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What stresses your bird out?

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After responding to a post about " how your bird responds to color", I realized, there is very little that stresses Sophie out. Many would say that is a good thing. Then I started to think, " maybe I am boring, and am not challenging her enough!" I found two things that stress her. A shower, which she hates, gets done once a month with me empathizing.( we are way past making it fun.Have done everything possible to get her to like it.) Second thing that stresses her, if I am injured, or sick. I can count three illnesses or surgeries since I have had her... she was a nut case. Nancy

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The washing basket. It's a white plastic basket we use to ferry clothes to/from the washing machine. Unless you announce that you're walking through the room with it Alfie starts hopping about and lunging towards it. No idea what he's got against it but he always gets funny about it!

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In Washington State you can use fireworks just like the "big" boys and so around this little country town of Washougal, a week before and about week after there are big loud fireworks going off. Very annoying from 8 pm to 2 am around here from July 1 to July 8. They always talk about making it law to ban so we will see this year what happens. I just play the radio where the birds are and darken the room so the gang will feel safe. After about 6 years of this my birds are more calm.

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The front door still stresses Peanut - sometimes. If I put his play gym in front of it he is OK on it, but if he is on my shoulder and I start toward the door he can't get off and back to his cage fast enough. I know this still stems from the day he flew off my shoulder out the door. He was gone 6 hours before my daughter heard him call and we got him back home.

Neoow, that is funny. I have never heard of anyone else 'announcing' their movements to their birds before - I thought I was the only one. But it is my Sun that has to know where I am going every time I get up and walk across the room - he would attack me if I didn't tell him! LOL

Nancy, have you tried warm water for his showers?? I know it has helped with Peanut. He doesn't love his shower, but he hates it less.

Edited by Brat Birds
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Neoow, that is funny. I have never heard of anyone else 'announcing' their movements to their birds before - I thought I was the only one. But it is my Sun that has to know where I am going every time I get up and walk across the room - he would attack me if I didn't tell him! LOL


Its the only thing I've had to do it with. He still gets irritated about us moving it through the room, but less so if we tell him what we're doing. So I just say something along the lines of "Alfie! I'm just going to walk past your cage with the washing basket so I can do some washing. It's nothing to worry about!"


He used to absolutely hate wrapping paper. No idea why. But no matter what colour, how much of it there was or what kind of paper it was he would get really angry and growl at it. Any other paper was fine- he just hated wrapping paper. He's not bothered by it any longer though. I made a point to wrap presents in the same room (but as far away from his cage as possible) and again, just explained what I was doing and why. He soon learned that it was nothing to worry about. Now I can wrap presents wherever I want and he's not fussed. I can even show him the paper now and he doesn't growl. I'm sure in a few years he'll be indifferent about the washing basket too. It's just taking him a while longer to come round to that one!

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Echo doesn't like tall black skinny lamps. I tried and tried and tired, and I ended up putting it upstairs.


The only other thing that freaked her out was the pet dyson vacuum cleaner. I brought it back and got one with a quieter motor, and she accepted that one no problem.


They are funny creatures for sure!

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They are all so very different, but the same in so many ways. Sophie LOVES the vacumn cleaner. I can't vacumn in peace without her flying to it.Even when I get out the shop vac with its powerful suction... she is excited! ( I've got a crazy bird!)

I've tried the warm water shower with Sophie. She has watched the other birds have their shower and be in heaven. No go! Every shower is " NO ROM! NO!!!!!" I'm killing her in her mind.I always remain calm and talk her thru it.I'm sure she only tolerates and doesn't punish me after, is because she trusts me, and " getting clean", must be a good thing. ( I always tell her she has to get clean!) Nancy

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Little by little we pare down the list of things that stress out Miss Gilbert. Powerful, sustained thunderstorms are still pretty much guaranteed to upset her if they come in the night. If I know we are expecting one, I leave a light on and sleep on the sofa so she can see me and that helps a lot.

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Kat, you're such a good mommy. What stresses Dorian out? He's is the 'not getting his own way' club. I guess long sticks like broom handles can startle him if they move unexpectantly. Other than that he's become a pretty much startle free birdy. Believe me, it was a long journey to get here.

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...... I have never heard of anyone else 'announcing' their movements to their birds before - I thought I was the only one. But it is my Sun that has to know where I am going every time I get up and walk across the room - he would attack me if I didn't tell him! LOL



I also tell Misty what I am about to do, If I am going out or just getting a cuppa tea or coffee and other things as well. He doesn't get upset if I don't but I think it is only polite! Yes I do believe in being polite to my Grey. It might even rub off on him one day ;). I do believe he does learn from these kinds of interactions.


Steve n Misty

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Mistyparrot....I think it is an excellent idea to tell your bird what you are going to do! Learning manners is a must, and I am all for it. Sophie at least says " NO THANK YOU." to her shower.

Kat... you are an excellent mommy, and protect your baby just the way I protect my girl Sophie, as Acapella said. It DOES get a little fuzzy, whom I gave birth to! LOL! The old " you love him more than me" arguement, gets my kids laughing very hard! They say I love Sophie more than both of them! LOL Not true... I love them all the same.I'm just glad the kids don't chew on wood, Nancy

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Timbersmom... Sophie loves that wrapping paper... it drives me crazy! She tends to try and open everyone's gift, since she loves it so much. No interest in the roll ( what the heck)? Sean was wrapping his dad's birthday gift with Christmas wrapping paper the other day. He asked me why I still have Christmas paper out? I just looked at you know who! Nancy

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New stressor for Sophie... I'm not sure if Ollie my dog is feeling okay. He is eating and drinking.... but later in the day. Not greeting me at the door like he always does. Sophie is calling him like crazy to come out and pee ( more than normal). All's she talks about is Ollie Ollie Ollie. I carried him down tonite to go outside when I got home and he was happy and playful outside. If she is stressed... I know something is wrong. I'm gonna wait until Friday, but I'm feeling concerned like Sophie is. Just not sure what could be wrong, as he was happy and playful when I let him out. First time he has never knocked Sophie over, to get and see me when I came home. Nancy

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