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Going on Cruise for few days - What do do about my Greys?


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I have 3 African Grey Parrots 1 Timneh and 2 Congos. They all have their own cage. My wife and I always change their water and food once a day.

So, we are going on a cruise for a few days or planning to but can't find anyone right now to watch them. Has anyone ever had this happen? Anyone have any suggestions?

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First off where do you live? Second, we don't go on vacation now that we have the birds, or they go with us. I haven't found anyone I'd trust to leave them in the care of.



I'd think finding someone who could look after them properly is the way I'd go. I've been searching for years and never found anyone. I absolutely refuse to even consider a boarding place, I'd worry myself sick and completely ruin my vacation.

Edited by SterlingSL
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First off where do you live? Second, we don't go on vacation now that we have the birds, or they go with us. I haven't found anyone I'd trust to leave them in the care of.



I'd think finding someone who could look after them properly is the way I'd go. I've been searching for years and never found anyone. I absolutely refuse to even consider a boarding place, I'd worry myself sick and completely ruin my vacation.


Birmingham, Alabama. Yeah, we really haven't went anywhere since we have them. Yeah, definitely don't want to board them.

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Do you have any friends/family that could house sit and take care of feeding/watering duties? They might not be able to let them out of the cages whilst you're gone (especially if they're wary of birds) but at least the birds will be in a familiar environment.

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I go away for 4-5 days to visit my daughter. I leave my son in charge of covering, putting their

Lights on, uncovering, and giving them breakfast as well as a daily pre made measured snack for them. He can not let them out, but they survive..they aren't happy, but they get over it.


i would never ever leave them completely alone. Just in case they get hung up on a toy, or something happens...

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First off where do you live? Second, we don't go on vacation now that we have the birds, or they go with us. I haven't found anyone I'd trust to leave them in the care of.



I'd think finding someone who could look after them properly is the way I'd go. I've been searching for years and never found anyone. I absolutely refuse to even consider a boarding place, I'd worry myself sick and completely ruin my vacation.


I also wonder if I will ever travel. Finding someone who is loving towards greys and trustworthy is tough. I fear my boy will miss me dearly as well because no one brings the love like daddy...and in the 7 years I have had him....he knows i come home every day very reliably to let him fly about, follow me around and share in everything I do. What do you do indeed?

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We just hired our vet's assistance to live-in with our dogs and parrots when we went away over the 4th of July weekend. It was perfect. She wasn't afraid of the birds, everyone was in great spirits when we returned.


Yep I'd be willing to pay, just need to find a brave soul. I should go looking at the zoo, gotta be a bird lover there. I'd pay very well for a bird lover to watch over my baby.

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You live 10 minutes from my home. I'd be happy to help you out! Just let me know. :-)


Are you referring to helping me with my baby Isaac? :) :) That would be an incredible gift from beyond and of course I would pay well for it. I would be so much more comfortable with someone who really loves greys. Isaac needs love. I am not sure how soon I'll be going somewhere, but I am turning things down all the time. Would you be willing to come over and visit my baby sometime soon? Then we could talk about details?

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I'm in Escondido near Lake Hodges. You're maybe 8 minutes from my place. :-)

Let's chat whenever you're thinking of going away. I do work 12 hour days every weekend, but on weekdays I'm off. Have a vet assist lead as well who also does pet sitting. She used to work for our avian vet at Acacia VHA.

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I'm in Escondido near Lake Hodges. You're maybe 8 minutes from my place. :-)

Let's chat whenever you're thinking of going away. I do work 12 hour days every weekend, but on weekdays I'm off. Have a vet assist lead as well who also does pet sitting. She used to work for our avian vet at Acacia VHA.


Very sweet of you to offer to help me and my boy. I have been turning down opportunities to do things away from home since i got my baby. I think the best thing to do is to have you meet my little guy sooner rather than later just to see how he behaves with someone else who really likes birds. Isaac is a really sweet and gentle bird for the most part. Just gotta be careful when he has a toy he wants sometimes. HA! He's a love bird though. ;) I'll reach out to you through PM to set soemthing up. Thank you so much again.

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That is so nice that a few members live close to one another and can help each other when gone on vacation, its really important to have someone trustworthy to care for our precious fids. My hubby and I do not usually go on vacation together so when I am gone he takes care of my birds, of course one of them prefers him anyways so it works out well.

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