued them..that is the only reason I keep carriers next to their cages with pillow cases for that very reason.

i have no doubt that in HIS grey time....he will come around.  That was some pretty severe trauma he went thru...I’m sure he is in shock still...remember..he doesn’t understand WHAT happened and WHY you did what you did...he has to come to terms with what in his mind..YOU did to him....and what happened..just the alarms going off are enough to set my birds into a panic...he had a lot more he went thru.....

You may have to start from square one again...sitting next to his cage...singing to him...talking softly....reading to him in a quiet voice...just loving him as you do...and giving him space....but on HIS terms.....not yours....and PATIENCE will be key here....

please keep us updated...his is our family too



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This was very scary to both you and your fids but each has their own personality so you have one that didn't fare well with the trauma going on. As has always been the case it will take lots of grey time for Sterling to come around but he will and hopefully before the plucking becomes a habit, hang in there Janet and please be more careful in the future.

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Really sorry to hear about this. Thank goodness everyone came out of it ok. A house fire is one of my worst nightmares so I can only imagine what you must have been through.

I hope Sterling Gris comes round in his own time. It was one heck of an ordeal so it's no surprise that it has rocked the boat and caused some distress. Hopefully he will get back to his old self eventually though.

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OMG, thank God your fids are okay! I'm so sorry to hear Sterling Gris plucked after this frightening experience. I, too, believe he'll come around in time. Greys take such a long time to get over things that caused them to become stressed.

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