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Which one??


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Me, because of our situation where we have a dedicated bird room AND outdoor aviary, I'd go with the smaller one as my bird wouldn't be in it much other than to sleep and certain days we're not here. Easier to get out of the house to clean etc. However if you're bird is going to primarily be housed in it - go bigger and you'll just have to deal with the behemoth.

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The smaller cage is for smaller birds. The bar spacing is smaller than recommended for Greys. Comfortably sized perches won't fit. The bars will be wimpier & likely to sag or bend from Grey sized perches & toys. The cups that come with are likely to be too small as well.


I've been looking for a new cage for Phenix & I saw those. I'd have gotten the bigger one if it weren't for space issues. The landing doors are a nice "extra". Although are actually now on the "must have" list for me.


I did see it for that price w/free freight. So maybe keep looking if you've got the time.


Meanwhile, here's a real life pic. Always better than stock photos, I think.



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Thanks for the advice everybody :) Fortunately we have until the end of October so I have a decent bit of time to keep looking! There will be an exotic bird fair within a few hrs of us in September so I'm wanting to check there (I will thoroughly clean and sanitize if I find one) first. The space really isn't a problem for us, but as SterlingSL was talking about, our bird won't be housed much during the day. I was afraid the smaller one wouldn't be big enough after toys and all, yet at the same time afraid the bigger one would be way too big! I think the corner cages are awesome, but I may end up going with the traditional shaped cage. Oh decisions, decisions!!!

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I'm not sure how true this is but I read awhile back that darker cages can be depressing to birds. We just got our Timneh 2 days ago so I was shopping for cages not too long ago and only considered white cages. Poppy's is 32" wide and yes, they fill up quickly! I wish I had one at least 40" wide. The corner cages seem to present issues with trying to find proper sized perches. The twisty natural rope perches from Drs Foster & Smith are great, though, and help with that problem

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I'd go for the biggest your can afford and fit. Whilst you've said your bird will be out of the cage for most of the time, it's still useful to have a big cage for those times when the bird does have to be put away (e.g if relatives/friends come over that are wary of birds or if you need to leave the house for a while).

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I agree. We're gonna just go ahead and go with the biggest one, instead of starting out with a smaller one. I'm a SAHM so we're here most all the time, and when we're not my mom usually comes over to sit with our dogs, but I want to be able to put a variety of things in there for him to play with on the rare times he might be caged for a while. Looking at all the different cages gets a little overwhelming though..lol

I'd go for the biggest your can afford and fit. Whilst you've said your bird will be out of the cage for most of the time, it's still useful to have a big cage for those times when the bird does have to be put away (e.g if relatives/friends come over that are wary of birds or if you need to leave the house for a while).
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