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And yet another keyboard destroyed

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I bought this keyboard two weeks ago!


Yesterday, I was sewing (Echo and I share the sewing room!) and I heard click click click and turned around ... this is what I saw:





Yes, she is hiding under the table pulling off the keys ... here is the result of 10 seconds:



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HAHAHA ... I can just imagine how much that one costs!


She's pretty quick at finding out where I hide it!


She's destroyed two laptops (because I forgot to close the lid), and this is the fourth one she's destroyed ... in 5 years, so I'm not doing too bad!


I had a plastic cover that went over the last keyboard ... that lasted about a week!

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I didn't dare look at the price to be honest. We had to buy some vandal proof keyboards at the school I work at because we put some kiosk machines in corridors and the students kept ripping the keyboards apart. They haven't managed to break any of them yet... but they weren't cheap!


How about a wireless keyboard? That way when it's not in use you can stash it away in a cupboard or drawer.

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One of our cats has destroyed multiple keyboards scratching the keys off during a high speed chase. Birds appear to be innocent for now, too busy eating and sculpting the crown molding. My friend swears her Goffin uses the computer at night and orders treats and toys with her credit card, so check your bills.

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LOL Mine can't be bothered w/anything so demeaning. They just hi-jack (what's left of) my mind at will. I only know this because there have been so many times I very specifically swore I was doing online shopping that was not going to include anything but essentials. Then, low & behold, the shipment arrives with bird toys &/or treats. Their version of essential & ours are shall we say slightly different.

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You gotta admit... if WE were birds... thats the first thing I would destroy! LOL Now Sophie is fascinated with the tub ( the bird who hates water, and is forced to shower monthly). She is rethinking her sleeping arrangements, and has her eye on the tub. I nixed it, told her that was a " NO GO"... she was annoyed with me. Sophie is sixteen, and its time for her to settle, but she never does. Nancy

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When I get up from the desk I have to move the phone, the keyboard, the tv remote and the mouse all out of reach of Dorian or I come back to flying keys and phone and mouse on the floor. For some reason he really hates the sight of the phone and attacks it with vigour every time he gets his beak on it.

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Sounds like our house:


- Nothing breakable on the kitchen counter. GreycieMae loves to fly in there and check to see if her counters are clear. If not you will get a crashing sound faster than you can get in there to do your job.

- Laptop cover down. Rio will strip keys if he finds a laptop unattended.

- Hide the Tab4: I think little Toby likes to go shopping or something. He's learned to scroll the screen with his beak. Of course he can't figure out how to turn the blasted thing on.

- I have to wear shoes: Rio hates my toes and will guerrilla attack them if he see's them out in the open. However mama's toes get upchucks and Jardines cooing. Go figure.

- Cabinets above the fridge must be covered. Rio likes to strip paint off them.

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OMG ... so funny!


I did have one of the keyboards upside down and she pushed it off the desk onto the floor ... and it landed right side up! It's exasperating but hilarious at the same time!


I have another new one, it's wireless as well. I hide it in my fabric - she hasn't touched any of that YET!

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